It's just hard

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"Where's Ed?" Peter asked later that morning as he walked up to Susan, who was sat in an arm chair with a book in her lap.
Susan sighed and nodded out the nearby window, biting her lip gently.
Peter frowned and walked over, peering outside, and what he saw made him sigh. Edmund was literally sat up a tree outside, on the lowest branch, swinging his legs back and forth and fiddling with his sleeve. "How long has he been sat up the tree?" Peter asked, turning back to Susan.
"A while." Susan sighed. "I thought that maybe he just wanted to be alone, so I didn't go out after him."
Peter nodded slowly before heading for the door.
"Where are you going?" Susan called after him.
"To talk to him." Peter called back before he left. He walked through the house and slipped out the door, shutting it quietly behind him before heading off to find Edmund.
He soon found him, still sat up in the tree, head down.
Peter sighed and walked over, glancing up at his brother. "Ed?" He asked.
Edmund looked down at him. "Oh." He said. "Hey."
Peter bit his lip. "Are you alright?" He asked.
Edmund shrugged. "Just the same as the rest of you I suppose." He mumbled, looking down at his lap again.
"Why are you up a tree?" Peter wondered.
Edmund shrugged again. "Dunno." He sighed.
Peter sighed too. "Are you sure you're alright?" He double checked.
Edmund hesitated. "It's just hard isn't it?" He mumbled. "We spent what, ten years in Narnia? and now we're back here, young again."
Peter nodded, leaning against the trunk of the tree. "It is hard yeah." He said. "But we can get through it."
Edmund sighed but nodded. "I suppose." He mumbled.
Peter sighed. "Why don't you come down?" He asked.
Edmund hesitated but in the end nodded, jumping down from the tree.
He landed on his feet but gasped, leaning down to grip his ankle.
Peter had seen what had happened and immediately sat Edmund down. "Well done." He said teasingly. "You've just succeeded in twisting your ankle."
Edmund glared playfully at him and stuck out his tongue.
Peter chuckled at him. "Come on." He said. "Inside."
Edmund smirked as Peter pulled him to his feet, hopping along beside his brother until Peter grabbed his arm and wrapped it around his shoulder, helping him walk.
"Thanks." Edmund sighed.
Peter smiled and led Edmund back into the house, back up to the living room where Susan had been. She was still there and when she saw Edmund she frowned. "What happened?" She asked.
Peter rolled his eyes dramatically. "Our dear brother here has managed to twist his ankle." He replied as he sat Edmund down on the sofa.
"Our dear brother?" Edmund said. "My dear life." He added under his breath as he leant back against the cushions.
Susan let out a quite laugh. "How clever of you." She teased.
Edmund glared at her but couldn't help the small smile he gave her.
"Where's Lucy?" Peter asked.
"Not sure." Susan replied. "Exploring the house no doubt."
"I have been exploring the house." Came a voice from the door.
Peter smirked as Lucy walked in. "And how have you found it?" He asked.
"No where near as big as Cair Paravel." Lucy laughed, crossing her arms.
Peter chuckled. "Not quite." He said.
Lucy smiled. "And the professor says lunch will be ready in half an hour."
"Good." Edmund said. "I'm starving."
Peter raised an eyebrow. "You're always hungry." He replied.
Edmund rolled his eyes. "How many times have you told me that?" He said, smirking at his older brother.
"You know what, let's go down now." Susan said, standing from the chair she was sat in. "I'm pretty hungry too."
"Alright." Peter nodded. "Ed you reckon you can walk?"
Edmund stared at him. "I twisted it." He said. "I haven't broken it."
Lucy frowned. "You twisted your ankle?" She asked.
"Yep." Edmund grinned at her. "But Peter's overreacting, of course I can walk.
Peter stared at him and nodded. "Okay." He chuckled.
Edmund nodded back and stood up quickly, but immediately sat back down again, swearing under his breath.
"Edmund Pevensie!" Susan said, folding her arms.
Edmund stared at her. "Sorry." He mumbled.
Peter chuckled and knelt down in front of his brother, carefully pulling off his shoe followed by his sock.
"Eh, it's a little swollen." Peter said. "But you'll live."
Edmund raised an eyebrow. "Obviously." He said.
"Come on then." Lucy said impatiently.
"Alright." Edmund said with a laugh, pulling his sock back on.
"Don't put your shoe on." Susan said.
Edmund stared at her but nodded in the end, managing to stand, but by standing on one foot.
Peter chuckled and wrapped an arm around his waist, helping him as the four walked down to the dining room, where once there he sat him immediately down in one of the chairs.
"Thanks." Edmund said, smiling at him.
Peter smiled back. "No problem." He said, sitting on the chair beside his brother.
The four sat there in silence and waited for the professor, until Peter noticed that Edmund seemed to be deep in thought.
"Ed?" He asked, but got no answer. "Edmund?"
Edmund shook his head quickly and looked at his brother. "Yeah?" He asked.
"What you thinking about?" Peter said.
Edmund sighed. "Nothing." He mumbled.
"Ed." Peter said firmly.
Edmund swallowed hard. "Just - memories." He said. "Which I seem to be remembering alot more vividly than before we entered England again."
Peter sighed. "I understand Ed." He said. "It's because everything happening now, well would be."
Edmund nodded. "I don't want to remember though." He sighed.
Peter bit his lip and placed a hand on his brothers shoudler. "I know you don't." He mumbled. "But everything will be fine alright?"
Edmund sighed, staring at Peter for a moment before slowly nodding. "I know." He whispered.
But after a moment he stood, limped over and literally sat on Peter's lap, burying his face against his shoudler and wrapping his arms around his neck.


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