Baby Girl Bagans

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Catherine's (y/n) point of view

Today's the day me and Zak find out if our little baby is a boy or a girl, and I can't wait to finally confirm what my instincts is telling me. After the events at the museum yesterday I can't wait to spend some time with Zak on our own.

As I was the last one up I quickly jumped in the shower whilst Zak was cooking us breakfast, after the shower I got dressed and headed down stairs to join Zak. I went up to Zak and wrapped my arms around him and embraced him.

Zak: "morning beautiful, how you feeling?"

Catherine (y/n): "great thanks baby, how you feeling?"

Zak: "great, excited and happy to find out what this little baby is"

Catherine (y/n): "me too baby"

Zak: "I've cooked you breakfast baby"

Catherine (y/n): "thank you baby, I'm starving"

I sat down at the breakfast bar with Zak and we had breakfast together.

Zak's point of view

After breakfast I helped Catherine (y/n) tidy up our breakfast dishes and then we got into the car and headed to the hospital for our scan. I couldn't help but look over at Catherine (y/n) she's looking more beautiful each and every day.

Everytime we sit in traffic waiting for traffic lights to change I surprised Catherine (y/n) by placing my hand on her bump. I still can't believe that we're having another baby together.

Zak: "I can't wait to see if we have another son or a daughter on the way"

Catherine (y/n): "me too baby"

As the traffic was moving again I kept one hand holding Catherine's (y/n) hand, even though we always hold each other I was craving for her touch.

10 minutes later we finally arrived at the hospital and we finally went inside and waited to be called for our scan.

Catherine (y/n): "if the baby is a girl are we still using the name we picked out when I was pregnant with Cody?"

Zak: "of course we are baby, I still can't find a perfect name. Plus she needs a beautiful name as she'll be a beautiful girl, just like her mom"

Catherine (y/n) blushed and I kissed her tenderly on her lips.

OBGYN: "Catherine Masters (y/f/n)"

Catherine (y/n): "that's me"

I held Catherine's (y/n) hand and we walked into the room, I helped Catherine (y/n) up onto the bed and then the OBGYN started the scan. After she did a little bit of finding we finally saw our little baby on the screen.

OBGYN: "there it is, and it looks perfect. I'm gonna take some measurements and then we can find out the sex of the baby, if you want to find out"

Catherine (y/n): "yes we'd like to find out please"


After a few more measurements we finally get to find out the gender of our little baby. I held Catherine's (y/n) hand as I can barely contain my excitement.

OBGYN: "Congratulations you two it's a happy and healthy little girl"

My heart was pounding with excitement, I can't believe it we're finally having our little Sophia-Grace.

Catherine (y/n): "oh my god.. Really?"

OBGYN: "definitely, congratulations again"

Catherine (y/n) looked at me and I can see she has tears in her eyes

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