He'll be back soon

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"Ed come on." Susan sighed.
Edmund shook his head from where he lay with his back to his sister.
"Edmund, listen." Susan said. "Not eating is not going to bring Peter back any sooner."
Edmund sighed, gripping his stomach. "I'm not hungry." He said, but no sooner had he said that his stomach rumbled.
Susan raised an eyebrow. "You're hungry Ed." She told him. "And you need to eat."
Edmund shook his head and even though he couldn't see Susan he could well imagine the look on her face. "Edmund you didn't eat breakfast." She said. "Why don't you just eat something small for lunch?"
"No." Edmund mumbled, wincing in pain.
"If I can't persuade you to eat, what about Lucy?" Susan asked.
Edmund quickly shook his head. "I don't want anything." He choked, tears in his eyes because of the pain he was in.
Susan sighed. "Peter could get you to eat." She muttered under her breath.
But Edmund still heard it and two tears rolled down his cheeks. "When will he be back?" He choked, hiding his face against the pillows so that Susan wouldn't see his tears.
Susan sighed sadly. "Probably not until the early hours of the morning Ed." She said gently, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Edmund swallowed hard. "I want him back." He mumbled, his voice muffled against the pillows.
"I know Ed." Susan said. "But as I said, not eating isn't going to bring him back."
Edmund groaned, whether in pain or annoyance Susan couldn't quite tell. "I said I don't want anything." Edmund said firmly.
Susan bit her lip. "I'm going to get Aslan and Lucy." She said, standing from the chair she was sat in. "Perhaps they can get you to eat." And with that she left the room, closing the door quietly behind her.


"We are going the right way aren't we?" Peter asked warily.
Philip nodded. "I'm pretty sure we are your majesty." He said positively.
Peter nodded back. "If we keep going at this rate we'll be back by two in the morning?" He said slowly.
"Around that time." Philip agreed.
"Sounds good." Peter replied. "I just hope Edmund's alright." He couldn't help but add.
"I'm sure he is your majesty." Philip said firmly.
"Just call me Peter, Philip." Peter told the horse. "It'll be rather alot easier."
"As you wish Peter." Philip obeyed.
Peter smiled a little, taking a deep breath, telling himself that Edmund was fine.
But if he knew what was going on back at Cair he would've marched straight back there and forced a piece of toast into his mouth.


"Edmund, you're brother will be back as soon as he can." Aslan said softly to Edmund, who was once again laying with his back to everyone.
"Please eat something Ed." Lucy sighed.
Edmund shook his head, but said nothing as he winced in pain.
Susan sighed, placing a plate with two pieces of toast on the bedside table. "Edmund it's only some toast." She said gently, sitting on the edge of the bed and placing a hand on Edmund's shoulder.
Edmund shook his head again, but kept his mouth shut.
"Ed please." Susan whispered.
Edmund swallowed hard and turned over, groaning in pain as tears appeared in his eyes. With great effort he managed to shuffle towards Susan and rest his head in her lap, burying his face against her stomach.
Susan sighed and placed her hand on the top of Edmund's head, gently playing with his hair. "Please?" She repeated.
Edmund shook his head again, causing Susan to sigh sadly. "Fine." She mumbled. "But I'm trying again at dinner."
Edmund sighed. "I don't want anything." He choked.
"Well who knows." Susan said. "You might change your mind."
Edmund shook his head but Susan said nothing else and just leant against the headboard, Edmund's head still in her lap.
"I'm gonna go back to the library." Lucy mumbled. "We need to find another way to stop this."
Susan forced a smile. "Alright Lu." She nodded. "I'll come down and join you soon." She added, nodding at Edmund.
Lucy nodded back. "Aslan can you come with me?" She asked.
Aslan nodded. "Of course." He answered.
Lucy smiled a little before the two left the room, leaving Susan and Edmund alone.
"Right Ed." Susan said as gently as she could. "What's wrong?"
Edmund swallowed hard but said nothing.
"Why won't you eat?" Susan asked.
Edmund shrugged, not looking up at her.
Susan sighed. "Edmund." She said firmly.
Edmund bit his lip. "It hurts. It hurts and I want Peter." He choked eventually.
Susan sighed sadly. "He'll be back tonight." She said.
Edmund shook his head, looking up at her. "I want him now." He muttered.
"Ed he's not here." Susan said sadly.
Edmund swallowed hard. "I should've gone with him." He whispered.
"Peter wouldn't of let you go Ed." Susan said. "You're in far too much pain to walk that far."
"But Peter's not walking." Edmund argued. "He's riding."
Susan sighed. "Ed you're in too much pain to go anywhere." She said. "And you know Peter wouldn't of let you."
Edmund sighed but knew Susan was right.
"He'll be back soon." Susan told him.
"What - What if he get's hurt or something?" Edmund said, panick in his voice.
Susan shook her head slowly. "That's not going to happen Ed." She said softly, gently playing with his hair. "I promise."
Edmund swallowed hard but nodded. "Alright." He whispered, before groaning.
"It's okay." Susan soothed, gently stroking the hair out of Edmund's eyes.
Edmund slowly looked down at his stomach, only to completely freeze. "Su?" He choked.
"Yeah?" Susan asked, looking down at him.
"It's bleeding again." Edmund whispered.
Susan quickly sat up and had a look, only to see a dark red patch on Edmund's shirt. "Alright." She whispered, gently pushing Edmund's head back onto the pillow. She then climbed out of bed and ran into the bathroom, where she grabbed a flannel and a bowl of water before returning to Edmund, who had tears rolling down his cheeks as he slowly lifted up his shirt.
Susan sighed sadly as she wet the cloth and sat on the edge of the bed. "This is gonna hurt." She warned as she wrung the cloth.
"It's agony already so just do it." Edmund muttered.
Susan sighed sadly and began cleaning away the blood, causing Edmund to hold his breath and grip the blankets as tightly as he could.
After a short while Susan - satisfied that the wound had stopped bleeding - placed the bowl and the cloth on the bedside table and climbed into the bed beside Edmund, who immediately curled into a ball in her arms.
"It's alright." Susan whispered, pulling him close. "I've got you."


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