X will live on through his music

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Somebody said when the bad vibes forever album drops, it's the end of his career, no no no.. It's not, his music will forever live on, there might be more unreleased songs anyway who knows, when lil peeps album dropped yesterday somebody said "tHoUgHt hE wAs dEaD bUt hEs sTiLl dRopPiNg sTuFf" or something and somebody said "bc that was their job, I guarantee you there's more unreleased stuff"

Maybe it's the same with X, if not, if there is no more songs after this, that doesn't mean it's over, his music will forever live on, just press play <3 look at all these people that have been dead for like 40 maybe more years and their music is still being played on the radio, people are still dressing up as them, they're known, people are still crying over them bc they're gone and how much they have helped them etc etc

X made a big ass impact on many kids and adults, so it will be the same with X, he is alive in our hearts and minds, his music will forever live on <3


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