The next day

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The next morning Peter was, as always, the first to wake. He lay there for a moment, letting his eyes adjust to the brightness before looking down to his brother, who was curled up beside him, head resting on his shoulder and mouth slightly open.
Peter couldn't help but smile a little, but his smile disappeared when he remembered what he had to do.
Swallowing hard Peter forced back the tears, wrapping his arms tightly around his brother, who after that shifted in his sleep and let out a groan, moving more towards Peter and burying his face against his neck.
"Love you Ed." Peter whispered, thinking that Edmund was still asleep.
"Love you too." Came the tired reply of his brother, slightly muffled against Peter's shoulder.
Peter smiled. "Didn't mean to wake you." He said slowly.
Edmund shook his head as he slowly looked up at his brother, eyes still half shut. "It's fine." He mumbled, before flinching.
Peter sighed sadly. "You okay?" He asked gently.
Edmund went to shrug, but quickly stopped himself and instead answered with a shake of his head. "Not exactly." He whispered.
"We're going to - to the witches castle today." Peter managed to force out.
Edmund stared at him for a moment and nodded. "Okay." He mumbled, his voice cracking.
"You're gonna be fine." Peter sighed. "Lucy will heal you straight away afterwards, I promise."
Edmund nodded slightly. "I'm so sorry you have to do this." He muttered.
Peter sighed. "You don't need to apologise Eddy." He mumbled. "It's not your fault."
Edmund sighed too. "You know I won't force you to do this if you don't want to." He said quietly.
"Ed." Peter said. "Last time the pain got so bad that you actually went to the stone table to stab yourself without anyone or Lucy's cordial."
Edmund looked away guilty. "I - I wasn't thinking straight." He mumbled.
"Exactly Ed." Peter sighed. "That's how bad the pain was. And if I can stop the pain in your back from getting that bad then I will, okay?"
Edmund nodded. "Okay." He copied.
"Right." Peter said. "What do you say we go see if the girls or Aslan are awake?"
Edmund nodded. "Sure." He said, slowly sitting up and climbing out of the hammock.
Peter followed and gripped Edmund's shoulder when he flinched. "I'm fine." Edmund said after a moment or two before walking across the tent and leaving. Peter sighed and quickly followed, pushing the tent flaps aside and stepping outside. Once out he saw Edmund standing infront of Aslan, he quickly walked over and stood beside him just in time for him to hear Edmund say. "Yeah."
"Yeah what?" Peter asked.
"Edmund just told me that you're going to do it?" Aslan questioned, looking up at Peter.
Peter took a deep breath. "Yes." Was all he said.
Aslan nodded slowly. "We'll leave as soon as we've had something to eat." He said.
Peter nodded, taking a deep breath as he tried to calm him pounding heart. "Are the girls awake?" He asked.
"They're just getting ready." Aslan replied.
They waited for a few minutes before Lucy came walking out of her tent, a small smile on her face. "Edmund." She said and before Edmund knew it Lucy was in his arms. Edmund managed a small smile despite the pain shooting down his back as he hugged her back. 
After a while she pulled away and turned to Peter, a slightly worried look on her face. "So?" She asked slowly.
Peter took a deep breath and was about to answer her when Susan stepped out of the tent.
She smiled when she caught sight of the others and walked over to them, noticing how everyone was staring at Peter. She did the same. "Are you going to?" She asked hesitantly.
Peter very slowly nodded his head. "I'm gonna do it." He told his sisters.
Lucy's arm immediately wrapped itself back around Edmund, glancing up at him with tears in her eyes.
Edmund swallowed hard. "It's gonna be fine Lu okay?" He said. "Peter will do this, and the other, and then it will all be over."
Lucy stared at him for a moment before nodding her head. "Okay." She mumbled.
"When are we leaving?" Susan asked.
"After we've had something to eat." Peter choked.
Susan nodded slowly. "Alright." She mumbled.
Peter glanced over at Edmund, who was looking down at the floor, taking deep breaths. He sighed and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
Lucy let go of her brother to allow Edmund to turn and bury his face against Peter's chest, wrapping his arms around his waist.
Peter placed a gentle kiss to the top of his head. "It's all gonna turn out fine." He whispered. "I promise."


"We all ready?" Peter asked as he helped Edmund up onto one of the horses.
Edmund squeezed his eyes shut tightly as pain shot down his back, gripping Peter's hand as he sat up straight.
"Ready." He managed to choke.
Peter sighed. "You alright?" He asked.
Edmund shook his head. "No." Was all he said.
Peter sighed and climbed up behind Edmund, grabbing the reins and wrapping his arms around his brother.
Edmund took a deep breath and leant back against Peter, groaning as he did.
"Okay." Peter whispered comfortingly. "It's okay."
"We're ready." Susan said quietly from where she and Lucy sat on the other horse.
"Come on." Aslan said.
Peter nodded and the horse started off at a slow trot, closely followed by the other horse, Aslan beside Peter and Edmund.
Edmund squeezed his eyes shut as he leant his head back against Peter's shoulder, holding his breath as he tried to ignore the pain.
Peter sighed and tightened his grip around Edmund. "It's okay." He whispered in his ear.
Edmund took a deep breath and nodded slowly. But every step the horse took causes a jolt of pain to shoot down his back, and the backs of his legs were now really stinging. But he hid it rather well. Telling himself that everything would end soon.
So the five (plus the horses) continued through the woods, on their way to Jadis' castle.

Also, I'm gonna say this now!

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