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ᴵ ʷᵒⁿ'ᵗ ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ˢᵉˡˡ ᵐʸ ˢᵒᵘˡ, ᵃⁿᵈ ᴵ ᶜᵃⁿ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ᵗʰᵃᵗᴬⁿᵈ ᴵ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ʷᵃⁿⁿᵃ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ʷʰᵉʳᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃᵗ, ᵃᵗ

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ᴵ ʷᵒⁿ'ᵗ ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ˢᵉˡˡ ᵐʸ ˢᵒᵘˡ, ᵃⁿᵈ ᴵ ᶜᵃⁿ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ᵗʰᵃᵗ
ᴬⁿᵈ ᴵ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ʷᵃⁿⁿᵃ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ʷʰᵉʳᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃᵗ, ᵃᵗ

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

It felt like there were needles lightly pricking at (Y/N) from all over her arms, making her shoot up from the ''bed'' she was situated on.

She regretted that as she groaned lowly, holding her head as light shined in through a window. Where the hell was she?

She couldn't really remember much. All that she could was her dream, but before that? She was brought to a cell by a few agents, Alec and Nico were there, along with Christopher. Were those... sirens that had gone off? 

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow as she looked down at her arms. It was like in the very distinct dream she had. There were any scratches or indications of scars on them, making her curse under her breath at how accurate it was.

''What the literal hell is going on in my life?" she mumbled under her breath, though she did acknowledge that a larger shirt was thrown over her and she only felt that she had her bra on underneath. The shirt she wore earlier must've been discarded elsewhere.

Her fingers felt her hair, slightly damp (H/C) locks. Gods, she hoped that someone hadn't bathed her while she was unconscious. 

Just as she was about to jump off of the bed (which if she was being honest, was more of just sheets on a somewhat comfortable surface), she heard footsteps, making her shuffle back. Of course, she didn't have any physical weapon, but she had her voice which would have to do.

A sigh of relief left here when she saw the familiar glint of metal. Though, it shined differently and brighter when the sun hit against it as James made his way into whatever room she was in.

''Hey,'' he greeted, a little hesitant to approach her, slowly inching towards her. She noticed how he pulled down the sleeves on his maroon shirt to hide the metal limo.

(Y/N) sent a nod his way, muscles relaxing as she moved over to the edge of the bed. ''Hey James,'' she said back to him. At the sight of her partner's face, she spread her arms apartment, the supersoldier immediately accept the hug she offered.

''Y'know, I would ask if you were okay, but it's clear that question doesn't need an answer, does it?" she said, only smiling slightly when James shook with a bit of laughter.

''No, it doesn't,'' he said lowly, moving apart from her a bit. ''I'm... surviving, I guess. Don't know if I'm fortunate for that or not,'' he told her, cue a frown appearing on her face.

''Of course, you are. There's no way I'm going to let die on me, boomer,'' she said, ruffling his hair after a confused look appeared ran over his face.

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑, avengers [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now