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"If I'm right." Peter muttered. "We should be, nearly there."
Philip nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I have a feeling you're right." He said quietly.
Peter took a deep breath. "An opening in a cliff or something didn't Aslan say?" He mumbled.
Philip nodded again. "Exactly right." He replied.
"So - One like that." Peter said, nodding ahead of him at a small opening in the face of what looked like a wall of rock.
"We've found it." Philip said.
Peter took a deep breath. "Great." He said. "Now let's get the wand and get home to Edmund."


"You feeling any better?" Susan asked as she sat on the edge of the bed beside her brother.
Edmund shook his head. "It's getting worse." He choked. "It really, really hurts." He paused for a moment. "And - And I feel a bit sicky." He mumbled.
Susan raised an eyebrow. "And I wonder why." She muttered, sighing sadly. "You-"
"I'm not going to eat anything." Edmund quickly cut her off. "And you can't force me."
Susan stared at him. "Peter would be able to persuade you to eat, wouldn't he?" She asked.
Edmund swallowed hard and in the end just shrugged, wincing slightly as he did.
Susan sighed. "Well, dinner is in two hours." She told him. "So you have that long to change your mind."
Edmund shook his head quickly. "I won't eat." He said.
"And give me one perfectly good reason why you won't eat." Susan said, folding her arms.
Edmund stared at her, mouth slightly open. In the end he just lay down and turned with his back to her, hissing in pain as he did.
Susan bit her lip as she placed a hand on Edmund's shoulder. "Everything's gonna be fine Ed." She whispered.
Edmund swallowed hard. "But he won't- won't stab me." He replied.
"We're gonna find another way." Susan replied.
"But there isn't another way!" Edmund exclaimed, still not turning back to face her.
"There might be." Susan tried.
"There's not!" Edmund said, wincing as he turned back to face his sister. "The only way to stop this is for Peter to stab me on the stone table!" He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I - I can't ask him to do that." He sighed.
"Maybe we'll be able to persuade him?" Susan mumbled.
Edmund raised an eyebrow at her. "Yeah, I don't think so." He muttered.
"If we explain that as soon as he does - it, Lucy will heal you with her cordial and you'll be absolutely fine, do you think maybe he'll agree?" Susan asked.
Edmund shook his head. "No." He said simply. "Susan, I understand why Peter said no! I wouldn't be able to stab one of you!" He sighed, swallowing hard as his hand clamped around the blanket.
"We will sort this Ed." Susan reassured him. "I promise."


"I've got the wand." Peter said slowly as he rejoined Philip outside, holding the witches shattered wand in his hand.
Philip nodded as Peter climbed onto his back. "Home?" He asked.
Peter nodded. "Home." He said. "And be quick."
Philip nodded. "I'll go as fast as I can your - Peter." He quickly corrected himself before setting off at a gallop, which soon turned into a fast trot.
Peter swallowed hard as he stared at the wand in his hand, his eyes stinging with tears. The thought that the very thing he was holding had once been buried in his little brother's stomach made him feel sick. But the thought that he had to stab his brother with it made him want to actually throw up. He couldn't do it. He couldn't stab his little brother. No way. Not in a million years.

- That night-

"I can see Cair Paravel." Philip said as he galloped through the woods.
"How?" Peter said, peering infront of him but not seeing anything but the silhouettes of trees. "It's pitch black!"
Philip gave a small laugh and picked up his pace, and before Peter knew it, they had left the woods and Cair Paravel was towering above them.
"What time do you reckon it is Philip?" Peter asked as Philip trotted up to the main entrance.
"I'd say around two am." The horse replied as he stopped outside the two huge doors that stood slightly open.
Peter sighed a little. "Alright." He mumbled as he dismounted, holding the wand tightly in his hand.
"If you don't mind I would like to go back down to the stables?" Philip asked.
"Of course." Peter smiled. "And thank you."
"You're most welcome Peter." Philip replied before trotting away.
Peted watched him go for a moment before entering the castle, finaly being able to see from all the lamps that were lit.
"You're majesty."
Peter jumped and almost drew his sword before he spotted Orious walking up to him. "Oh, Orious." He breathed. "You made me jump."
"My apologies your majesty." Orious said as he stopped infront of Peter. "I have orders from Aslan that when you arrive I am to take the wand and take it somewhere safe within the castle." He told him.
"Right." Peter nodded, gladly handing the wand over to Orious.
"I expect you'll be wanting to go and see your brother?" Orious said.
"Yeah." Peter breathed.
"I will leave you then." Orious said. "Goodnight."
"Night." Peter said before the two parted.
Half way up to his and Edmund's room he spotted Susan walking down the corridor in the same direction as he was, holding what looked like a bowl.
"Su!" Peter whisper shouted as he ran to catch up with her.
Susan frowned a little before turning around, only to smile widely. "Peter!" She whispered as Peter stopped beside her. "You're back!" She said, giving him a quick hug which he gladly returned. "Where's the wand?"
"Orious has got it." Peter said. "Don't worry."
Susan nodded.
"How's Ed?" Peter asked, a hint of worry in his voice.
Susan sighed. "Not good." She mumbled.
Peter bit his lip as he waited for his sister to continue.
"The pain's just getting worse and worse." Susan sighed. "And - he hasn't eaten a thing since you left."
Peter's eyes went slightly wider. "Why?" He asked, looking shocked.
Susan shook her head. "I don't know." She replied. "I was just on my way to see if he'd eat this soup." She said, nodding at the bowl in her hand. "I've been trying to get him to eat all day, but he refuses every time."
"Who's with him now?" Peter asked.
"Aslan's with him." Susan told him. "Lucy's in bed, and hopefully by now asleep." She added.
Peter sighed and nodded. "I'll go see if I can get him to eat." He said, taking the bowl from his sister.
Susan nodded.
"You should go and get some sleep." Peter added.
"You need sleep too." Susan told him.
"I can wait." Peter said firmly. "Edmund needs to eat something."
Susan nodded. "Good luck." She muttered under he breath. "See you tomorrow." She said to Peter before walking in the direction to her room.
Peter nodded at her before walking down the corridor, eventually reaching his room before slowly opening the door.


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