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"Peter!" Edmund called as he staggered through the woods, his arms wrapped tightly around his stomach. "Peter!"
Edmund sighed to himself as he continued walking, rather slowly and wearily. Ever since his experiences with the witch he never really liked wondering into the woods alone, which made him ask himself why an earth he was running through the woods right now by himself.
He shook his head quickly, he had to find Peter. He soon found him too, leant against a tree and fiddling with a twig. As Edmund got closed he was alarmed to see tears rolling down Peter's cheeks, and immediately quickened his pace.
He saw Peter frown before looking up at him, only for his eyes to go wide. "Edmund!" He exclaimed, standing and running towards his little brother.
Edmund staggered towards Peter and the second he reached him fell into his arms, groaning in pain as he squeezed his eyes shut.
"What are you doing Ed?" Peter asked, quickly catching Edmund before helping him to sit on the floor.
"I -" Edmund swallowed hard, wincing in pain. "I saw you going into the woods." He mumbled, staring up at Peter's tear stained face.
Peter sighed. "Why did you come after me?" He said, shaking his head slightly.
Edmund only shrugged before groaning quietly, causing Peter to pull him close. "It's okay." He whispered.
Edmund shook his head. "No it's not." He choked. "I can't ask you to do this."
Peter swallowed hard. "I - If I tried I don't think I'd be able to anyway." He mumbled.
"I know Peter." Edmund said.
Peter shook his head. "There has to be another way." He said.
Edmund took a deep breath. "I'm sure there is Pete." He said. "And we'll find it."
Peter nodded slowly. "Course we will." He said. There was a long silence before he spoke again. "You said you have to he stabbed with the wand?"
Edmund looked slightly shocked at first but nodded. "Yeah." He breathed. "That's what Aslan said."
"But." Peter mumbled. "Aslan moved the wand far away, to a safe place where no one would ever get it."
"I know." Edmund nodded.
They both fell silent again.
"If you won't s - stab me." Edmund choked. "Can we atleast go and get the wand?"
Peter raised an eyebrow. "We aren't going anywhere." He said firmly. "You are staying at Cair Paravel."
Edmund sighed.
"Whilst I go and get the wand." Peter added quietly.
Edmund stared up at him. "You'll go and get it?" He asked.
Peter nodded. "But that's all I'm doing." He said quickly. "I can't stab you Ed."
Edmund nodded. "We'll find another way to break the curse."
"If we're gonna find another way, why do I need to go and get the wand." Peter asked, frowning.
Edmund shrugged. "Maybe the other way, whatever it is, will involve the wand too?" He suggested.
Peter nodded. "Maybe." He mumbled. "Okay, I'll go and get the wand, but that's it! There is absolutely no way I'm stabbing my baby brother."
Edmund rolled his eyes, playfully. "Enough of the baby brother!" He said. "I'm fourteen!"
Peter chuckled slightly. "You'll always be my baby brother." He teased. "No matter how old you are."
Edmund sighed, punching Peter's arms playfully, but it caused him to groan.
"Let's get you back to Cair." Peter said quickly, standing and pulling Edmund to his feet.
Edmund let out a quiet gasp and leant against his brother, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment.
Peter sighed sadly and helped Edmund out of the woods, through the castle gardens, into the castle and up to their room, where Susan was.
"Oh thank Aslan!" She exclaimed when her brothers entered the room. "Where an earth have you been!?"
"Sorry." Was all Peter mumbled as he helped Edmund lay down on the bed.
Susan rolled her eyes and sighed. "Where were you?" She asked again.
"In the woods." Peter mumbled, pulling the blanket over his brother.
"Why were you in the woods!?" Susan asked, looking shocked.
Peter didn't answer and took the cloak that Edmund handed him, throwing it to the end of the bed.
"Peter?" Susan said, hands on hips.
Peter sighed and grabbed her shoulder, leading her out onto the balcony out of Edmund's earshot.
"I can't do it Susan!" He whispered. "I can't!"
Susan stared at him, sighing. "Peter." She said sadly. "If you don't do this - he's gonna die."
Peter shook his head harshly. "We're gonna find another way to stop this." He said quickly. "One where I don't have to shove a shattered wand through my little brother's stomach!"
Susan stared at him and the look on his face. Anger, worry, panick, pain, it just went on. "Alright." She whispered sadly. "I understand."
"Except that I am going to get the wand." Peter told her.
"Why?" Susan frowned.
"He asked me to." Peter muttered. "And we might need it, but not to stab him with." He added quickly.
Susan nodded. "Alright." She said. "I should probably go and let Aslan and Lucy know."
Peter nodded. "Okay." He said. "See you at dinner?"
Susan nodded as the two walked back into the room. "See you at dinner." She agreed as headed for the door. But before she left she smiled slightly and nodded over at Edmund's bed before slipping out of the door.
Peter looked over at the bed and was rather relieved to see Edmund fast asleep, buried beneath the blankets. But what made Peter sigh was that he had his arms wrapped around his stomach and a look of pain on his face.
Swallowing hard Peter walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, placing his hand gently on Edmund's shoulder.
"We'll find another way Eddy." He whispered, tears in his eyes as he stared at his brother. "I promise."


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