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Peter woke up the next morning when there was a knock at the door. He looked down to see Edmund awake, and he had no doubt that he had been for most - if not all - of the night.
"Yeah?" Peter said sleepily, rubbing his eyes as he tightened his grip around Edmund's shoulders.
Edmund hid a flinch as the door opened and Susan walked in, carrying two bowls. "I brought breakfast." She whispered with a small smile.
"You're a star." Peter chuckled as Susan walked over to the bed, laughing too.
"Porridge alright?" She asked.
"Great." Peter said, nodding a little as he slowly sat up, pulling Edmund up carefully after him.
Edmund still gasped though, clutching his stomach as he leant back against Peter.
"You okay?" Peter asked quickly.
Edmund sighed and shook his head. "Not exactly." He choked, tears in his eyes.
Susan gave him a sad look as she handed one bowl to Peter and one to Edmund.
Peter took his but Edmund just stared for a while before shaking his head.
Peter frowned. "Why not?" He asked.
"Not hungry." Edmund replied, his voice shaking as a tear rolled down his cheek.
Susan sighed. "I don't believe you." She said quietly.
Edmund didn't answer her and just buried his face against Peter's chest.
Peter sighed, placing his bowl on the bedside table and pulling Edmund close. "Just a few mouthfuls?" He whispered gently. But Edmund shook his head, letting out a quiet sob.
Peter swallowed hard as he glanced at Susan, who sighed and placed a hand gently on Edmund's back.
Edmund gasped sharply and jerked away, biting down hard on his knuckle so that he didn't scream.
Susan frowned. "What?" She asked.
Peter bit his lip, hesitating. "You know we thought it was just the scar from the wand?" He asked.
Susan nodded. "It is, isn't it?" She said warily.
Peter shook his head. "It's all his scars." He said in barely more than a whisper. "We couldn't tell you til now seeming as we haven't seen you since - yesterday morning?"
Susan nodded slowly. "We've been trying to find another way to stop this." She told him.
"I know." Peter said, looking down at his brother when he let out another sob. "It's okay." He whispered, placing a kiss to the top of his head. "Where's Lu?" He asked after a long while.
"In the library." Susan sighed.
"Already?" Peter asked in shock. "It's eight o'clock in the morning!"
Susan nodded. "She wants this to stop as much as we all do." She mumbled.
Peter sighed a little, holding Edmund tightly as he let out another sob.
Peter and Susan sat there with Edmund until he finaly cried himself to sleep, collapsing against Peter with a sigh.
Peter couldn't help the relieved sigh that escaped him when Edmund fell asleep, if Edmund needed anything, it was sleep.
They all sat there in silence for ages, Peter not taking his eyes off of Edmund.
He gently stroked his sweaty hair from his eyes, staring at his tear stained, red face that still showed pain even though he was asleep.
"Su?" Peter choked suddenly, but still not taking his eyes off his brother.
"Yeah?" Susan replied.
Peter took a deep breath. "I - I'm gonna do it." He choked.
Susan stared at him for a long time. "Are you sure?" She whispered.
Peter hesitated but nodded anyway. "He's in so much pain." He said, his voice cracking as tears appeared in his eyes. "And I can end that."
Susan nodded slowly. "I suppose I'll go tell Aslan." She said quietly.
"I'm coming." Peter said suddenly.
Susan frowned. "You not staying here?" She asked.
"He'll be alright." Peter said hesitantly. "He's been awake the whole night. I don't think he'll be waking up any time soon."
Susan nodded slowly. "Alright." She said with a small smile.
Peter smiled a little back, gently unwrapping Edmund's arm from around his waist and slipping out of the bed.
Edmund groaned slightly and buried his face against the pillows, wrapping the blanket tightly around his neck.
Peter smiled slightly, tears in his eyes as he stared at Edmund.
"You coming?" Susan asked gently, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Peter sniffed. "Yeah." He said, tearing his eyes from Edmund and following Susan out of the room.


"Edmund. Why don't you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Why don't you stab yourself?"
"But, Peter has to do it."
"But he won't do it will he?"
"Not exactly."
"Then why don't you do it?"
"But it won't work."
"How do you know?"
"Cause, the witch made it so that only Peter stabbing me would work."
"But Peter won't stab you will he?"
"No, you've asked that."
"Do it Edmund."
"I'm not sure."
"It will end all your pain. No more pain."
"No. More. Pain."

Edmund awoke with a start, his eyes going wide as pain shot through his whole body.
He squeezed his eyes shut for just a moment before his dream came back to him. Who the heck was that? Who did the voice belong to? He didn't recognise it.
Should he listen to it?
He was absolutely sick and tired of always being in pain, it was getting way too much for him to handle.
Peter was never going to stab him. Maybe it would work if he stabbed himself. Jadis would love to see him stab himself, wouldn't she?
Edmund groaned as pain shot down his back and through his stomach.
"Blow it." He choked.
He was gonna do it. It was bound to work. The witch would definitely love to see him stab himself.
So, holding his breath he pulled the blankets off himself before swinging his legs over the side of the bed.
He held back a cry of pain. He couldn't let anyone know what he was doing. Peter would go berserk for one.
He needed to find the wand. He'd get the wand, get philip - cause there was no way he'd be able to walk to the stone table - and he'd go.
So, making up his mind he stood, biting down hard on his lip and making his way over the wardrobe to find a tunic and a cloak.
The part that he needed Lucy's cordial if he was going to stab himself never once crossed his mind - he was in way too much pain to think straight.
And he was in way too much pain to figure out that the voice in his dream was in fact the white witch.
All he could think about - besides the pain - was the fact that he was going to end his pain and stab himself.


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