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"How much further?" Lucy asked from where she sat on the horse in front of Susan.
"Any minute now I think." Susan said quietly. "Is Edmund still asleep?"
Peter nodded as Susan looked over. "Yeah." He mumbled. "But I don't know if he'll be for too much longer." He added, looking down at his brother who had started groaning slightly.
"Good job we're here then." Lucy muttered as they entered a clearing overlooking the river, the roaring waterfall to their left.
Peter took a deep breath just as Edmund's eyes snapped open. "Ed?" He questioned after a while.
Edmund stared at the waterfall for a moment, a small frown on his face before he glanced up at Peter. "What?" Was all he asked, looking beyond confused.
Peter sighed. "You fainted?" He more asked. "We decided to carry on."
Edmund stared at him for a very long time, so long infact that Peter was getting worried. "Ed?" He said slowly, but Edmund didn't answer. "Edmund?" Peter tried again, but his brother just continued to stare at him. "Eddy?" He asked quickly.
Edmund seemed to snap out of his trance at the mention of the nickname, flinching harshly as his eyes squeezed shut. "Yeah?" He asked once he'd recovered.
Peter sighed. "You really scare me when you do that." He mumbled.
Edmund bit his lip. "Sorry." He mumbled before finaly realising where they were. They were in exactly the same place that he was in when the witch turned the fox to stone, before hitting him. Swallowing hard he turned slightly and buried his face against Peter's shoulder, taking a deep, shaky breath.
Peter sighed. "It's all gonna be alright." He whispered in Edmund's ear.
"Please - Please don't do this." Edmund choked.
Peter sighed, his mouth opening but no sound came out.
"Edmund, Peter has to do this." Susan said gently as she and Lucy climbed down from their horse, Lucy immediately walking to Aslan's side.
Edmund looked over at her, before he sighed. "I know." He mumbled, looking down at the ground.
"It'll be alright." Peter whispered as he jumped off the horse, holding his hand up to help Edmund down.
Edmund hesitated but grabbed his hand, gently climbing off the horse. But he still cried out in pain, collapsing against Peter.
Peter quickly caught him around the waist and steadied him. "Alright?" He asked after a moment.
Edmund shook his head. "No." He said simply.
Peter sighed sadly before turning to Susan, who had the whip in her hand - Luckily she had some sense to grab it from the witches castle before they left.
Peter hesitated before he unwrapped one arm from around his brother and took hold of the whip.
Edmund immediately buried his face against Peter's neck, letting out a small whimper.
Peter swallowed hard. "It - It's gonna be fine." He choked, staring at Susan as she grabbed a long piece of rope from her bag.
Sighing she handed it to Peter, her hands shaking as she took a deep breath.
"Ed?" Peter said, gently pushing him away.
But the second he did Edmund buried his face against his chest again, viciously shaking his head.
Peter swallowed hard, glancing at his sisters and Aslan, who all sighed at the same time.
"Ed come on." Peter choked, trying to push Edmund away.
But Edmund was having none, he wrapped his arms tightly around Peter's waist and buried his face further against his chest, tears now rolling slowly down his cheeks.
"Ed the pain won't stop until I do this." Petee tried to reason.
Edmund simply refused to let go, shaking his head again.
Peter didn't know what to do, and in the end glanced up at Aslan, silently asking for help.
Aslan nodded a little and walked up to Edmund. "Edmund." He said softly.
Edmund swallowed hard, slowly turning his head to look at him.
"You must understand that Peter has to do this." Aslan said. "Otherwise I'm afraid you will die."
Edmund let out a choked sob, squeezing his eyes shut tightly, shaking his head slowly even as he flinched. "I - It hurt so much though." He choked.
"Edmund." Aslan said. "You've got Peter and your sisters. You're gonna be fine."
Edmund stared at him for a moment before looking up at Peter, who nodded in reply to his silent question. "You've always got me Eddy." He whispered. "Always."
Edmund swallowed hard before taking a deep breath. "Alright." He whispered, his voice cracking.
"There you go." Peter mumbled as Edmund slowly pulled away, wiping the tears from his cheeks.
Peter asked Susan to hold the whip for a minute as he fiddled with the rope.
Edmund stared at him and very slowly put his hands behind his back, taking a deep breath.
Peter clearly hesitated but in the end walked behind Edmund and set about tying the ropes around his wrists.
"Pete your gonna have to do it tighter than that." Susan mumbled sadly.
Peter swallowed hard, nodding slowly before he pulled the knots as tightly as he could.
Edmund let out a strangled gasp, his eyes squeezing shut for a second.
"Sorry." Peter mumbled as he pulled it the rope a little tighter, causing a small cry to escape his brother.
"Are they, as tight as Jadis did it?" Lucy asked slowly.
Edmund nodded, a tear rolling down his cheek as he took a deep breath, followed by another quick one.
Peter bit his lip before taking hold of the end of the rope in one hand and the whip with the other.
Edmund was visibly trembling as he turned away from Peter, taking deep breaths as he tried to keep his breathing even, but it wasn't going well.
Peter in the end walked around and knelt in front of his brother and pulled him down into his lap, him gasping for air by now. "Calm down." Peter whispered softly. "Just breath."
Edmund squeezed his eyes shut against the pain and tried to do as Peter had said. After a long while of Peter's whispering his breathing returned to normal and he slumped against his brother.
"There you go." Peter whispered. "Let's do this shall we?" He said after a while as he stood, pulling Edmund up after him.
It took everything Edmund had at that moment to stay standing and to not panick.
Peter once again took hold of the end of the rope and gripped the whip tightly in his hand. "You can do this." He choked to his brother. "I know you can. You're strong. Never forget that Edmund. Never forget that."


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