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I'm sorry if you found the previous two updates not upto the mark and disjointed at some places... I wasn't satisfied with them either though you all have been very generous with your comments

Actually I'm not in a proper frame of mind due to some personal issues... it's affecting my writing... I'll try to fix myself as soon as possible

Naina was up before the alarm could go off. She looked at Sameer. His arm was draped around her waist, another one folded over his head. Lying on his stomach, cheek pressed against the pillow, he looked incredibly handsome. His chiselled face was relaxed, dark shadow on the jaw quickening her pulse as always... his lips were slightly apart, making her long for a kiss... the silky locks of hair were messy, falling on his forehead, making her heart skip a beat at his boyish charm. She ran her fingers through them. He stirred in sleep. The slight movement made her eyes dart to his brawny, bare back. Picking up his hand carefully from her waist, she placed it on his side, then raised herself on one elbow, admiring her man.

The quilt covered lower half of his body leaving the broad shoulders and muscular back open to feast her eyes upon. It did look like he worked out but she hadn't seen him doing so. Not able to keep her hands away, she grazed her palm over the sinewy expanse... feeling a blazing heat run through her veins. The scratches on his back had not faded yet, or maybe, she kept giving new ones. A strong rush of colour spread on her face at her own thoughts. But she did not stop herself. Leaning, she placed a kiss on his shoulder. Then another, a little lower. The trail continued till she reached the edge of quilt. When she came back to the pillow, his eyes were open.

"Good morning sweetheart." He murmured as she stared at his face.

His sleep laden gruff voice made her already heated blood ready to explode through her veins. She placed one hand on his cheek, and inched closer to catch his lips.

He had been up since he felt her fingers on his scalp. This touch always filled him with a strange longing... today was no exception. When she started her exploration of his back, he was pleasantly surprised... and elated. But when she started to rain kisses, it took a lot of control to not drag her in his arms. Knowing her penchant for getting up on time, he held on to the last shreds of control... till she slipped in for a kiss.

In one swift motion, he spun to his side, taking her in his arms, and turned on his back. She now laid on top of him, their lips locked in a kiss that definitely was not a simple good morning peck. He pressed the back of her head, his tongue raiding her mouth with fervent desire throbbing through him. She kissed back with the same passion, her nerves strung tight.

The alarm started to ring, making them jerk to look at it together. Sameer sighed, expecting her to move away. To his amazement, she extended her hand to swat it once, and turned back to place her lips on him, continuing as if there was no interruption. He tightened his arms, rolling over to bring her under him, without breaking the kiss. His hand moved from her back, sliding under her top.

The feel of his fingers on her skin made her come to her senses. She had just pulled down the top last night, without bothering to wear anything under it.

"Sameer." She squirmed, speaking against his lips.

He lifted his head.

"Woh." She indicated at the quilt with her eyes.

He shook his head, frowning.

"Please." Her voice was shaky.

Unwillingly, he pulled up the quilt, covering them completely with it before going back to what he was doing.

The intensity of her desire took him by surprise. She was different, more bold, more fierce. She had shown her passion earlier too but not with such ardour. She was a temptress today.

Kabhi toh Nazar Milao Part 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें