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"Happy 14th birthday Ed!" Peter exclaimed as he drew the curtains in his and his brothers room, revealing the slowly rising, but still blinding, sun.
Edmund let out a groan and buried his face against the pillows, throwing his blanket over his head.
Peter chuckled and walked over to Edmund's bed. He then grabbed the blanket and pulled it off his brother, throwing it to the floor before he began to tickle Edmund.
Edmund let out a yelp as his eyes went wide. "Peter!" He exclaimed before bursting into laughter.
Peter chuckled again. "Get up!" He said. "It's your birthday!"
Edmund groaned when Peter finaly stopped tickling and sitting up gave his brother a playful glare. "And seeming as it's my birthday doesn't that mean I get to sleep in?"
"No it does not." Peter said with a smirk. "You're gonna come downstairs and you're gonna open your presents before Lucy goes mad and I get Susan up here."
Edmund scowled. "You wouldn't dare." He said slowly.
Peter smirked. "I could go get her now if you want?" He said.
Edmund sighed. "Alright, Alright." He said. "I'm getting up."
Peter laughed as he stood from the bed. "Good." He said firmly. "Downstairs in fifteen!" He said as he opened the bedroom door.
Edmund stuck his tongue out playfully before Peter left the room, laughing to himself as he shook his head.


"Thanks guys." Edmund smiled after he'd finished opening all his presents.
Lucy grinned at him. "No problem." She said happily, giving her older brother a hug. Edmund chuckled and hugged her back.
"I suppose I should go and put all these upstairs." Edmund said after a long while.
"Don't be too long!" Lucy called after him as he grabbed the presents and left the room.
"I won't be!" Came his voice.
Peter smiled a little as he bit into an apple.
"Is he alright?" Susan asked after a short while of silence.
Peter frowned. "Course he is." He said, looking rather confused. "Why wouldn't he be?"
Susan hesitated. "Well it's just, this time last year he-" She paused, taking a deep breath. "He was with her."
Peter sighed. "Oh." He mumbled, swallowing hard. "Yeah, he's actually fine." He said after a short pause.
Susan nodded a little.
"To be honest he hasn't mentioned it at all." Peter said.
Susan sighed. "Just because he hasn't said anything doesn't mean he's not thinking about it." She said gently.
Peter bit his lip. "I'll go up and check on him." He said, not wanting to wait. "But if he doesn't mention it, I'm not going to either."
Susan nodded. "Alright." She said. "But please don't be too long."
"I'll be back down as soon as I can." Peter said before he left the room.
He ran all the way up to his and his brothers room before he quietly knocked on the door.
"Yes?" Came Edmund's voice from inside.
Peter took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping into the room. Edmund looked up when the door closed and frowned at him. "Peter?" He asked, frowning.
Peter gave him a shrug and a smile before walking over and sitting on the bed beside his brother. Glancing down he saw that Edmund held a dagger in his hands, the dagger that Peter had made him for his 13th birthday.
"What's wrong?" Edmund asked. "I told you'd I'd be back down in a minute."
Peter rubbed the back of his neck. "Um, Susan said you were taking too long and sent me up here." He said, not exactly lying but not exactly telling the truth either.
Edmund groaned. "I've only been gone five minutes!" He exclaimed with a laugh.
Peter grinned. "You know what Susan's like." He said.
"Yeah, I do." Edmund said before going back to fiddling with the dagger.
"Are you okay?" Peter asked after alot of hesitation.
Edmund nodded slowly. "Yeah." He breathed.
Peter frowned. "Are you sure?" He asked.
Edmund sighed. "I know Susan telling you to come find me isn't the only reason you've come up here." He said slowly. "I know what's bothering you."
Peter bit his lip, shifting slightly.
"And I'm alright." Edmund said. "Obviously I can't get rid of the memories but I'm fine."
Peter nodded slowly. "You absolutely sure?" He double checked.
"Well, I'm not with J - Jadis this year so yeah, I'm fine." Edmund said, forcing a smile.
Peter smiled back and pulled Edmund into a tight hug, kissing the top of his head. "Happy birthday Eddy." He whispered.
Edmund nodded and rested his head against Peter's shoulder. "Thanks." He whispered.
Peter nodded back before pulling away. "Right." He said. "Come on, let's go back downstairs."
Edmund nodded in agreement. "But one thing Peter." He said as the two stood from the bed. Peter gave him a questioning look. "Don't call me Eddy!"
Peter chuckled. "I thought you liked that nickname?" He said.
"I'm fourteen now." Edmund said firmly.
"Right." Peter said with a nod. "But I know you still secretly love the nickname."
Edmund stared at him, unable to prevent the small smile that made it's way onto his face. "Fine." He mumbled. "But as soon as I turn fifteen that nickname is banned!"
Peter laughed. "As you wish your majesty." He said before the two headed out of the room and back downstairs.
"You two alright?" Susan asked the second they entered the dining room.
Peter nodded. "We're fine." He said firmly as they both sat down.
Susan smiled a little. "I'm glad." She said, finishing off her breakfast.
"Alright." Edmund said once they'd all finished. "Now that it's my birthday can you please tell me what we're doing today? You've kept it a secret for way too long!"
Peter chuckled. "Well I suppose we could." He said teasingly.
Edmund sighed. "Please?" He said, going all puppy dog eyes on his big brother.
Peter raised an eyebrow. "You know that only works with Lucy." He said.
Edmund stuck out his tongue. "It was worth a try." He said.
Peter laughed. He'd never admit it but when Edmund gave him that look he'd do anything for him. "Alright." He gave in. "We'll tell you."

Did it work? Did you actually believe I wouldn't do another book? Lol 😂
I decided to keep this series even more Narnia themed and have seven books (like the Narnia series).
So let me know what you think of this so far! And it'll start getting good in the next chapter!
Can't wait to write this story and can't wait for you all to read it! Love you all!

Nina xx

P.S I dont know if this book will be as long as all the others but we'll see... 😉

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