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The drive from the city to the foothills was as beautiful as the flight. When they started to ascend, the view began to change. Concrete buildings gave way to low hills. Land was marked with more trees. As the road started to lose width, the vegetation around got thicker... and the number of visible people lessened.

Sameer sat with one arm looped around Naina, not leaving her hand throughout the journey. Her glowing face enchanted him... the simple things that made her happy were something he had not even bothered to notice before he met her.

Nainital was also a hill station... but he did not remember a single road journey that made him admire the view outside his cab. He had no idea how the valleys looked from high up... or where the road was too narrow to make passengers hold their seats tighter when another vehicle approached from front... when the trees changed from thick, heavy ones to tall, pointed ones... when the wind changed from warm to cool to chilly...

She had taught him to love the things around them... find pleasure in doing normal activities... enjoy the mundane... value the regular...

She had taught him to live life...

And now they would always be together... to make every day a celebration, to make every prosaic poetic, to make every ordinary special.

He looked at her... eyes filling up with love as she rested her head on his shoulder, looking out with excited shine in her eyes.

"I Love You." He kissed the top of her head.

She tilted her head slightly to see him... and gave a calm smile, snuggling closer to him.

Within minutes she drifted off to sleep, the cosy haven of his arms giving her comfort and warmth.

Sameer lifted her hand to plant a kiss on it, tightening his hold around her... and closed his eyes, the smile still on his lips.

A sudden brake by the driver woke them up after what seemed like two minutes... but a look outside made them realise they were about to reach... they had been sleeping for more than an hour.

The view was breathtaking. Tall pine and eucalyptus trees stood like soldiers in attention. Dark hills were visible all around, giving the place a mysterious aura. Naina could see the blue shade rendering a deep look to the hills, earning the name of Nilgiri Hills.

The valley on one side of the road and thick forest on the other side reminded her of the drive to Lonavala... only, this was much more dense.

The cool air from the window made her shiver. Sameer wrapped his other arm around her too.

"Yahan toh Lonavala se bhi thanda hai." She observed.

"Yeh Lonavala se bohot zyada unchai pe hai, isliye." Sameer explained.

After a few more turns on the curvy roads, suddenly they could see the signs of town. Small houses and shops started to appear, which soon turned into clusters of houses.

The driver took them to the hotel Sameer had told him. It was a single story building, but spread over a vast area. Garden was filled with flowers of all colours. White benches were placed every few metres... some were occupied by the hotel guests.

A helper carried their luggage inside the hotel. At the reception, Sameer made Naina sit while he completed the formalities.

He waved at her once he had the keys. She stood up and took a step towards him... and stumbled on the edge of carpet that was loose.

"Sambhal ke, ma'am." She was saved from a fall...

Sameer was by her side next moment, holding her, "Naina, theek ho na? Lagi toh nahi?"

Kabhi toh Nazar Milao Part 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें