Whilst I'm in your arms

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Peter frowned slightly as he woke, his eyes flickering open as he groaned. He lay there for a moment, staring at the ceiling, looking extremely confused.
Peter looked to his right and found his brother, stood by the side of his bed, just staring at him. "Ed?" He questioned, sitting up and leaning on his elbows. "What's wrong?"
Edmund shrugged. "Can't sleep." He mumbled.
Peter frowned again and glanced at the clock. 1am. "Have you slept at all since we all went to bed?" He asked.
Edmund sighed and shook his head. "No." He mumbled, looking down at the floor.
Peter sighed sadly and moved up, pulling back the blanket beside him. "Come here." He said gently, holding out his arm.
Edmund immediately climbed into bed and curled into Peter's arms, resting his head on his chest as he took a deep breath.
Peter smiled sadly and threw the blanket back over them both, hugging Edmund tightly as he placed a kiss to the top of his head. "You alright?" He asked his younger brother, glancing down at him in the darkness.
Edmund sighed. "I'd be at her camp now." He whispered. "T - Tied to the tree."
Peter swallowed hard. "Yeah." He breathed. "Do you know when - when exactly you were rescued?"
Edmund shrugged. "Not sure." He murmered. "But it was just starting to get light. I don't remember much of when they rescued me to be honest. I passed out, from shock, hunger, thirst, pain and probably because I was absolutely terrified."
Peter bit his lip gently. "She's been dead for over ten years." He whispered.
Edmund nodded. "It wasn't just her though." He said quietly. "That dwarf was almost as bad - what was his name? Ginnabrik."
"Yeah." Peter said almost to himself. "I didn't exactly like the look of him."
There was silence for a moment before Peter sighed. "We never told you did we." He hardly whispered.
Edmund frowned. "Told me what?" He wondered, glancing up at Peter.
Peter sighed. "At Beruna." He said slowly. "When we found you, the dwarf, Ginnabrik, he was waking up behind you with - with an axe."
Edmund's breathing stopped. "W - What?" He choked.
Peter took a deep breath and nodded. "He - He was going to kill you." He choked out. "But Susan shot him."
"That's why she shouted my name?" Edmund said.
Peter nodded slowly, his grip tightening around his brother.
"Why - Why did you never tell me?" Edmund asked hesitantly.
Peter sighed. "We weren't sure how you'd react." He admitted. "And after a while we sorta forgot all about it."
Edmund nodded slowly. "I understand." He mumbled, before burying his face against Peter's shoulder. "Peter?" He choked after a while.
"Hmm?" Peter replied.
"Do you think, when Beruna happens." Edmund swallowed hard. "That my scar will start hurting?"
Peter frowned a little, looking up at the ceiling.
"I mean," Edmund whispered. "It's the only one of my scars that has ever caused me pain - alot of pain."
Peter nodded slowly. "I'm not sure." He mumbled.
"And winter will still be the same here as in Narnia." Edmund mumbled.
"More than likely." Came Peter's reply. "Why after ten years are you still afraid of winter?" He hadn't exactly meant to say that out loud, but he had, causing him to mentally kick himself.
Edmund bit his lip. "Because the cold reminds me of her." He mumbled. "What she did to me, it - traumatized me, to put it lightly. She scarred me for life - quite literally." He swallowed hard, taking a deep breath. "I'll never forget, not fully. And she knew. The whole time I was with her, she knew that I'd never forget, knew that I'd have nightmares about her for years after. I could tell she knew."
Peter sighed and went to say something but Edmund continued.
"She actually said it to me once." He mumbled.
"Said what?" Peter asked, frowning.
Edmund sighed. "She said 'I'm gonna haunt your dreams for the rest of your life, you will never get rid of me'."
Peter sighed.
"She was right too." Edmund choked. "After ten years I'm still having nightmares."
"One day they'll fade for good." Peter said as firmly as he could.
Edmund sighed and shook his head. "That's just the thing though." He said. "They won't."
Peter sighed sadly. "Well then know that I will always be here to wake you up and comfort you." He promised.
"I think I learnt that from the ten years in Narnia." Edmund said, a small smile on his face.
Peter smiled. "And that is why your going to get some sleep now." He said. "Because if you dream I'll be here to wake you up."
Edmund smiled and rested his head on Peter's chest, wrapping an arm around his waist before whispering: "You know I never have a nightmare whilst I'm in your arms."


The next morning, Edmund entered the living room with Peter, where the girls were sat.
The second Lucy saw Edmund she ran forward and straight into his arms.
Edmund looked a little shocked at first, but returned the hug. "What's all this about?" He chuckled.
Lucy didn't look up at him as she whispered: "This would be happening right this very minute if we were in Narnia."
Edmund took a deep breath, tears appearing in his eyes as he hugged his sister tightly. He soon felt a hand land gently on his shoulder and didn't need to be told who it was. "Take it I get a hug too?" Susan laughed.
Edmund smiled, pulled away from Lucy and wrapped his arms around Susan, hugging her tightly.
They soon pulled away only for Peter to place a hand on his shoulder.
Edmund turned to face his brother, frowning a little.
"And this was something I should've done at that moment." Peter choked out before pulling Edmund into his arms, hugging him so tightly that Edmund could hardly breath.
But he didn't mind one bit, he wrapped his arms around his older brothers waist and rested his head against his shoulder. "Love you." He whispered.
Peter smiled, tears in his eyes. "I love you too."

Should I carry this book on until after Beruna would've happened? (If that makes sense😂)

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