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⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

This time when (Y/N) woke up, she was on the bed, her hands were raised over her head unwillingly.

Even with her eyes open, she couldn't see anything in front of her, almost as if all the lights in the world had been shut off around her. 

Getting off of her back somewhat, she tugged against her restraints, the metal sound of handcuffs hitting against what she thought was wood or hard plastic echoing throughout the room. 

''You're fucking with me!'' she hissed, both out of pain and frustration. It took a while after her tugging to realize the aching in her wrist to come into notice. 

Footsteps sounded from down the hall, making (Y/N)'s heart beat harshly against her chest. How the hell could she forget about the person who had kidnapped her from her own home (even though he kind of saved her)?

Light split into the dark room as the door opened. The light blinded (Y/N)'s slightly, the brightness differing her eye sensitivity. As her eyes evened out, she could make out the familiar glint of a metal arm. 

The soldier's silhouette moved closer. Usually, (Y/N) would fight back with sarcasm and attitude, but now powerless, fear crept onto her spine. 

The light flickered on in the room, now reveal her and the soldier's features. His stormy, ocean blue eyes stared down on her. Disregarding her fear, she sent a glare to the master assassin. 

''What the hell do you want from me?" she hissed, pulling her wrist against the restraints despite the pain it endured on her. ''You're a fucking asshole!'' she shouted.

 Of course, she didn't get a response. She wasn't expecting one in the first place, but something about him just standing there, staring down at her, not saying anything, just put her in a foul mood. 

''Say something you dick!" she yelled again. The soldier continued to stare at her for a few more seconds before turning around, silent yet heavy footsteps going down the hallway. 

(Y/N) threw her head back (hitting it in the process) in frustration. She would take torture over this any day. The silent Russian-made soldier would see her downfall that she made had not he did not cause it. 

That got her thinking. Ever since the fall of SHIELD, she had been running from everything. Whether it was AIM or Hydra. Hell, she even ran away from SHIELD once when she heard they were rebuilding themselves. 

Had he been following me the whole time? she thought. Another thing was if he was, why the hell didn't he just drop her off and one of the (many) hidden bases they had? It didn't make any sense. 

Maybe they wanted him to deliver you personally? one of part of consciousness declared, deciding to speak after a few hours of silence. The words rattled around in her head for a good while before the thought and voices went silent again. 

Bullshit, another part of her argued. It didn't seem right to her. None of it did. Guiltily in her free time, she went through the Winter Soldier files Steve had sent her. He was brainwashed, right? And one thing she knew for sure was that the Winter Soldier wasn't brought out unless it was to kill someone.  

Would they really tell him to use one of her cars or to kill some of their own agents? No, that would be stupid and a waste. 

While (Y/N) went over the rattled theories in her head, the sound the mewling protest of an animal brought her back to her sense.

Bucky- no the soldier's (she had to remember there was a difference between the two) silhouette came back into view. The only difference now was that his metal hand was holding something in their hands. 

''What the hell are you doing?!'' she asked frightenedly, instinctively backing up against the headboard even if she couldn't move at all. 

He kept coming closer, but soon, (Y/N) came to recognize the small creature in her grasp. Annoyed yet wide green eyes with blue around the thin slit-pupils stared back at her. 

''Nico?" the woman bellowed with confusion and relief. She had completely forgotten about her feline companion? Her cat cried out to its owner, wiggling towards her to get out of the metal grip. 

The soldier put the cat on the bed next to her with a grunt that could be associated with annoyance. He stared at her for a moment before turning away out of the room, closing and locking the door behind him. 

Nico made his way into (Y/N)'s lap protectively, but (Y/N) just stared at the door with a blank look on her face, mouth opened wide with her disbelief. 

What the hell just happened?

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑, avengers [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now