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Peter was awoken to the sound of his brother mumbling in his sleep. Looking down he saw Edmund curled up in his arms, a look of pain and terror on his face as he tossed his head back and forth.
"Ed." He said quickly, giving his brother a quick shake.
Edmund let out a small gasp as he gripped his stomach, not waking up.
"Edmund wake up." Peter tried again. "It's just a dream."
Edmund gasped again, two tears rolling down his cheeks as his eyes flickered open.
"Ed?" Peter asked quietly, tightening his grip around his brothers shoulders.
Edmund hesitantly glanced up at Peter before letting out a sigh of relief. "Pete." He choked, before flinching.
"Bad dream?" Peter mumbled, squinting in the sun that was shining through the curtains.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He whispered, his arm wrapping itself around Peter's waist.
"You wanna talk about it?" Peter asked softly. "You don't have to if you don't want to." He added quickly.
Edmund swallowed hard. "When I fought the witch." He said in barely more than a whisper. "When she threw me in the river, you - you couldn't save me, and I-I-" Edmund stopped talking, taking deep breath.
Peter sighed. "It's okay." He whispered gently. "It was only a dream."
Edmund nodded before groaning slightly. "It hurts." He said quietly, his voice cracking.
Peter sighed and nodded. "I know." He mumbled. "Which is why the second I've had breakfast I'm going to the library."
Edmund sighed quietly. "You haven't found anything." He choked, flinching as he spoke.
"Yet." Peter said firmly. "We haven't found anything yet."
"You're not going to find anything Peter." Edmund barely whispered. "Aslan said there's no other way. He-" He broke off into a groan though, curling himself into a ball as tears slowly started to roll down his cheeks.
"Okay." Peter whispered comfortingly. He slowly sat up and leant against the headboard, pulling Edmund up to so he was leaning against him, wrapping his arms tightly around his shoulders. "It's gonna be okay."
Edmund let out a quiet sob as he buried his face against Peter's neck. "Please..." He cried.
Peter frowned. "Please what?" He whispered, running a hand repeatedly through Edmund's hair, trying to calm him down if only a little bit.
Edmund took a shaky breath, letting out another small sob before opening his mouth. "Please just do it." He whispered. "Please just stab me."
Petee froze for a moment, tears appearing in his eyes as his grip tightened considerably around his brother, so much so that Edmund let out a half strangled gasp. "I-" Peter choked, loosening his grip a little. "I-" But he didn't know what to say. Edmund was literally asking him to stab him, what was he supposed to do?
"Please Peter." Edmund gasped. "It hurts."
"But-" Peter took a deep breath. "But getting stabbed will hurt more." He managed to force past his lips.
Edmund shook his head as he cried into Peter's shoulder. "Atleast that'll be quick." He said between sobs. "This is constant, never ending pain."
Peter swallowed hard, closing his eyes as a tear rolled down his cheek. He couldn't do it. He couldn't stab his own brother. The thought of him causing Edmund so much pain was almost unbearable. But - he was in so much pain already, that was obvious.
"Peter?" Edmund snapped him out of his thoughts.
Peter swallowed hard as Edmund looked up at him, eyes filled to the brim with tears, face red, a look of agony on his face, chewing absent-mindedly on his bottom lip.
Peter took a deep breath. "We'll find a way Ed." He said, his voice cracking. "I promise."


"Found anything?" Susan said, walking into the library where Peter was sat with a rather big book on his lap.
Peter sighed, shaking his head. "No." He mumbled.
Susan sighed as she sat on the sofa next to him. "Where's Ed?" She asked.
"In bed." Peter replied. "Because he can't actually get up." He muttered under his breath.
"What?" Susan asked, frowning.
Peter shook his head. "Nothing." He mumbled before turning the page of the book.
Susan stared at him for a while before sighing. "Peter?" She said quietly.
Peter looked up at her. "Yeah?" He asked, frowning a little.
"He's asked you to do it hasn't he?" Susan said gently. "He's asked you to stab him?"
Peter stared at her, biting his lip slightly. "Yeah." He choked, looking down as he sighed. "I can't do it." He mumbled, shaking his head. "I can't- do that to him."
"But Peter." Susan said softly. "He's in so much pain already. You stabbing him might cause him the most pain he could actually be in, but it'll last what? Ten seconds maybe? And then it will all end. All the pain will stop."
Peter stared at her. "I know but-" He paused. "The thought of - shoving the witches wand through his stomach, it makes me want to actually throw up. If I did that - I'd-" He swallowed hard before taking a deep breath. "If I did that I'd be as bad as her."
Susan sighed. "No Peter." She said, placing a hand on his shoulder gently. "It won't make you as bad as her."
Peter bit his lip gently and sighed. "I can't do it." He whispered, his voice cracking.
The two looked up when Lucy walked into the room.
"Hey Lu." Susan smiled at her.
Lucy smiled and walked over to sit beside her. "Have either of you seen Ed?" She asked, frowning a little.
Peter frowned back. "He's in bed Lu." He told her.
Lucy's eyes went slightly wider before she frowned even more.
"What?" Susan asked, frowning too.
Lucy took a deep breath. "Peter." She said. "Edmund's not in his room."
"What?!" Peter exclaimed.
"I went up there a few minutes ago and he's not there." Lucy said.
Peter froze for just a second before he stood up, threw the book onto the floor, and ran out of the room.
He ran all the way to his and Edmund's room and burst through the doors. His face fell when he saw an empty room. Lucy was right, Edmund was gone.


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