The day of Beruna

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Peter took a deep breath as he awoke the next morning, squinting in the sudden light when he opened his eyes.
He would've very much liked to stay in bed, but he knew he'd never get back to sleep again and it was pointless just laying there. So he slowly sat up, running a hand through his hair before stretching. Almost straight away he glanced over at his brothers bed, where Edmund was fast asleep, laying on his stomach with his face buried into the pillow.
Swallowing hard Peter took a deep breath. Today, Beruna happened, and he was not looking forward to all the memories.
As he stared at his brother he couldn't get rid of the image of him, lying on the floor, covered in blood, struggling to breath, his skin as white as snow and a look of agony of his face.
Shaking his head quickly he got out of bed, walking quietly over to his brothers bed. He glanced at the clock on the way there, seeing that it was only half seven and knew he had to be quiet and not wake his brother, Edmund wasn't exactly a morning person and would definitely not want to be woken at this time.
So as carefully as he could he sat down on the edge of the bed, biting his lip gently.
Edmund frowned in his sleep and rolled onto his back, letting out a small sigh as he flung one arm above his head, the other laying across his stomach.
Peter smiled a little, but the smile disappeared when the image appeared again. Taking a deep breath he quickly reached out and placed his hand flat against Edmund's chest, letting out an almost relived sigh when he felt his steady heartbeat.
After that he didn't move his hand, he just sat there, watching his brother as he slept until, at maybe eight o'clock, Edmund finlay woke.
He frowned at Peter for a moment before glancing down at his hand which was still placed flat against his chest. Edmund looked rather confused for a moment or two, before he sighed.
"I'm alive." He choked at Peter, looking up at him.
Peter swallowed hard, letting out an awkward laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck with his other hand. "I know." He mumbled, removing his hand from Edmund's chest.
Edmund sighed and slowly sat up, not taking his eyes off of Peter. "We'll get through today together alright?" He said firmly.
Peter chuckled. "Course we will." He said with a nod.
Edmund nodded back, slowly looking down at his lap, his hand clamping around his stomach absent-mindedly.
"Ed." Peter sighed, his voice tight.
Edmund jumped almost as he looked back at Peter. "Yeah?" He mumbled.
Peter sighed and grabbed Edmund's hand, pulling it away from his stomach.
Edmund stared at him, eyes filling with tears.
"Why don't you get ready and we'll go and have some breakfast." Peter said quietly.
Edmund slowly nodded. "Sounds great."


Early that afternoon, the four children sat in the living room, all on the same sofa, Edmund in the middle. Peter sat on his right, Susan on his left and Lucy practically sitting in her lap.
Edmund had his arms tightly around Peter, his head resting on his chest.
Peter was gently playing with his hair, placing the occasional kiss to the top of his head.
They knew that probably any minute now Edmund would've been stabbed, and none of them could handle the memories alone, hence why they were all sat bundled onto the sofa together.
Edmund let out a shaky breath, causing Peter's grip around his shoulders to tighten considerably. "It's alright." He whispered in his ear.
Edmund nodded slowly and the four fell silent again.
They waited for another fifteen minutes before Edmund's eyes went wide and he flinched, hand flying to his stomach.
Peter took a deep breath, pulling him close as tears filled his eyes.
Edmund squeezed his eyes shut against the dull pain that shot through his stomach, taking deep breaths as he buried his face against Peter's shoulder.
Peter held him tightly, glancing at Susan and Lucy as Edmund started to shiver.
Peter frowned a little at this but then remembered that Edmund had once told him that he'd been freezing when the witch stabbed him, and started to rub his hand up and down Edmund's arm in an attempt to keep him walm.
The seconds ticked by on the nearby clock, and all Peter could think about was how, at this very minute he'd be fighting the witch in an attempt to get to his brother. Tears filled his eyes as he remembered the pure shock he had felt when he watched the witch stab his brother.
Shock, anger, worry, love, guilt, horror, heartbreak, panick... the list went on.
Edmund obviously realised his distress and tightened his grip around him, glancing up at him slowly.
Peter looked down and nodded slowly, giving his brother a small, reassuring smile.
Edmund nodded back before wincing again, sighing as he buried his face back against Peter's chest.
After five minutes Edmund relaxed into Peter's arms, and Peter knew instantly that Lucy would've just healed him.
What he didn't expect though was for Edmund to faint, and was rather worried when he looked down and saw his eyes closed, skin slightly paler than usual and mouth open slightly.
"Ed?" He said slowly, his voice shaking.
"Did he pass out?" Susan asked, sounding worried as well.
"Yeah." Peter muttered, not taking his eyes off his brother.
"Why?" Lucy mumbled.
Susan shrugged. "I'm not sure." She sighed.
Peter sighed too, gripping his brother as tightly as he dared, placing a kiss on the top of his head. He knew that these memories and all were far from over, seeming as they had the whole Edmund running away and Jadis coming back, etcetera, but for a few days it was over, and that was good enough for him.
Pulling his, Unfortunately, still unconscious brother into his lap he placed a gentle kiss to the top of his head. "Love you Eddy." He whispered. "My little treasure."

I've probably only got one more chapter left 😭😂💔😭💔

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