I've got you

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"Are you sure about this?" Edmund muttered. "I don't think Mrs. Macready will be very happy if I smash another window."
Peter smirked as he grabbed the cricket set. "I'm sure that's not going to happen." He laughed.
"How do you know that?" Edmund muttered under his breath.
Peter raised an eyebrow. "Because if you think about it." He said, having heard his brother. "It was partly my fault because 'I balled it!'." He laughed at the look on his brothers face before heading outside.
Edmund rolled his eyes and followed him, joining their sisters who were already out, sat in the grass making daisy chains.
"Game of cricket you two?" Peter asked as he and Edmund walked up to them.
Susan shrugged. "Sure, why not." She replied, standing up and brushing off her skirt, which had been covered in daisy petals. 
"Lu?" Edmund said.
Lucy looked over at him. "As long as you don't smash another window." She smirked.
Edmund stared at her, his mouth slightly open. "You're never gonna let me forget that are you?" He said almost grumpily.
"Nope." Peter chuckled. "Catch." He said suddenly and threw the ball at his brother.
Edmund caught it quickly, glaring at Peter.
"This time I'm batting." Peter said. "You can never be too careful."
Edmund raised an eyebrow. "Right." He said, smirking as he shook his head.
For the next hour the four played cricket, until Peter found that it was twelve o'clock.
"We should probably go back in for lunch." He told his siblings.
Edmund nodded and threw the ball to Peter, who caught it in one hand with a laugh.
"Come on then." Lucy said happily as she dashed back towards the house.
The other three followed and headed up to their rooms.
Half way there they came across the professor, who walked up to them and smiled. "How are we today?" He asked cheerfully.
"Great." Lucy said, beaming. "We've just played a game of cricket."
The professor chuckled. "All my windows still intact?" He asked, smirking.
Lucy nodded. "Yep." She laughed.
"Alright." The professor said. "Well lunch is in half an hour."
"Alright." Lucy said before rushing past him and up to her room.
The other three said goodbye and headed off after her.
Once in his room Peter dumped the cricket set in the corner as Edmund walked in, sitting down on his bed with a loud sigh.
"You alright?" Peter asked, turning to face him.
"Yeah." Edmund said with a laugh. "Just hot."
Peter smiled a little. "We'll go down for lunch soon." He said, sitting on his bed. "That'll give you enough time to cool down."
Edmund laughed a little, laying on his bed. No more than a minute later he felt the bed dip and Peter lay down beside him.
Edmund looked over at him, a small frown on his face. But the frown disappeared when Peter wrapped his arms tightly around his shoulders.


"Su?" Peter asked that night as he came across his sister in the corridor.
"Yeah?" Susan replied.
"Have you seen Ed?" Peter asked, frowning.
"Not since dinner." Susan said, frowning back.
Peter nodded and frowned even more at seeing Susan was holding a cup of hot chocolate.
"For Lucy." Susan said, catching the confused look on his face. "She's upset."
"Because of Narnia?" Peter said slowly.
Susan sighed. "That too." She muttered. "But no. Peter, tonight's the night when the witch killed Aslan."
Peter took a deep breath. How an earth did he forget that? "Oh yeah." He breathed, before his eyes went wide. "I need to find Ed." He said quickly.
Susan nodded. "He'll be alright Peter." She said gently.
Peter nodded slowly, but didn't look as though he believed her.
"I'll go to Lucy." Susan said. "Hope you find Edmund."
Peter nodded. "Me too." He sighed before going off in search of his little brother.
He checked inside every room he came across, but after maybe ten minutes he still hadn't found him. "This house is bloody massive." He muttered to himself as he opened yet another door.
The room he'd come across was packed literally to the ceiling with - junk, basically. Stacks of books and maps, chest of draws and bookshelfs. There was so much stuff!
He sighed, going to leave the room but at the last minute hearing a quiet sniff.
He turned back around and frowned. The noise had come from behind the bookshelf.
Being careful not to make a noise he weaved his way through the room, being careful not to knock anything over and peered around the bookshelf.
The floor surprisingly was rather clear, except for the odd book lying here and there. But that wasn't what caught his attention.
Edmund was sat in the corner against the wall, knees drawn up to his chest and his head down. His shoulders were shaking and Peter knew instantly that he was crying.
Managing to free himself from the piles of books, he slowly walked over to his brother and sat beside him against the wall.
Edmund's head snapped up when he became aware of someone else in the room, and looked rather shocked when he saw Peter sat beside him. "What are you doing in here?" He mumbled, quickly wiping away the tears as if he hoped Peter wouldn't notice.
Peter sighed. "I think I should be asking you that." He said quietly.
Edmund sighed. "Just-" He paused. "He died tonight." He mumbled eventually. "He died because of me."
"Ed seriously, you cant still blame yourself for this?" Peter asked, placing a hand gently on his shoulder.
Edmund said nothing and only looked away, swallowing hard, telling Peter that he did still blame himself.
"Ed it wasn't your fault." Peter sighed.
"I was supposed to die on the stone table!" Edmund exclaimed. "She was supposed to kill me! Not Aslan."
"He rose again Ed." Peter tried.
"But he still died." Edmund mumbled.
"But he came back to life again." Peter said slowly and firmly.
Edmund stared at him for a moment before sighing, resting his head back against the wall, his knees still drawn up to his chest. He tried to hold back the tears, but he didn't even realise when one rolled down his cheek.
Peter sighed sadly and reached over, brushing it away with his thumb.
Edmund glanced over at him, swallowing hard before moving over and curling into his brothers arms.
Peter's arms wrapped tightly around his brother, resting his cheek on the top of his head. "It's alright, I've got you." He whispered as Edmund let out a quiet sob and buried his face against Peter's chest. "I've got you."


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