nothing but truth

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"if you feel if as your physical identity has to the same as everyone elses just to be socially accepted you're stupid, be yourself" <3 this is so true!

I wish I had found out about him way before he passed.. he would of helped me a lot in the past as well as he does now like with cutting out a lot of toxic people I didn't want to stop talking to, a lot of fake ass friends, how I think, I cut a lot of fake ass fremds off bc I deserve better, at least I think I do.. I mean I am trying to become better so yeah I do deserve better and I remember I used to be so different with my hair colours how I dressed but since I started listening to X, he helped me find myself I guess you'd say :) I now dress how I want and I fr don't care at all thanks to him and Tekashi, X is such an inspiration and I love everything he has done for the kids and for us <3 he will continue to help us through shit and help us become better and find ourselves, energy never dies <3 I love you X

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