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Peter took a deep breath, shaking his head slowly. "That's not going to happen." He breathed.
"But-" Edmund choked.
"No Ed." Peter cut him off. "It's not going to happen!"
Edmund stared at him, seeing the worry and pain in his eyes. Next thing he knew Peter found Edmund in his arms, clinging to him as though he'd never let go.
Peter swallowed hard, wrapping his arms around his little brother. "It won't happen because I won't let it happen." He said, his voice cracking. "I will do anything, to keep you safe."
Edmund nodded slowly and buried his face against Peter's chest. Peter sighed sadly, kissing the top of his head before glancing at his sisters, Lucy having crawled across the bed to sit with Susan.
They sat like this for quite a while, Peter holding Edmund tightly in his arms before Edmund stiffened. "Ed?" Peter questioned worridley, glancing down at his brother.
Edmund groaned and curled in on himself, letting go of Peter, allowing his arms to wrap themselves around his stomach.
"Edmund." Peter said, gripping Edmund shoulders as Edmund lay down on his side and curled himself into a ball. "Ed what's wrong?"
Edmund's eyes squeezed shut. "Scar." Was all he managed to choke out before he groaned again.
Peter swallowed hard, glancing fearfully at Susan who had leant over and now had her hand on the top of Edmund's head.
"It's okay." Peter whispered, not knowing what else to do. "Shh."
Edmund's eyes flickered open and he stared up at Peter, a look of pain on his face. Peter sighed and lay down beside his brother, pulling him close and rocking him gently. "It's okay." He whispered. "Try and ignore it."
Edmund let out a shaky breath, burying his face against Peter's shoulder.
Lucy leant against her sister, fear in her eyes as she stared at Edmund, who after a while, to everyone's relief, relaxed against Peter, letting out a sigh.
"Ed?" Peter asked hopefully.
" 'm fine." Edmund mumbled.
Peter sighed in relief. "Oh thank Aslan." He whispered as Edmund slowly pulled away, but he had a frown on his face.
"What's wrong?" Susan asked.
"The pain." Edmund said slowly. "It's still there."
"What?" Peter asked, looking worried.
"But very faint." Edmund said quickly. "Like, I can hardly feel it at all."
Peter nodded slowly but still looked worried all the same. "If it gets worse you tell me straight away." He said firmly.
Edmund nodded. "I will." He said quietly.
Peter nodded back. "Right, I suppose Its lunch time." He said.
"You missed your meeting." Edmund mumbled.
Peter stared at him. "It doesn't matter Ed." He said. "I'm sure the Narnians have sorted it all out."
Edmund nodded but still looked guilty.
Susan sighed. "Come on." She muttered. "Let's just go and have lunch."
Peter nodded. "Sounds like a good idea." He mumbled as he stood from the bed, pulling Edmund up with him.
Lucy hoped off the bed (immediately walking over to Edmund and grabbing his hand) and Susan followed.


"Is it still sore?" Peter couldn't help but ask as the two boys got ready for bed that night.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah. But I can ignore it." He said. "Easily."
Peter bit his lip gently. "You know." He said, sitting on the edge of his bed and nodding at Edmund to sit beside him. "If this does happen to be something serious, I will do anything I can to keep you safe."
Edmund nodded as he sat beside his brother. "I know you will Pete." He mumbled. "But just, don't do anything completely stupid." He added with a small smile.
Peter smiled too. "I won't do anything stupid." He said with a shake of his head.
Edmund smiled a little more before curling up in Peter's arms, resting his head against his chest.
Peter smiled and pulled Edmund close, placing a kiss to the top of his head. "We should probably get some sleep." He said though after a while. "It's getting late."
Edmund nodded. "Do you think, I could maybe, stay here tonight?" He asked sheepishly.
Peter stared at him before nodding. "Course you can." He said quietly.
"Thanks." Edmund mumbled.
Peter smiled a little and climbed under the covers, Edmund following and laying on the other side of the bed to Peter.
Peter lay there for a moment after he'd blown out the candle before he glanced over at Edmund, who was staring at him with an unreadable look on his face. Well, to anyone else it would he unreadable, but not to Peter.
Peter nodded a little, holding out his arm. Edmund immediately curled up beside Peter, wrapping one arm around his waist and resting his head on his chest. "Thanks." He mumbled again.
Peter smiled, kissing the top of his brothers head. "No problem." Was all he whispered in reply as his arms tightened around Edmund.
Edmund nodded sleepily before closing his eyes, moving a little closer to his brother before laying still and silent.
Peter waited for maybe half an hour until he knew that Edmund was asleep, before he too closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Peter was first to wake the next morning, as he usually was. He glanced over at his brother who, during the night had sprawled out across the other half of the bed. Peter chuckled as he slowly sat up, only for something to catch his eye.
Edmund was still asleep, but he had an uncomfortable look on his face, a look of almost... pain? Looking down Peter's eyes went wide and his heart literally stopped beating. There was a small red patch on Edmund's white night shirt, right over...
Peter swallowed hard and leaned over, carefully and slowly lifting up Edmund's shirt slightly, and what he saw made him panick.
Edmund's scar, it was bleeding.
Peter, as quickly as he could, dashed into the bathroom and wet a cloth, before returning to his, still asleep, brother. Sitting on the bed again Peter pressed the damp flannel to the wound on Edmund's stomach, only for Edmund's eyes to fly open as he let out a strangled gasp.
"Ed." Peter said quickly.
Edmund glanced over at him, that uncomfortable look still on his face. "Hurts." He whispered almost to himself before he glanced down at his stomach.
Peter watched as his eyes went slightly wider when he caught sight of the cloth that he still had pressed again his stomach, and then, Edmund's face crumpled and two tears rolled down his cheek.


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