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⊱ ──── 《∘◦●◦∘》 ──── ⊰

Remember when (Y/N) said that she wouldn't let the enemy get close to her? Yeah, I did too, but she was pretty sure that the universe had something against her for something for saying something like that. 

(Y/N) found herself counting down the hours till Winter would come back and feed her. Despite her wishes against her consciousness, she slowly became more comfortable with being hand-fed by her kidnapper. 

And then she couldn't help but thank him (mentally of course) when he began feeding Nico when he noticed the feline not getting fed regularly. It was soon a worry of hers that melted away. 

Today was different, though. (Y/N) would usually wake up to a warm room with a slight breeze from an open window she guessed. However, today, it was freezing. 

As she sighed, she could see her breath hover in front of her before it disappeared. If murder didn't kill her, she was freezing to death was going to do the trick and be a solution to her problems at the moment. 

Another thought ran through her head. Would the soldier even notice? He was built like a machine, so maybe he could survive like one. It didn't surprise her at all, anyway. Gunshots and stab wounds only got a grunt out of him, not seeming to faze him. If they did faze him, they didn't do their job too long to make any progress.

(Y/N) glanced down at Nico who slept near her right calf soundly. The cold weather didn't seem to bother the small animal one bit. The pink pads at the bottom of each paw Nico had turned blue. Did that always happen? she thought. 

Then, (Y/N) paid more attention to the spruce door when it opened with a squeak, showing the soldier who stood there with no emotion. Unlike the other days when he rushed over to her, today he hesitated in the doorway. 

He didn't have a plate of food for Nico or her like he usually did days before. No, today he held a gun in his flesh hand. It was a clear sign that he had been pissed off to some degree whether it was by her or something else. 

The usually silent yet heavy at the same time footsteps across the wooden floor was replaced with more harsher, louder footsteps. With each step, (Y/N) could hear the ticking of seconds of her last moments yelling in her ears.

But can you say didn't expect this, girl? He had to throw you away at some point. 

A lump began to form in the base of her throat as the soldier towered over her. Once again, those stone-cold ocean blue eyes stared at her with much more intensity than before. They were basically oozing with a want of dominance and obedience to come from (Y/N). 

When he raised his metal hand, (Y/N) flinched back instinctively, thinking that would be the exact moment she would die. What surprised her was when she spotted the silver keys in his hands. 

Her eyebrows were furrowed, but she focused her eyes on the wall in front of her. She didn't want to stare make into the Russian-made man's dead eyes. 

Both of them were silent as Winter worked on the chains. A relieved gasp left (Y/N)'s mouth when she heard the metal deterrents fall to the ground with a large thud. Immediately, her hands went to rub against her bruised and aching wrist. 

A grunt left both (Y/N) and Winter as he pulled her up from the bed by her arm, alerting and waking a sleeping Nico in the process. 

Soon, she felt the handgun pressed against the small of her back. The familiar lump had placed itself back in her throat. 

''If you trying anything, I'll make sure you can never walk again,'' the soldier threatened, but they both knew that it was an honest-to-God promise if she disobeyed. 

(Y/N) nodded. ''You got it, soldier,'' she responded, but it was some sort of reassurance to herself when she said it out loud. A hum came from the back of his throat as he took ahold of her shoulder and guided her out of the room. 

To be honest, she thought that they would be in one of those run-down hotel rooms where rats chewed down on the food in a dark corner of the room. It surprised her when she saw a nice hotel room with a clean, furnished and plain decorated aesthetically pleasing room. 

From the brief moment when she passed through the many rooms (it had to be a suite, but how did he afford that?) she spotted guns, sharpened knives, and grenades littered across some walls. 

To summarize it all, if she tried anything, she was done for. 

If she could do it anymore, it was look back on her thoughts and the new ones popping up. Where was he taking her? What could he possibly want from her? There weren't leaving. He would've packed up all of his things if they were doing that. She would never really know until they reached their destination. 

That was until he stepped in front of her and opened the door. Her face was hit with fresh, warm steam that made her sigh from the difference in temperatures. Her eyes were laid on the filled bathtub. 

It had been days since she'd last bathed and the smell was getting to her. Maybe be was getting tired of it too or finally came to the understanding of the human body and their needs?


The voice had cut through her inner monologue like butter, but it was when the word he said finally registered was when her face drained color and stared at him with disbelief. 

''E-excuse me?'' she stuttered. Did he really think she would giving herself away like that? Self-restraint or not, hell no. 

''Strip, or do you prefer to wash with your clothes still on?" he snapped back at her, proving his point. 

(Y/N) huffed. ''Turn around, you ass,'' she told him. He stared back at her for a second, something familiar flashing through his eyes like a candle that was just put out before he followed her order. 

Thank you, (Y/N) told him even though he couldn't hear it as she removed the garments she was forced to wear on her way to this beautiful, but to her a prison, hotel room.  

She knew from the moment her body was submerged into the water was when he had turned around to stare her down, but she didn't really care at this point. She closed her eyes and recollected the few of her sane thoughts and in the warm water. However, she couldn't help but open an eye when she heard the door open.

''15 minutes,'' he said before leaving, closing the door behind him.

⊱ ──── 《∘◦●◦∘》 ──── ⊰

⊱ ──── 《∘◦●◦∘》 ──── ⊰𝙰𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚗𝙸𝚜𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔𝙽𝚘𝚘𝚋𝚜©️

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