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Naina opened the small bag, taking out a wrapped packet with trembling fingers. She remembered the day when she had bought it on an impulse. While Sonali was busy checking out other nighties in the shop... which she later came to know was for her only... she had seen this at the counter. And added it to her shopping. Later, her hands turned cold when she saw it again, thinking that she could never get courage to wear such a thing. In fact, that was the reason she had packed it along with the nighty Sonali had gifted her... obscured under her other clothes in the suitcase. But it had reached here, by mistake, in that packet. Thankfully, she had not mentioned it to Sameer when she talked about the nighty under the influence of alcohol.

Things had however changed now... what Sameer said gave her the impression that he needed to know how much she longed for their closeness. He was taking her willingness to be her consent, not her need... her own desire. She had to tell him... he brought out the same feelings, the same yearning in her... her nerves coiled for him each time he touched her... her heart jumped each time his breath fell on her... the knot in her stomach made its presence felt again, each time his musky scent invaded her senses.

She craved for him... but probably, her timid and shy responses had not conveyed her longing to him.

Now was the time.

With a deep breath, she started to change... her fingers numb as she touched the fabric of new pieces.

When she pulled out the other thing from the bag, a confident smile spread on her face. This, he would know... he had seen it before... but today, it would not be the same.

Brushing her hair till they fell in soft waves around her shoulders, she picked up the only makeup she had planned to add to the outfit.

Stepping back, she looked at herself in the small mirror placed over the cabinet. She couldn't see the complete reflection, just the upper half. But she was satisfied... and ready...

A sound outside made her turn towards the entrance. In spite of the cold, she felt her palms go damp... her heart thudded hard against her chest, threatening to jump out as the outside light entered the tent through the opening which Sameer had created.

He took a step in... and froze... his heart in his mouth...

He was sure the deafening pounding in his ears could be heard even outside... the sight in front of him made his entire body tingle with strange sensations, up to his fingertips. His hands itched to touch her, to make sure she was real... and not some dream. He blinked hard a couple of times, expecting the image to vanish when he opened his eyes again... but she was there each time, looking back at him with her big, brown eyes...

Was this his Naina... he stood with open mouth, looking at the bold version of the girl who was with him till a few minutes back. The only resemblance was the way she clutched the shirt at sides...

The shirt... the white shirt... his white shirt... that she was wearing... with sleeves folded till elbows... the hem reaching up to mid thighs... her legs bare.

Soft hair framed her face... the face was glowing in the light of outside lamp... her kohl darkened eyes mystical... no sign of any makeup... not that she needed any...

He took a slow step ahead. She raised one hand, stopping him. He halted, perplexed.

She took a few steps towards him. His wildly hammering heart was ready to break open his chest.

"Meri ek shart hai." Her low, husky voice added to his desperation.

"Tum... tum mujhe choo nahi sakte..." She was almost inaudible.

Kabhi toh Nazar Milao Part 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें