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ᴸⁱᶠᵉ ⁱˢⁿ'ᵗ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ʷʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵏ ⁱᵗ'ᵈ ᵇᵉ
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⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙


Thor stood up from where he was seated, grabbing the black feline that pranced around the house by their spike collar, getting and ignoring their mewls of protest. 

 Nico stared up at the thunder god, glaring up at him when he sat him down on the wooden floor near the door.

Meow! the cat yelling, going forward and retracting his claws to scratch Thor across the cheek. Thor squatted down at that moment, swatting the paw away at the cat's movement. 

''I know it's you, brother,'' Thor said, a frown on his face. It had been a while since he had since seen his brother. Alive, at least. The last time he had seen him alive was on Svartalfheim with the Dark Elves. 

The cat's eyes widened and their pupils dilated before they went back to normal, staring right into the god's blue eyes, acting as if he didn't actually understand anything they just said. Meow? Nico said with a head tilt. 

Thor sighed. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe it was just another stuck up cat that seemed to share a similar attitude with his exasperating, dramatic brother. 

A paw swatted at the god's knee, hitting and leaving a mark there. Thor, however, didn't wince. He had grown used to small pains in his legs having to deal with a shape-shifting brother who liked to turn into snakes and stab him.

Suddenly, both of their heads turned to the side facing the stairs as footsteps descended down them. (Y/N) walked down the stairs. When she turned to face them, the fake smile that was plastered on her face was transparent to them. 

Nico gave low hiss as he saw (Y/N) share a hug with Natasha, a wave of protectiveness washing over him. Thor noted the gesture. 

Thor hadn't known the woman who welcomed him into her home for long, but he respected her. Especially the fact that she was educated on some of the Norse gods and some of their stories that had reached Midgard. 

''Brother, I know you do not like me or choose to return to Asgard, but if you're going to stay here, do me a favor, hmm?'' 

Nico tilted his head, his silent way of asking what the favor was. 

''Protect her, will you?"


The car's motor hummed soothingly as the wheels scratched effortlessly against the gravel road. Ever now and then, the wheels would shriek at some of the maneuvers and turns. 

Loki crept up from the tan three-seater backseat, green eyes glinting brightly even in the darkness of the light. 

In a completely silent manner, using his hind leg, he pushed up until his front paws were on the armrest that separated (Y/N) and her kidnapper. 

He was ridiculously silent. As if he was quiet just so that if (Y/N) would wake up, he could know before she even realized who he was and where she was headed. 

The sun was just starting to touch the horizon, the black sky turning yellow and orange at the line as a groan escaped from (Y/N)'s mouth, a cling from the metal handcuffs she was in chiming.

A murmur of incoherent words left her mouth as her eyes began to open. As soon as they did, she recognized her Impala's tan dashboard and her reflective black hood cover she could see through the window. 

Recognizing that she was in her car and that she wasn't the driving it, her eyes went tp the next best thing: the person in the driver's seat. About to yell a spur of curses to her kidnapper, she stopped herself once she saw his face. 

It wasn't human. Well, not the person next to her, but their expression. There was no emotion is his face as he drove. It was clear, yet looked angry at the same time, even in the rising of dawn where she could only see the good gleams on sunlight. 

As he looked forward at the road, the light reflected onto his striking ocean blue eyes. If he looked in her direction, (Y/N) swore his glare could kill, but she had only seen them a few times. Her eyes flashed back to fall of SHIELD. 

Dead, confused, hurt, angry. 

The soldier huffed out. It wasn't like an angry huff, more like an annoyed huff at her obvious staring. (Y/N) didn't know that, flinching back into her seat. Although she couldn't see it, she could tell that his metal hand was on a weapon that would hurt or end her life if she tried anything. 

No, fuck that. He could just use his hand to kill me. 

At the gesture he had given her, she looked around her car without trying to draw attention to herself. At least he had taken her baby. If she was left anywhere, she would make the soldier turn around in whatever mutt they were in to go get her back. 

The metal cuffs around her wrist finally came to her awareness as she looked down at her hands. There was no way she would open the door and jump out seeing how fast they were going down the road. How had she not woken up before? She'd break a limb or two. Maybe even if she did get out, he would probably put a bullet through her skull without hesitation. Maybe she could try...

Almost as if he could read her mind, the soldier's flesh hand let go of the wheel, driving with his metal hand. A knife was in his hand and pressed against her thigh warning. ''Don't try anything,'' he grunted, eyes still locked onto the road but (Y/N) felt as if they were staring into her soul. 

The knife was removed as she nodded, then bringing her legs up to her chest. Her consciousness was quiet (which was new) and hadn't come up with a threat yet, even though the soldier gave off a dark aura. 

(Y/N) could tell that wherever the agents had given her hours, days, who knows how long ago, disabled her powers, making her basically human and useless if she got into a fight with the soldier. There was no way she had trained as hard as Natasha for that. 

Drowsiness that was still awake in her system overrode her fear and anxiety as she watched the trees pass by them, coaxing her eyes to close and listen to the roar of the Impala lure her to sleep. 

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙𝙰𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚗𝙸𝚜𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔𝙽𝚘𝚘𝚋𝚜©️

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