The most important thing in the world

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Peter was still sat in his room that night, not having moved since Aslan left.
He lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with Edmund curled up tightly in his arms, head resting against his chest. Peter had his arms wrapped protectivley around his shoulders but he couldn't help glancing down at his scar every so often, and the other scars too.
Why did Jadis have to make it so all his scars had to start hurting? That's what he wanted to know. Edmund had so many scars is was hard to keep count, and all of them, were from when he was with her or her followers.
Sighing Peter tightened his grip around his brother, glad that he was able to get a few hours of pain and nightmare free sleep. But he knew that Edmund couldn't stay asleep forever, which brought him back to the whole, stabbing him on the stone table.
The very thought made tears appear in his eyes. How an earth was he supposed to stab his little brother? How? It has gotten to the point where he was starting to get extremely angry. Why would Jadis make him do it? Why him?! Peter ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
Please just stab me
Peter visibly cringed as Edmund's words came back to him. Edmund was in so much pain that he was actually asking to be stabbed. Peter swallowed hard, he couldn't do it, there was no way he'd be able to stab Edmund.
His brother was the most important thing in both worlds to him, he loved him to bits, and seeing him hurt or in pain or even just crying, made Peter's heart shatter. He couldn't do it, he couldn't stab him.
Peter jumped and nearly screamed after hearing his name whispered, but he calmed down when he saw it was only Edmund - a very awake, very in pain, Edmund.
"You made me jump Ed." Peter said, attempting a smile. "If you wake up give me some sort of warning."
Edmund managed a small smirk before flinching, tears at once appearing in his eyes, but he forced them back, he wouldn't cry, not anymore. "Sorry." He choked.
Peter sighed sadly. "You okay?" He asked.
Edmund shook his head without a single bit of hesitation. "The pain's getting worse." He said, his voice raspy.
"Ed I-" Peter choked but then stopped. "Listen." He said after a while, repositioning himself so that he was facing his brother. "You - You are the most important thing in both worlds to me, Ed I mean that. I couldn't stab you. I love you so, so, so much, you're my brother Edmund. Stabbing you I - It's impossible, I wouldn't be able to do it, I wouldn't be able to do that to you."
Edmund stared at him for a moment. "If I was the most important thing to you then you'd stab me instead of letting the pain get so bad that I die." He said as calmly as he could.
Peter stared at him, mouth slightly open for a very long time.
"Pete?" Edmund questioned, flinching.
Peter swallowed hard before he climbed out of bed, causing Edmund to gasp as his head fell against the pillow.
"Sorry." Was all Peter muttered before he started to pace the room.
"What are you doing?" Edmund sighed, just about managing to sit up and lean against the headboard, but it caused him agony.
Peter ran a hand slowly through his hair. "Why would she make me do this?" He said after a long while of silence.
"Er, hello!" Edmund said, raising an eyebrow at his brother. "Have you ever met Jadis? Just incase you didn't know she's completely evil and hates us."
Peter sighed as he continued pacing. "There's got to be atleast one other way." He muttered quietly, but Edmund still heard.
"When are you going to get it in your head that you stabbing me is the only thing that's gonna stop this!" Edmund said, raising his voice just slightly.
"I can't do it Ed!" Peter said, turning to face him and raising his voice too. "What it I - I dunno, get the angle wrong or something and I kill you!"
Edmund stared at him, swallowing hard. He hadn't thought of that. "You - You won't though." He mumbled.
"You don't know that!" Peter exclaimed. "I could actually kill you Edmund! I'd never, ever forgive myself if I did that to you!"
Edmund sighed. "You're not going to kill me Peter." He said, gripping his stomach as hard as he could and trying his hardest to ignore the pain shooting down his back.
"I might though!" Peter said, raising his arms in the air and now shouting. "The thought of killing you makes me actually want to throw up!"
"Peter you are not going to kill me!" Edmund shouted, before gasping and doubling over, squeezing his eyes shut to try and force back the tears.
Peter took a deep breath before sighing. Calming down, he sat back on the edge of the bed, wrapping his arms around Edmund's shoulders. "It's okay." He whispered in his ear. "It's alright."
Edmund shook his head as he let out a sob, unable to keep the tears back no matter how hard he tried. "I just want it to end." He choked. "You have no idea how much pain I've felt over the last year or so!"
Peter swallowed hard, kissing the top of Edmund's head gently, tears appearing in his own eyes.
Edmund sighed. "She should've just killed me at Beruna." He muttered.
Peter froze completely as these words came out of Edmund's mouth.
"Then I would've never of had to go through all this pain." Edmund finished.
Peter took a deep breath. "Ed." He said firmly. Edmund avoided his eyes. "Edmund Pevensie you look at me right now." Peter said.
Edmund sighed and glanced up at his brother, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Don't you ever, ever say that ever again!" Peter choked. "I mean it!"
Edmund sighed but nodded anyway.
Peter sighed and lay down, pulling Edmund down with him.
Edmund curled into Peter's arms, squeezing his eyes shut against the pain. "I love you so much." He choked.
Peter took a deep breath. "I love you too." He whispered.


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