You killed him

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Peter's eyes snapped open as he let out a gasp. After he'd caught his breath he frowned. Where was he?
Glancing around his heart immediately sped up. He was at the witches castle, in the throne room. He swallowed hard, but froze completely when he spotted his brother.
His brother. Edmund was lying on the floor at the bottom of the steps, eyes wide open and skin white as snow. He had whip lashes covering his back and a stab wound going straight through his stomach, bleeding at an alarming speed.
"Ed?" Peter choked, tears instantly filling his eyes. "Edmund?" He said as he ran down the few steps and collapsed onto his knees beside his brother. "Ed?" He whispered, placing a hand on the side of his brothers face. "By Aslan Ed please don't be dead."
Edmund didn't move, his wide open eyes stared up at Peter - without actually seeing him.
"Edmund please." Peter choked, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Who - Who did this to you?"
"You did Peter."
Peter's head whipped around and his eyes went wide at the sight of Jadis, standing a few steps behind him, smirk spread across her perfectly white face.
"What?" Peter whispered.
"He's dead Peter." Jadis said, walking over and standing beside him. She stared at Edmund for a moment before looking down at Peter. "And you killed him."
Peter's eyes went slightly wider as he shook his head. "No." He choked.
"Yes." Jadis said. "You whipped him Peter, tortured him," She bent down so she was eye level with him, the two now staring each other in the eye. "He screamed so much, he was in so much pain. And you caused that pain Peter. You did it. And then, you killed him, stabbed him with my wand and left him to bleed to death."
Peter choked on his tears. "No." He managed to force.
"Yes Peter!" Jadis said, raising her voice. "This is your fault!" She exclaimed, pointing at Edmund. "Your brother is dead because of you! You killed him!"
Peter tore his eyes away from the witch and looked down at Edmund, his brother. His dead brother. "Edmund!" He cried, shaking his shoulders.
"He's dead Peter."
"He's dead and it's all your fault."
"Ed please!"
"You killed him."
"You killed him!"

Peter's eyes snapped open as he let out a loud gasp, gripping the blanket tightly as he panted. After he'd caught his breath he hastily looked down, to see Edmund, fast asleep and curled into his arms. Peter went silent for a minute and nearly fainted in relief when he heard his brothers deep breathing. Edmund was alive. He hadn't killed him. It had just been a dream.
Taking a deep breath he tightened his grip around his brother, placing a kiss to the top of his head.
Edmund sighed slightly, his eyes flickering open slowly as he frowned. After a while of just laying there he slowly glanced at Peter, only to frown.
"Peter?" He questioned. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine." Peter said, nodding as he forced a smile.
"You're crying." Edmund pointed out.
Peter hastily wiped away the tears that he only now realised were falling. "No I'm not." He mumbled.
Edmund frowned more. "What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing's wrong." Peter said quickly.
"Peter." Edmund said firmly.
Peter sighed. "I - I had a dream." He mumbled.
Edmund swallowed hard. "About?" He asked warily.
Peter took a deep breath. "I - I killed you." He choked, a tear rolling down his cheek.
Edmund froze for a moment before taking a deep breath. "It was - was just a dream." He said slowly. "I'm alive. You did not kill me."
Peter nodded slowly. "I know." He mumbled. "It just felt, so real."
"I know how it feels Peter." Edmund said quietly. "I do. But it wasn't real alright?"
"Alright." Peter choked.
Edmund smiled slightly. "I'm alive." He mumbled.
"I'm glad." Peter whispered, pulling him close.
Edmund nodded slowly. "Me too."


The next morning Peter was awoken by Edmund, much to his confusion.
"What?" He asked, blinking as he looked over to Edmund who was stood on the other side of the tent.
"Finaly." He said, smirking. "You're awake."
Peter watched him as he limped over, flinching slightly. "You alright?" Peter asked, sitting up and pulling off the blanket.
Edmund shrugged. "No." He said. "But you just gotta grin and bare it haven't you?"
Peter sighed sadly as Edmund sat on the edge of the hammock, hissing in pain as he did. "Ed seriously." Peter mumbled. "You don't 'just have to grin and bare it.'"
Edmund only shrugged. "I was just going to see if the girls were up." He said.
Peter nodded. "You should've woken me." He said, climbing out of the hammock and helping Edmund to his feet.
Edmund flinched before sighing. "I thought I'd let you sleep." He said. "After what happened last night-" He trailed off, looking at the floor.
Peter took a deep breath. "It was just a dream." He said slowly.
Edmund nodded. "Exactly." He said. "I'm alive."
"You're alive." Peter said firmly. "I'm just glad you didn't have a dream."
Edmund swallowed hard, looking back down at the ground.
Peter frowned. "You didn't have a nightmare did you?" He asked warily.
Edmund sighed a nodded his head.
"How did I not wake up?" Peter whispered.
"It wasn't a bad one." Edmund explained. "And to be honest, you're pretty tired."
Peter swallowed hard. "What did you dream about?" He asked.
"Just something that happened with Jadis the first time." Edmund replied hastily. "Shall we go and see if the girls are awake?"
Peter sighed. "You should've woken me." He mumbled as he pulled on his boots.
Edmund shrugged but said nothing as he limped towards the tent flaps.
Half way there he felt Peter's arm wrap itself around his waist, helping him walk. "Thanks." He mumbled.
Peter smiled. "Come on then." He said, and with that the two pulled back the flaps and left the tent.


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