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ᴬʳⁱˢᵉ, ᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵗⁱⁿᵍ, ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵍˡⁱᵗᵗᵉʳ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵍᵒˡᵈ
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──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

A groan came from (Y/N) as someone pounded on her door. It was Monday, for heaven's sake. What monster bangs one someone's door on a Monday morning?

Crawling from under the covers, it revealed her bare thighs that weren't covered by her grey shorts.

Standing up and glancing in the mirror for a quick second, she noticed the scars the litter her body. Some came from bad car accidents, others from fights and self-inflicted.

Ignoring them at the moment, she trotted down the stairs to the front door where whoever has banged on her door finally began to knock softer.

A black cat emerged from the couch and made its way over to its owner. A spiked collar on its neck and bright green eyes stalked over, causing her to bend down and rub in between her feline's ears.

Swinging the door opened, she sighed as she closed her eyes. ''Listen here, asshole. If you think you can show up here and- WOAH!'' the woman squealed, cutting herself off as she was lifted off the ground.

''Sam Wilson? What the fuck?!'' she exclaimed, yelling slightly. The dark-skinned man chuckled lightly as he laid her back on the ground.

Fixing her hair that was tangled slightly, she gazed beyond Sam's shoulder, eyes widening at the sight.

''What the fuck is Steve Rogers and the fucking Black Widow doing here, Wilson?" she hissed towards the man in front of her and sending him a glare.

Sam smiled sheepishly, showing his adorable tooth gap. The large blonde supersoldier behind him stepped forward. ''I'm sorry, ma'am. We need a placing to lie low,'' the golden boy said.

(Y/N) eyes gazed over to the redhead as she began speaking. ''Everyone we know is trying to kill us.'' With that, (Y/N)'s eyes went back over to Sam.

After a moment of silence, she moved back, inviting the three of them in. ''Quickly. My neighbors are very nosey,'' she told them.

After they got in, she quickly closed her door and shut the blinds, making sure no one saw the three of them enter. (Y/N) didn't have people come over to her house often, so of course, the Smith's across the street from her would notice.

''Bathrooms are down the hall, take two lefts. There's a spare bedroom upstairs if you need it,'' she told Steve and Natasha who both and seemed like they needed it.

As soon as the two of them were out of the room, (Y/N) glared as hard as she could at Sam. ''What the fuck, man?! You can't just throw me into shit like this!'' she exclaimed.

Sam raised his hands in defense. ''I know, I know, sweetcheeks. But trust me on this, please. You know me,'' he said, giving her that 'look' that could make her or anybody else do anything.

Not anything, you nasties.

She tried to protest against it, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. Instead, she sighed, running a hand over her face.

''Whatever... damn you, Sammy. Help me with the food,'' she said walking over to the kitchen with the man behind her.


Sam came back down with both wanted Avengers following behind him which only seemed to peak (Y/N)'s anxiety above the limit.

''English breakfast. Nothing special, but I guess it's enough to get the job done,'' she said, shrugging while she placed the food down on the table in front of them.

Steve looked at her kindly. ''It's enough for us, seeing what we've gone through. Thank you,'' he told her, getting a small, but respectful and heartfelt nod to come from Natasha.

After the two of them began eating their food, finish quickly as well, (Y/N) grabbed their plates to begin cleaning them, despite Steve's protest.

Damn precious American soul. Your mama raised you too well.

''So the question is, who in SHIELD could launch a domestic missile strike?" Natasha asked, leaning on the table.

(Y/N) stood near the stove next to Sam who was putting butter on his piece of toast and listening to the conversation just as intently as he was.

''Pierce,'' Steve said. The named struck some familiarity between her but decided not to comment on it.

The conversation continued, Sam entering as well. He placed a folder on the table, grabbing the attention of (Y/N) as well who gazed over his shoulder due to her height.

''Dude, Captain America needs my help. That's no better reason to get back in,'' Sam protested. (Y/N) skipped through the files, recognized Sam next to another soldier next to him. Riley wasn't it?

After a few more words exchanged between the three, Natasha looked over to (Y/N) who wasn't paying the most attention towards the conversation anymore.

''Sam said you could help. What exactly can you do?" she asked, now dragging the attention of Steve on her. Sam didn't pay much attention already knowing what the woman did. She shrugged her shoulders once again, but now a smile rested on her face.


⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ────

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