The stone table

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There was complete silence.
"The stone table!" Susan exclaimed after a very long time. "Why?!"
Peter ran a hand through his hair. "He's-" He paused, taking a deep breath. "He's gone to stab himself Su!"
Susan stared at him, her mouth open in shock.
"But - he's gone alone." Lucy mumbled. "He doesn't have my cordial."
"And it won't work if he does it." Susan added.
Peter sighed. "Don't you see?" He said. "He's in way too much pain to think straight! All he's thinking about is the pain! And the fact that if he gets stabbed then it'll stop."
"But he has to get stabbed by you!" Susan said.
"I know that!" Peter sighed in frustration.
"Why would he do something like this?" Lucy whispered.
"Because all he wants is for the pain to end." Susan said. "And he's waited far too long." She added, glaring at Peter.
Peter stared at her, swallowing hard as he sighed. "This is all my fault." He choked.
"No it's not Peter." Aslan spoke up. "It's not your fault."
"But - if I had just stabbed him in the first place then he wouldn't be on the way to the stone table right now to stab himself!" Peter stopped breathing, a look of realisation making it's way onto his face.
"What?" Susan said, the worry in his voice quite clear.
Peter swallowed hard. "He's on the way to the stone table to stab himself." He repeated. "Su, he doesn't have the cordial. He's practically on the way to the stone table to kill himself!"
Susan's face fell and Lucy's eyes went wide.
"We need to find him." Peter said quickly. "He's taken Philip so therefore we're gonna have to take horses if we're gonna have even a small chance of catching up with him."
Susan nodded. "We need to hurry." She said, grabbing her bow and arrows from where they were on a nearby chair. "Lu, cordial."
"Got it." Lucy said, taking a deep breath.
"Well come on then!" Peter said quickly, dashing from the room as quickly as he could.
Susan, Lucy and Aslan followed behind, Susan running ahead to join Peter. "We will find him Peter." She said at the look of total panick and worry on Peter's face.
Peter sighed. "Let's just hope you're right." He muttered.


"How much longer Philip?" Edmund choked, tears rolling none stop down his cheeks.
"Well, it's around lunch time now." Philip replied hesitantly.
Edmund didn't even have the strength to nod his head right at that precise moment, he just lay there, head resting on Philip's neck, in so much pain it was becoming unbearable. "Hurry." He choked. "The pains to much."
"Doesn't your brother have to stab you though?" Philip said slowly as he galloped through the woods as fast as he could.
"We figured out I could do it too." Edmund lied, at once feeling guilty.
Philip nodded but said nothing else as he continued through the woods.
"Just please." Edmund sobbed. "Hurry."


"We all ready?" Peter asked as he climbed up onto a horse.
"I'm ready." Susan replied with a nod as Lucy climbed onto the horse she was on and sat behind her. "Lu?"
"Ready." Lucy said.
"Come on then." Peter said, and then they all set off through the woods as fast as they could, Aslan and Peter at the front and Susan and Lucy behind.
Peter took a deep breath as his horse picked up speed. He had to reach the stone table. He would reach the stone table - before Edmund decided to stab himself. He couldn't let his brother do that.
But he wouldn't be going to do that if you'd decided to stab him.
Peter sighed sadly. It was true. If he had just stabbed Edmund in the first place they could all be back home at Cair and Edmund wouldn't be in pain anymore. But no. Edmund was on the way to the stone table right now.
He would never, ever forgive himself if they were too late, never.
"We'll make it Peter." Came Aslan's voice.
Peter looked over at him. "I hope we do." He choked, tears in his eyes. Boy did he hope Aslan was right.


- That evening -

"Edmund?" Philip said, slowing down.
Edmund flinched. "Yeah?" He managed to choked, gripping the wand so hard his hand was starting to hurt.
"We're here."
With great effort Edmund managed to lift his head, only to see the stone table infront of him, cracked down the middle.
"Philip I want you to leave." Edmund said as he very carefully climbed down and stood. His whole body felt like it was on fire, but he forced himself to stay standing.
"Edmund?" Philip questioned.
"I said I want you to leave." Edmund choked, wiping at the tears that were rolling down his cheeks. "That's an order."
Philip clearly hesitated but in the end turned and entered the woods again.
Edmund waited until he disappeared before staggering up the steps of the stone table.
He fell to his knees on one half of it, gasping in pain as he squeezed his eyes shut.
After a while he took a deep breath and slipped his tunic over his head, throwing it to the ground before picking up the wand from where he'd placed it beside him.
Looking down Edmund saw his scar was bleeding again, and now that he came to think about it, he could feel something trickling down his back. Blood.
Taking a deep breath Edmund placed the tip of the wand to the scar on his stomach, breathing heavily.
All he could think about was the fact that he was gonna end his pain. Never once did his siblings cross his mind. And neither did Lucy's cordial. The pain was too much for him to think.
"Just do it." He choked, his hands shaking. And he would. He would do this.


"Nearly there." Peter said. "Quickly."
Almost as soon as he had said this his horse broke through a line of trees to the stone table clearing.
The horse stopped and allowed Peter to climb off. "Wait here." He said to his sisters and Aslan before running over to the stone table.
As he got closer he saw Edmund, knelt on the table with the tip of the wand pressed against his stomach.


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