Lost Her To Evil

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Zak's point of view

As we all sat on the couch Catherine (y/n) started telling Bishop Bryan and sister Mary about her attachment. Soon enough Bishop Bryan wanted to start the cleansing blessing, I really wasn't looking forward to this moment. But I really need to remain strong and support Catherine (y/n) through it all.

As they was blessing Catherine (y/n) things started to get bad, her eyes were turning black and her breathing went bad.

Catherine (y/n): "I can't breathe!"

I was starting to panic and wrapped my arm around Catherine (y/n) to comfort her and protect her.

Zak: "it's OK baby, take deep breaths"

Sure enough Catherine (y/n) was starting to copy how I was showing her to breathe. Just as I was guiding Catherine (y/n) all of the lights started flickering really bad.

Sister Mary: "oh my god!"

I looked at my girl again and saw she was breathing fast again as if she's having a panic attack. When she looked at me all I could see was fear and pain.

Bishop Bryan carried on the blessing ritual and covered Catherine (y/n) in holy water. As I was holding Catherine's (y/n) hands I can feel them shaking bad.

Catherine (y/n): "my hands.."

Bishop Bryan put some holy water on them.

Bishop Bryan: "its starting to leave, its getting more intense and very angry"

Catherine (y/n) started breaking down and I can tell she just wanted to give up... Feeling her feel that way made my heart hurt. I couldn't take it anymore, I needed to leave the room for a couple of minutes.

As I stood up and started to leave the room Catherine (y/n) was calling after me and begging me to not leave her.

Catherine (y/n): "Zak.. Please don't leave me!"

I just needed some air and space for a few minutes, all of this is getting intense. I felt hopeless.

Jay: "Zak, Catherine (y/n) needs you in there"

Zak: "I know, but I really needed a breather for a couple of minutes"

Jay: "Zak.. I know this is really tough but please, just get back in there and be there to support your wife... She needs you"

Jay's words hit me hard, I can't imagine how he's feeling right now. This can't be easy for him as he went through the same thing with his ex wife Ashley.... I'm losing Catherine (y/n) just like Jay lost Ashley.

I put my head into my hands and broke down. I can't lose Catherine (y/n), I can't lose her again... And definitely not lose her to the spirits.

Sister Mary: "She's not breathing!"

Hearing sister Mary say that my wife isn't breathing brought me back from my moment of pain. I got up from the chair and ran to be with Catherine (y/n), when I saw her I went into full on panic mode. She was pale and I can see her lips changing blue.

Instinctively I put her on the floor, tilted her head up to open her air way.

Zak: "Catherine (y/n) please don't do this to me, not now"

Jay: "I can't feel her heartbeat"

I couldn't just sit there, I went to Catherine (y/n) side and I started to do chest compressions.

Zak: "come on baby breathe... Breathe"

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

What's going on? I'm not breathing but yet I can still hear everything.

Zak: "come on baby breathe... Breathe"

I can feel myself starting to lose and leave my body. I began to break down crying.

Catherine (y/n): "this can't be happening, not now.. Please not now"

Nan: "Catherine (y/n)..."

I looked up and saw my nan standing in front of me across the room.

Nan: "it's time to go darling"

I looked down to see Zak still doing CPR on me to bring me back, even Jay took over so Zak can just concentrate on breathing into me.

I looked back over to my nan and looked at her, I couldn't say anything all I could do was shake my head no.

Catherine (y/n): "I can't.. I can't let go, I can't leave Zak, Cody and Sophia behind. I won't leave them"

I looked at the scene in front of me and when I looked back at my nan she was gone and was replaced by the demon.

Demon: "I warned him, but do you think he listened... No. And now he's lost you... His precious wife"

I felt angry, my heart was racing with rage.

Catherine (y/n): "I'm not giving up that easy. If you want me, then you'll have to fight me for me".

Then the demon started to attack me, but somehow I was stronger and I was winning. As I was battling with the demon I can hear everything happening that was going on around me.

Bishop Bryan: "Zak.. she's gone, it's time to stop"

Zak: "NO! I'm not stopping, she's not gone!"

Hearing Zak fighting to bring me back made me stronger and yet again I was beating the demon. The demon started getting up slowly and I can see its starting to become weak.

Catherine (y/n): "giving up yet?"

Demon: "never"

Then the demon started to charge for me, but before the impact something was happening... I was returning to my body.

Zak's point of view

I know Catherine's (y/n) not gone, she's still holding on, she won't leave me not now... Not ever.

I have to keep trying to bring her back, I'm not giving up and I know she's not giving up either. I started to do more chest compressions and this time more stronger. Sure enough I started to feel her heart beating again.. it's faint, but it's there. I carried on until I knew her heart was beating strong.

I heard Catherine (y/n) taking a little breath in and then she started to make noises as if she's about to throw up.

Quickly both me and Jay put her into the recovery position before she sat up slightly and brought up some black tar like liquid.

Zak: "That's it baby... That's it"

After she was done I wrapped my arms around Catherine (y/n) tight. Then she looked at me with her beautiful bright bluey green eyes.

Catherine (y/n): "Zak?!"

Zak: "I'm here baby, I've got you"

Catherine (y/n): "I love you"

Zak: "I love you"

I couldn't say anything else all I could do was smile at her and I knew it was one of the smiles she falls for on me.

Catherine (y/n) placed her hand on the side of my face and gently brushed away a stray tear that was falling.

Zak: "I lost you... I almost lost you forever"

Catherine (y/n): "there was no chance in hell I'd leave you baby, I'm always here for you"

Zak: "I don't want to lose you again, I can't...."

Catherine (y/n): "you'll never lose me again baby, I'm not going anywhere"

I smiled at Catherine (y/n) again and then I kissed her. After we finished our kiss I couldn't help but notice the way she was smiling.

Zak: "why you smiling like that for Catherine (y/n)?"

Catherine (y/n): "I just kind of kicked the demons ass"

Zak: "what?"

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