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"Ed?" Peter questioned.
Edmund didn't answer. His face was still buried against Susan's shoulder as he cried.
"Unlock the chains." Peter said quickly, panicking.
Susan nodded but then frowned. "Key?" She asked.
Peter frowned back. "Didn't you have the key to lock them in the first place?" He asked.
"I didn't need it." Susan exclaimed. "They just locked by themselves!"
Peter took a deep breath. "We need to find the key." He said, before placing his arms under Edmund's and lifting him up so he was standing on his feet. Edmund let out a scream of pain as he collapsed back against Peter, tears streaming down his cheeks.
Susan nodded and began searching the room.
"They'll probably be on a hook somewhere." Peter said, still trying to hold Edmund up.
"On-" Came Edmund's raspy voice. "On hook - out - outside door."
Peter swallowed hard and glanced at Susan who nodded and ran out of the room.
"It's okay." Peter whispered in Edmund's ear over and over again until Susan ran back in with a key in her hand.
She quickly set about unlocking the chains around her brothers wrists. She did one, causing Edmund's arm to fall to his side and for him to lean right a little, Peter tightening his grip on him.
When she unlocked the other Edmund collapsed to the floor, groaning in pain.
Peter knelt beside him and very carefully rolled him onto his back.
Edmund's eyes snapped open as he let out a gasp, quickly trying to roll back onto his stomach.
"Edmund I need to give you the cordial." Peter said quickly, gripping his shoulder.
Edmund stared warily at him for a moment before slowly nodding.
Peter nodded back and grabbed Lucy's cordial when Susan handed it to him.
"Open your mouth Ed." Susan whispered, placing Edmund's head in her lap.
Edmund did as he was told, and Peter very carefully poured one drop of the cordial into his mouth.
Peter watched as Edmund relaxed, the look of pain on his face disappearing as his eyes closed completely.
"Ed?" Peter said worridley.
Edmund's eyes opened quickly and he stared up at Peter. "I'm fine." He choked.
Peter let out a sigh of relief as he and Susan helped Edmund to sit up. As soon as he was up straight Peter pulled him into his arms, holding onto him as if he'd never let go. Looking down at Edmund's back he was relieved to see the lashes were gone and only the scars (from now and previous times) remained. "I'm so sorry." Peter choked.
Edmund shook his head. "You don't need to apologise." He said, his voice quiet and almost dreamy.
Peter looked down to see Edmund's eyes drooping, his head falling against Peter's chest. "Get some sleep." Peter whispered. "You need it after that."
Edmund didn't need telling twice, no sooner had Peter said this did he fall asleep, collapsing against his brother, eyes closed tight.
Peter sighed sadly, pulling Edmund into his lap.
"Shall we go and find Aslan and Lucy?" Susan asked.
Peter nodded slowly and managed to stand, lifting Edmund into his arms without waking him.
"Come on." Susan mumbled before they left the room. They walked through many corridors and rooms, and only after ten minutes did they find their way back to the throne room.
Aslan and Lucy were sat on the floor, Lucy leaning against Aslan with tears rolling down her cheeks. The second she saw her siblings though her eyes went wide. She quickly stood and dashed over, her face falling at the sight of Edmund, still fast asleep in Peter's arms.
"What-?" She questioned.
"He's only asleep." Susan reassured her. "Don't worry."
Lucy nodded slowly and took her cordial back when Susan gave it to her.
"We will camp in the woods tonight." Aslan said, catching their attention. "Not too far from here and then we'll go to the waterfall tomorrow."
Peter took a deep breath, realising that this was far from over, and that he still had to hurt his little brother.
The three followed Aslan out of the castle, through the courtyard and into the woods, where they set up a camp (the tents still coming out from nowhere) and had some food.
Edmund slept through the whole of this, he even slept through Peter placing him in bed and climbing in beside him.
What made Peter confused is that he woke up when he threw a blanket over them both and pulled him close.
"Peter?" He choked, glancing up at his brother warily.
Peter forced a smile and nodded at Edmund. "It's me." He mumbled.
Edmund stared at him for a moment before nodding back. "Thank you." He mumbled. Peter took a deep breath. "For what you did." Edmund continued. "Even when I begged you to stop you didn't."
Peter sighed. "I had to do it." He said, but whether to himself or Edmund he didn't know.
Edmund nodded. "I know." He mumbled.
"Has your back stopped hurting now?" Peter asked after a moment silence.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He said. "It's just the backs of my legs and my wrists that hurt now." He paused for a moment. "Really hurt." He corrected.
"We're heading to the waterfall tomorrow." Peter told him. "By this time tomorrow you aren't going to be in any pain."
Edmund nodded. "Sounds good to me." He whispered, wrapping an arm around Peter's waist.
"What do you say we both get some sleep?" Peter suggested.
"Sounds great." Edmund managed to say before he fell asleep.
Peter sighed sadly, pulling Edmund close and burying his face against his hair. "I'm so sorry." He whispered after a while. "I'll never forgive myself for what I just did. Never." He swallowed hard, tears in his eyes which he only just managed to keep back. "Ever." He mumbled before his eyes closed and he too, fell asleep.
But what he didn't know was that Edmund hadn't actually fallen asleep, and had heard every word of what Peter had just said, about never forgiving himself, and it caused his heart to shatter.


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