Umar quaid

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Sameer looked into Naina's eyes... there was no fear, no hesitation, no apprehension...

Before he could make a move, she placed a kiss over his heart... looked up at him... and started a trail of small kisses from his chest, over the t-shirt, to the column of his throat, slowly going to his jaw... her lips brushed against the light bristly growth on his chin. As she dropped soft kisses around the corners of his lips, his hands held her waist tight, pulling her closer in one jerk.

"Kya kar rahi ho, Naina?" His restrained voice was gruff.

"Mauke ka faayda utha rahi hun." She looked up at him.

He could see the darkened eyes... the glint of passion in them creating a storm in him.

"Aaj jab main tumhara role kar hi rahi hun toh achhe se karna chahiye na." Another glint of mischief shone in them as she clasped her hands behind his neck.

Sameer felt his breath knocked out at her open declaration... he gaped in surprise as she pulled his head down, touching his lower lip with her tongue, teasing him by drawing back... going to peck his cheek, reaching behind his ear to place soft kisses on the sensitive skin, blowing in the ear...

He could take it no more... she was testing his patience and he couldn't keep himself away from her any longer.

He pulled her hands off from his neck, holding them together above her head, crossed at the wrists, leaning to take the lips that had been tormenting him for so long.

She accepted him, kissing him back with the same fervour, feeling no discomfort at being pressed into the wall by his hard, strong body.

Her warmth and feminine fragrance drove him crazy, her response made his heart thunder wildly in his ears, her expression of desire heated the blood in his veins...

He lifted his head to look at her after a while.. standing with closed eyes, her lips swollen and parted, panting, her head resting on her arm which he held above her... he brought her hands down to the side. Her eyes opened slowly.

She looked absolutely divine dressed in all black... her face shining in sharp contrast. He traced a finger from her forehead to the cheek, sliding down to her neckline. Each cell in her body tingled with the feather  touch of his finger. His hand skimmed over the shoulder going down her sleeve, touching the skin of her arm after the sleeve ended little above the elbow. He went upto her hand, lifting it to bring it to his mouth. She swallowed as he kissed the fingertips, one by one. He turned her hand, kissing the inner wrist slowly, moving up to the elbow till her sleeve. She shivered at the feel of his lips skimming arm, then the other. She was still reeling from the effect of his kisses when he kneeled on one leg, holding her from the side of her hips.

Her breath hitched as she felt his face pressed in her belly. A loud gasp was next... his hands on her side slid up, taking the t-shirt along, till her bare belly was right at his eye level. He leaned to kiss on the flat, smooth skin... and she erupted in goosebumps. He did not lift his mouth, dropping small kisses on the soft skin, keeping the t-shirt bunched up a little above her navel.

Her hands clutched his shoulders, mind buzzing with a thundering sensation.

His lips trailed around the waist, nibbling gently, going back to the belly.

Her fingers dug hard in his shoulders as he tilted his head and pressed the tip of his nose in her navel. A shock wave passed through her body... she wanted to push him away... and she wanted to press his head more into her belly... to ease the coiled ache that gripped her so strong that she felt she would collapse.

He felt her trembling. Letting the t-shirt fall back, he got up, pulling her close, burying his face in her neck... giving her support... drawing strength to control himself.

Kabhi toh Nazar Milao Part 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें