In the middle of the night

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"Have fun today?" Peter asked as he and Edmund entered their room very late that night.
Edmund nodded. "Definitely." He smiled, sitting down on the edge of the bed and removing his belt and sword. "Thanks."
Peter smiled, doing the same as Edmund as he sat beside his brother. "Well, only the best for my favourite brother." He smirked.
Edmund raised an eyebrow. "I'm your only brother." He said.
Peter let out a small chuckle. "Get ready for bed." He said softly. "You're looking tired."
"I'm feeling tired." Edmund laughed as he grabbed his pyjamas.
Once he was ready he climbed under the covers, flopping down with a tired sigh.
"Night Ed." Peter said as he climbed into his own bed.
"Night." Edmund called as he blew out the candle on his bedside table.


Edmund's eyes flew open as pain shot through his stomach. His eyes went wide and he gasped, curling in on himself. But almost the second he had the pain disappeared, causing Edmund to frown a little, a confused, yet slightly scared, look on his face.
The pain had come from his scar, and what confused him the most was that his scar hadn't caused him pain in a year. He swallowed hard as he sat up, leaning over to light the candle on his bedside table before lifting up his night shirt slightly, revealing the scar on his stomach. He frowned. There didn't seem to be anything different about it. It wasn't bruised, or red or even swollen, and definitely wasn't bleeding.
Swallowing hard he lowered his shirt and lay back down, staring up at the ceiling, his heart pounding.
Why was his scar sore? After a whole year?
What if-
He cut himself off. No, Jadis was dead, and had been for a whole year. She wasn't coming back and she could never hurt him again.
Glancing over at his brother he sighed. Peter was fast asleep, buried under the blankets with his face buried against his pillow, one arm above his head and the other hanging over the side of the bed. Edmund hesitated, he didn't exactly want to wake his brother, but he was getting rather worried. He tried to tell himself that everything was fine, and that it was probably just a one off thing and wouldn't even happen again, but in the end he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed.
Tip-toeing over to his brother's bed he walked around the other side and climbed under the covers, shuffling as close to Peter as he could.
"Ed what are you doing?"
Edmund jumped, raising his head to see his brother had turned over and was staring at him, very much awake with a frown on his face.
"Sorry." Edmund whispered. "I didn't mean to wake you."
Peter frowned even more. "Why are you awake?" He asked.
Edmund hesitated, biting his lip gently. Should he tell him? Or should he wait for the morning?
"Ed?" Peter questioned, looking really concerned.
Edmund sighed. "I just woke up." He mumbled.
"And decided to climb into my bed?" Peter said, looking unimpressed. "You haven't done this in what, six months?"
Edmund shrugged. "I just - wanted a hug." He whispered.
Peter frowned. "Ed are you sure you're alright?" He asked.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He said.
Peter sighed, sitting up properly. "Right, we aren't going back to sleep until you tell me the truth." He said.
Edmund bit his lip as he sat up too. "I-"
"The truth, Edmund." Peter cut him off.
Edmund sighed. "Fine." He mumbled.
Peter nodded. "What woke you up?" He asked.
Edmund hesitated before taking a deep breath. "My scar." He choked.
Peter froze, staring at his brother with slightly wide eyes. "What?" He whispered after a while.
Edmund sighed. "My scar was sore." He mumbled.
"What, why?!" Peter exclaimed, the worry in his voice evident.
Edmund shrugged. "I don't know." He said.
"Is it still sore now?" Peter asked quickly.
Edmund shook his head. "It hurt for maybe five seconds." He said.
"It doesn't hurt at all?" Peter double checked.
"Not anymore." Edmund replied.
Peter swallowed hard, taking a deep breath as he pulled Edmund into a tight hug. "I'm sure it'll be alright." He mumbled into his ear.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He breathed. "It's just it was rather sudden." He added. "And it really hurt."
Peter sighed. "You know she can never come back right?" He asked, looking down at his brother.
Edmund hesitantly nodded. "We have the wand so how can she?" He said, but his voice cracked half way through.
Peter sighed. "We have the wand, it's still even now guarded twenty four seven." He said firmly. "She is not coming back."
Edmund nodded a little.
"And anyway." Peter said. "It's been a year. If her followers wanted to bring her back wouldn't they of tried already?"
Edmund took a deep breath. "You're right." He mumbled.
Peter nodded and smiled, laying down and pulling Edmund down with him. "Take it you still wanna stay though?" He asked as he threw the blanket over them both.
"If it's alright with you?" Edmund mumbled.
Peter let out a quiet chuckle. "Of course it's alright with me." He said.
Edmund managed a small smile and buried his face against Peter's chest, wrapping an arm around his waist.
"Definitely not still sore?" Peter couldn't help but triple check.
Edmund shook his head. "You wouldn't even think it's there." He muttered, voice slightly muffled against Peter's shirt.
Peter nodded. "I dont think we need to worry." He said, sighing as he closed his eyes, his arm wrapping around Edmund's shoulders and pulling him close. "Everything seems fine."
"I'm glad." Edmund mumbled.
Peter smiled and within ten minutes heard heavy breathing coming from his brother. Happy that he was asleep he moved further down the bed under the blankets and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before slowly drifting off to sleep, his arms tightly around his little brother.


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