X aka Jahseh is watching over us always, he's our guardian angel/lil demon now. i'm writing this because it's like a special story for his birthday <3
may be upsetting
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I wish I could talk to him :'( <\3 he helped me open up about it all and tell my story, he made me realize it wasn't my fault, it didn't take two people to do it, I wanted to say no but the words couldn't seem to leave my mouth, I was young and dumb thinking "oh well everybody does this, it's normal" but it wasn't normal at all, I've always thought of revenge on him, I've messaged his friends that called me the slut (they were all so much older than me I was only 12, they were calling a 12 year old a slut) telling them what he was like, his gf but nobody believed me :/ but X did come to me in a dream, when I kept thinking of revenge on him, he said revenge isn't the answer and it's stuck with me ever since
He is a voice for the broken, for rape victims, those who were molested..
He did stuff like speeches and donations for people who were in abusive relationships, people who were abused sexually, he helps so many people, kids and adults
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What was his story? Did he get a chance to tell it? :'( I really hope it's not what I'm thinking but if you put it all together.. Maybe he did tell his story but in a hidden message..
On the secret recording, X spoke on his childhood, rape etc
"everytime you go to sleep and you remember what you see and you remember how it felt and you remember that horrible feeling in your soul nobody could confort you" <\3 talking about seeing people get their tongue cut out, seeing a guy beat his mum, seeing somebody get raped but then said he remembers how it felt
On his songs, freestyles.. It's about sick men, how many men are evil
alone part 1 he says about many men without a soul he also says in the fall "I've seen the devil ive seen many men"
Then on alone part 2 he says "rape victim slay victim take victim" & how he wants to murder the rapist! "I observe the father walk into an alley probably go in just to take a piss slowly surely I will take position without hesitation I will grab his wrists chop him, buck him, fuck him, I will stab him scrat him drag his body all across the map" it's all about rape and how some men are just evil sickos! When you're hurt or raped etc it's gonna make you want to kill them! then on the song skins he says "there she was with the blade in her hand scars on her skin replace kiss of the man" that person felt so dirty from what the guy did it made that person cut! and "Stomp out that fucker, his death will be slow you made me do this, just as far as you know If you don't exist, then my pain can be rid" it makes you wanna kill that rapist etc slowly, it makes you crazy, it gives you PTSD but if they didn't exist & if you never meet them.. the pain inside would be rid.. all we want is the pain to be rid
Then on that freestyle he did on XXL "follow him home cut the right corner so nobody sees you turn off your phone leave it at home so nobody can trace you mark your expressions appear to be calm they won't read your intentions"
then on the song train food he also says "his frequency distorted quick I seen it in his image"
And "I remember I had walked home that day content with all my misery told myself itd get better no clue what there was next for me, I remember there was people walking talking in the distance, so I took a different path in the distance he awaited me had no weapon I'm guessing his hands were just enough for me, was no questions I'm guessing he laughed just at the sight of me and there he was his presence was alarming as he approached, was casual we talk about self harming, he told me kid you shouldn't be walking on your own he smiled and laughed and pat my back he asked 'how far are you from home' I said maybe 30 minutes (on the XXL freestyle he also says "Death is approaching you 30 seconds to think before lying in blood, see" death is approaching him aka the rapist, he thought he was gonna die right there, how he beat him up and left him laying on the train track in blood! he was praying to god and screaming and screaming whlist the rapist aka death was laughing..) He sings about men being evil and them following him even on that freestyle on XXL! & how he seen the sickos expressions change and how they should have masked it & appeared calm so he couldn't read their intentions & how he should have ran right there!
He was a deep thinking soul, he did deep messages in his songs and videos