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ᴵ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰᵗ ᴵ ᵐⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵇᵉ ᵇᵃᵈ
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⊱ ──── 《∘◦●◦∘》 ──── ⊰

The soldier trudged his way into the hotel room, a blunt expression on his face. As he tugged off his jacket, blood from his hands dripped onto the wooden floor. (Y/n) winced. She would have to clean that up later. 

Over the past weeks, the scene was something she had gotten used to. The soldier would leave her for a few hours, 2 hours at most, only to come back covered in blood under his or with more clothes and food in hand. 

(Y/N) sat on the couch that was seated closest to the large window, sipping on a cup of tea while Nico sat on her lap, watching the soldier intently. 

He stared at her sharply before grunting, a noise that could mean anything to a person who wasn't familiar with him, but (Y/N) knew. He wanted her attention. 

She looked up at him with a raised brow. ''You're staining the floor,'' she pointed out, setting the warm liquid down on the next to her. ''You need to watch that. People in the lobby might notice.''

(Y/N) swore she saw him roll his eyes before he collapsed down on the couch across from her, eyes closed. With the way his eyebrows were furrowed, she couldn't tell if he was in a content mood or in discomfort.

''You need to get away from the window. Someone could see you,'' his rough voice outted into the quiet room. (Y/N) hummed. ''Say you,'' she told him.

At this point, she was seeing various flashes of discomfort run over his face as he adjusted where and how he sat. To test her theory, she stood up and walked over to him, giving him a once over before slapping his chest hard.

A grunt of pain escaped from him, and out of habit, he grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist. He held onto it firmly, but the look he gave her could kill. She shrugged her shoulders. It was a look she was used to by now. 

''Take your shirt off,'' she ordered him. He let go of her wrist out of surprise. Mainly because he was expecting her to lash out at him, but instead she said that. She sighed. ''I just want to help you. Please,'' she reassured. 

He gave another grunt to signal he was giving in and she flashed him a small smile. As he tugged off his black turtleneck, blood tricked down to his abs. (Y/N) took the warm fabric out of his hands and put it beside her. 

One large cut from a knife, she proposed, ran across his chest to his side. One of her hands ran over the wound while her finger from the hand fiddled with the bottom of her shorts. She made a tch sound as she grabbed an emergency kit from under the living room table. 

His hand caught her wrist once again as she raised a cloth right above the would. Another sigh escaped from her. ''I need to clean it before I stitch it up. I'm not going to hurt you, okay?" she told him. Eventually, after a short staring contest, he let her wrist go.

(Y/N) would be lying if she said her eyes and hands didn't wander from time to time. Sometimes, the cloth would linger in areas longer than needed, but the soldier didn't seem to question it at all. But (Y/N) would also be lying if she said she was nervous. His eyes were trained on her intently as she worked. She lived whenever he winced. It was the only time his eyes left her. 

"This may hurt a bit. Find something to grab onto if you need it,'' (Y/N) told him, sharing a look with him as she discarded the bloody cloth. Though she knew he was used to pain and could handle it (to a great extent), she addressed to anyway. 

As she began, she noticed he didn't need something to steady himself. Almost halfway through, a cold hand met her bare thigh, squeezing tightly. She was about to push him off, but she stopped we she saw the discomfort on his face.

She looked back at his chest. Out of curiosity, she ran her fingers over the soft skin. She could feel the faintest shiver come from him as a shaky sigh escaped from him. A smirk fell on (Y/N)'s features. He was sensitive. 

Continuing to work, she made sure she went slower this time, extending the time she had to work on him. The soldier seemed to squeeze her thigh more, but (Y/N) ignored it. If it was helping him, she would leave him be.

''I'm done,'' she told him, putting al the unused and reusable items back into the kit. ''Make sure you clean it. If you loosen them, just get me, 'kay?" she said. As she went to get up, the grip on her thigh got tighter, forcing her back into her previous position in between his legs.

He brought one of her hands up to his cheek, dismissing the way (Y/N)'s eyes widened. "What are you doing?" she asked, feeling her face get warm as she nuzzled into her hand slightly. 

The soldier's eyes stared into (Y/n)'s (E/C) eyes after a while. Unlike his empty blue orbs you couldn't find any emotion in weeks ago, there was a small spark of emotion in them this time. There was an uncharacteristic softness in them that made (Y/N) wnt to wrap him a hug and hold him all day long. 

''What's wrong, soldier?" she asked softly, almost as if she didn't want to upset him if her tone was anything different. Subconsciously, she ran her thumb over his cheek. This was unlike her, but she didn't care.

''T-that's not my name,'' he said, well, more like stuttered. A look of surprise took over (Y/N)'s face. She never imagined the Winter Soldier to ever stutter in his whole lifetime. Well, only the wasn't the soldier. This was someone else. ''Bucky?" she questions. A look of distaste ran over his features at the name as he shook his head. 

''N-no. My name is James."

⊱ ──── 《∘◦●◦∘》 ──── ⊰

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