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- 10-15 years later -

"What did he say again Susan?"
"You girls wait at the castle I'll get the stag myself!"
"What's this? This seems familiar."
"As if from a dream."
"Or a dream of a dream... Spare Oom."
"Not again!"
"These aren't branches."
"They're coats."
"Susan you're on my foot!"
"Peter move up!"
"I'm not on your toe!"
"Will you stop shoving!"

Peter gasped as he tumbled onto a wooden floor, Edmund landing beside him, Lucy landing beside Edmund and Susan landing behind Lucy.
He frowned, glancing at his siblings... they were young again. Young? What an earth... where were they?
He was cut out of his thoughts when a door at the other end of the room opened and someone walked in.
Peter's eyes went slightly wider. It was the professor... which means that they were back in England? But - and then his eyes went wide. He knew without looking what was behind them. The wardrobe. They'd tumbled back out of the wardrobe and into England.
The professor stared at the four of them as he walked over, a small smile growing on his face. "What were you all doing in the wardrobe?" He said, his eyes almost twinkling.
Peter cast his siblings a glance before looking back to the professor, unable to hide the small laugh. "You wouldn't believe us if we told you Sir." He said.
The professor smiled even more before throwing something at him.
Peter quickly caught it, looking down at his hand to see the cricket ball - the one that had smashed the window. Looking back up at the professor he smiled.
"Try me." Was all the professor said in reply, before chuckling. "I will believe every word you said." He added after a very long spell of silence.
"But we haven't even told you yet." Lucy said slowly, sitting up on her knees and looking down at her dress, looking rather confused.
The professor chuckled. "Well then, by all means," He said. "Tell me about Narnia."
Lucy's head snapped up as her eyes went wide. "You know?!" She asked in shock.
The professor chuckled. "What if I told you I'd been there too." He whispered.
Lucy's eyes went even wider. "You have?" She said in shock.
The professor smiled at her. "Why don't you all come down to my study and we can have a little chat?" He suggested.
Lucy nodded and slowly stood, taking a minute to get used to her height, a small frown on her face.
Susan stood after her, looking rather shaken but trying to hide it.
Edmund went to stand too, but felt a firm hand on his shoulder.
"We'll catch you up." Came Peter's voice from beside him.
The professor stared at him for a moment before he nodded, leading Susan and Lucy out of the room.
Edmund frowned and sat up, turning to Peter. "What's wrong?" He asked, then he sighed. "Sorry, wrong question, I think we all know what's wrong."
Peter shook his head. "It's not that." He mumbled, glancing at the wardrobe behind him.
Edmund frowned even more. "Then - What is wrong?" He asked.
Peter sighed before taking a deep breath. He slowly reached out and grabbed the bottom of Edmund's jumper slightly, as well as his shirt.
Edmund frowned slightly, wondering what an earth had come over his brother, but he just sat there, not saying or doing anything as Peter lifted up his shirt slightly.
The look on Peter's face was completely unreadable. "Pete?" Edmund mumbled.
Peter swallowed hard. "I - It's gone." He choked.
Edmund frowned before his heart skipped a beat. Looking down at his stomach he saw - nothing. Absolutely nothing. The scar from her wand... it was gone.
Peter took a deep breath. "That's because if you think about it." He said slowly, his voice shaking. "Beruna hasn't actually happened yet."
"You think it'll come back as the battle happens?" Edmund asked, not sure that his question even made sense.
Peter nodded slowly. "I suppose." He mumbled.
"You reckon all my scars will come back as time goes on?" Edmund wondered.
"Maybe." Peter sighed.
"Right." Edmund mumbled after a long while of silence. "We should probably go down to the girls."
Peter nodded slowly, only now letting go of Edmund's shirt and standing, helping Edmund to his feet.
Edmund stood there for a moment, taking a deep breath before he and Peter headed for the door.
Somehow they managed to remember the way down to the professors study, and reaching the door heard Lucy's excited voice telling the professor all about meeting Mr.Tumnus.
Peter chuckled slightly. "Glad she's actually happy." He said slowly.
Edmund nodded. "She's always happy." He said with a smile.
Peter shrugged. "You gotta point." He said with a small laugh.
Edmund smiled and went to open the door but stopped dead when he heard his name mentioned by Lucy, who had calmed down considerably. He listened for a moment but stepped back when he heard his name followed by 'Jadis'.
Peter took a deep breath, having heard it too. "Ed?" He asked slowly.
"I'm fine." He choked, before stepping forward again and opening the door.
The second the two entered the room Lucy's mouth snapped shut and she turned to face them.
Edmund said nothing as he walked over and sat beside Susan, Peter sighing and closing the door behind him.
Lucy glanced at the professor for a moment before looking back to Edmund.
"You can tell him." He mumbled, resting his head against Peter's shoulder when Peter sat beside him.
Lucy hesitated, clearly not sure, but after a reassuring nod from Edmund, continued with her story about their first time in Narnia.


"Well, its been a long day." Edmund muttered as he flopped down on his bed after they'd finished dinner with the professor.
Peter chuckled. "You said it." He mumbled. "I swear Lucy talked to the professor for nearly three hours!"
Edmund laughed. "Quite the chatter box Lucy." He said, shaking his head.
"I'm up for an early night." Peter said, sitting on his bed.
"I think I am too." Edmund grinned.
"It's a bit weird this isn't it?" Peter sighed. "Just five hours ago, we were still in Narnia."
Edmund swallowed hard. "Do you think we'll ever go back?" He asked.
Peter took a deep breath as he forced a smile. "Well." He said. "I suppose that's up to Aslan to decide."


Peter frowned as his eyes flickered open. He stared up at the ceiling, utterly confused on where he was.
But then the days events came back to him and he sighed. He was back in England, at the professor's house.
Sighing he realised that it was still dark, and glancing at the wall managed to just about see the clock. Four am.
Groaning Peter rolled onto his side, rubbing his eyes.
He was just about to go back to sleep when he heard a small cry, slightly muffled against pillows.
Peter's heart skipped a beat when there was a small sob, he knew instantly who it was.

So, they're back in England. Lol. I have a few more chapters left so stick around! 😂😂🤦‍♀️😂😂

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