No way

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Peter sighed and wrapped his arms tightly around his brother, placing a kiss to the top of his head.
"I've missed being small enough to do this." Edmund whispered against Peter's shoulder, a small smile on his face.
Peter chuckled before sighing. "I've missed it too." He murmered, fiddling with the strands of Edmund's hair.
"Being young again has its upsides I suppose." Edmund said quietly, tightening his grip around his older brothers neck.
"Uh hu." Peter replied with a nod, glancing behind him when Susan placed a hand on his shoulder. She gave him a small smile followed by a nod, which he returned before turning back to his brother, burying his face against his hair. "You alright?" He asked after ten minutes of total silence.
Edmund nodded. "Better." He said slowly. "Thanks." He added, looking up at his brother.
Peter smiled. "No problem." He whispered, placing a kiss to Edmund's forehead.
Edmund smiled at him before shuffling off his lap and sitting back on his chair, just as the professor walked in.
"Is everything alright?" He asked as he sat down, seeing the children's faces.
Peter took a deep breath. "Just memories." He replied. "And not exactly good ones either."
The professor stared at him for a moment before looking over at Edmund. "I know what the white witch is like Edmund." He said simply. "I understand."
Edmund looked up at him before hesitantly nodding.
"How did you-" Lucy hesitated.
The professor turned his stare to her. "How did I bring her back to life?" He finished.
Lucy nodded slowly, looking curious.
"Well, there was a bell you see." The professor told them all. "With a note that said 'make your choice adventurous stranger, strike the bell and bide the danger, or wonder til it drives you mad, what would've happened if you had.'."
"So you wrung the bell?" Susan mumbled.
The professor nodded. "And I highly regret it." He said. "After hearing what she did to Narnia - and to your brother."
Susan nodded slowly just as Mrs. Macready walked into the room with lunch.


"Ed you in here?" Peter asked as he peered into his room that evening.
Edmund looked up from where he was sat on his bed, nodding at Peter. "I'm here." He said.
Peter frowned a little at him before sitting beside him. "You alright?" He asked slowly.
Edmund shrugged.
"What's wrong?" Peter asked firmly.
Edmund stared at him for a moment before he sighed. "I just can't help but wonder, what if I were to start going back to how I was before Narnia?"
Peter frowned. "That's not going to happen Ed." He said slowly.
"But how do you know that!" Edmund exclaimed. "I can't go back to how I was before! I was - I was so horrible to Lucy!! And to Susan! I was always so mad at you! I can't - I can't go back to being like that again."
Peter sighed. "You won't." He said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Ed, Narnia changed you, you're a different person, and there's no way you could go back to who you were before Narnia." He bit his lip. "No way."
Edmund sighed and rested his head on Peter's shoulder, closing his eyes for a moment. "We'd be walking to her camp right now." He said in nothing more than a whisper.
Peter took a deep breath. "Let's see." Was all he mumbled.
Edmund looked up at him before standing up with his back to Peter.
Peter leant down and rolled down one of Edmund's socks, only to see two faint, thin scars going across the back of his leg. "There are only two at the moment." He replied.
Edmund nodded slowly. "There'll be more soon." He whispered, before glancing down at his wrists, sighing at the scars that had appeared there too, only visible if you'd been told they were there.
"The ones from the rope there too?" Peter asked at seeing him looking.
Edmund nodded as he sat back on the bed beside his brother, holding out his hand.
Peter stared sadly, tracing his finger lightly over the small scars that he could only just see.
Edmund sighed. "I was hoping, when we found out they were gone, that they'd disappeared for good." He mumbled.
"I hoped that too." Peter nodded.
"They just - everytime I see them, they just remind me." Edmund whispered before sighing. "I'm never going to be able to forget."
Peter hesitated. "Maybe that's a good thing." He said quietly. "You wouldn't of become the person you are now if it weren't for what happened to you in Narnia."
Edmund stared at him for a moment before nodding. "I suppose." He whispered.
Peter smiled a little. "What do you say we go play a game of chess before bed?" He asked.
Edmund managed a faint smile. "Sounds great." He said before he grinned widely. "But only if you're prepared to be beaten."
Peter chuckled. "Challenge excepted." He said, standing from the bed. He waved his hands at the door. "My king." He said, bowing.
Edmund chuckled and dashed out of the room, Peter laughing and following after him.
They reached one of the sitting rooms and found Susan and Lucy inside, both peering over a book, well Susan was reading it, Lucy more looking over her shoulder.
"What you reading?" Edmund wondered as he jumped onto the sofa beside Lucy.
"Little women." Susan replied simply.
Edmund pulled a face before grabbing the chess bored from a table behind the sofa.
"What was that face for?" Lucy giggled. "From what I can make out it's rather interesting."
Edmund raised an eyebrow as Peter helped him set up the chess bored. "Not exactly my cup of tea." He said.
"No." Susan smirked. "You much prefer sherlock Holmes."
"Exactly." Edmund said. "Mystery is much more my type of book."
Peter smirked at him. "You move first." He said.
Edmund turned to him and made his first move.
And the four sat there until way past ten PM that night, before Peter forced them all to bed.


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