somebody just said this on fb
"We may never know how to grasp the weight and reality of his absence. But, we DO know how to celebrate and cherish the memories of his presence.
Let's do his DEATH justice by bringing his LIFE justice. Let's bring his LIFE justice in sharing and giving the lessons that he taught us to others, by joining with others and holding the hands of those who are hurting just as we do, and healing each other with our grief and celebration of what we've been blessed with as we help mend the broken pieces. In giving his death justice, you have to give his death a REASON.
Let that reason be, that you manifest the hurt of it you endure towards the HEATHY and EVOLVING way of healing, by doing as Jahseh did and wanted us to do as the same, and bring the world together. Bring the world together for us to HEAL together! 🖤
Jahseh would've wanted nothing more, and nothing more would ever do his life AND death justice or repay him for all he's done for us, but doing as he did, and leading your steps by his footprints. He would've wanted nothing less than us giving the best of ourselves to the world, and bringing us all together and closer with the legacy he carried on.
TOGETHER, let's instead focus on evolving in the right direction, with his guidance, and filling the space of absence, NOT with our understanding and comprehension of it, but rather with the weight of all that we do and heal in his memory, in his name. Let's not continue our direction focusing on his absence, because it will only backtrack us.
We have to lead for him now that he can't lead for himself, by walking in his footprints, the ones he left behind, and evolving where he knew was best for humanity and wanted the world to evolve toward.
Let's focus on moving forward, cherishing, and leading by all he did in his presence. 🕊
That would be his justice. ✨"
yes! true words! <3 lets make him proud and come together as one and help each other, the homeless, anybody that needs help! even if it's just checking in on friends, listening and being there for people, even if some turn out to be fake or some shit, at least YOU were there for them, trying to help them so dw, it just means YOU are the better, nicer, realist person, lets at least try to make this world better <3 #LLJ
guardian angel
FanficX aka Jahseh is watching over us always, he's our guardian angel/lil demon now. i'm writing this because it's like a special story for his birthday <3 may be upsetting