I'll stay

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Peter frowned as he quickly pulled back the covers, climbing out of bed and lighting the candle on his bedside table.
Once the room was lit he looked over at his brother, to see him tossing his head back and forth, muttering under his breath. He was drenched in sweat and had a terrified look on his face.
Not hesitating in the slightest Peter walked the short way across the room and sat on the edge of Edmund's bed, placing a hand gently on his brothers shoulder. "Ed?" He whispered softly, hoping to maybe calm him down instead of waking him up.
He was utterly confused as well as worried, Edmund hadn't had a nightmare in what, ten years? - well, Narnian time anyway.
"Edmund calm down." Peter muttered, leaning down to whisper in his ear. "It's just a dream."
Edmund's eyes squeezed tightly shut. "I - I don't know." He muttered in his sleep.
Peter sighed. "Ed wake up." He said, deciding to give up on trying to calm him down. "Ed come on. I'm here, it's just a dream."
Edmund let out a small sob as his hand clamped around Peter's. "Please don't."
Peter swallowed hard. "Edmund!" He said, raising his voice as he shook his brother slightly.
But Edmund didn't wake up, he just kept mumbling the words: "Please don't." And: "I don't know."
Peter sighed and hesitated, before he clapped his hands as loud as he could infront of Edmund's face.
Edmund's eyes snapped open as he let out a terrified gasp, sitting bolt upright in bed and nearly head butting his brother, but luckily Peter moved out the way just in time. "Ed?" He asked after a moment of silence, except for Edmund's deep breaths.
Edmund slowly looked over at his brother and frowned. "Where am -" He paused. "What?"
Peter sighed. "We're in England again remember? At the professor's?" He said.
Edmund nodded slowly, a look of realisation making It's way onto his face. "Yeah." He breathed.
Peter hesitated. "What - What did you dream about?" He asked.
Edmund stared at him for a moment. "The first time in the witches dungeons." He choked. "When she - she tortured me for information on where you all were going and where Aslan was."
Peter sighed. "Which - I'm guessing would be happening right now?" He said.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He mumbled.
"Then that means-" Peter said but trailed off, sitting slightly behind his brother and pulling up his night shirt, staring at his back.
"Are they there?" Edmund asked.
Peter sighed and nodded. "The scars are back." He mumbled, moving back to sit in front of him.
Edmund swallowed hard but just nodded, not saying anything.
"That might be why you had a dream." Peter mumbled more to himself.
Edmund nodded again. "Hmm." He said before sighing.
"It's gonna be rather hard to hide the scars from everyone." Peter sighed.
Edmund swallowed hard. "I'm sure we'll manage." He said, hesitating before saying: "I miss Narnia."
Peter sighed a nodded. "I do too." He said sadly. "But I'm sure we'll go back - one day."
Edmund nodded. "One day." He whispered.
Peter sighed. "We should probably go back to sleep." He said.
Edmund nodded. "Pete?" He asked.
"Yeah?" Peter answered.
"Do you reckon that - er - maybe you could - um - maybe-" Edmund stuttered.
Peter sighed and placed a finger to his brothers lips. "I'll stay." He said with a sad smile.
Edmund gave him a grateful smile and moved up to make room for him.
Peter climbed under the covers and pulled Edmund into his arms, kissing the top of his head. "Night Ed." He whispered.
Edmund smiled. "Night." He replied. "And, please don't fall out the bed." He chuckled. "It's a bit smaller than our beds in Narnia."
"A bit?" Peter chuckled, raising an eyebrow.
Edmund laughed slightly as his eyes closed, curling into Peter's arms.
"Night." Peter said again. "My little treasure."
Edmund chuckled. "And you're back to calling me that." He smirked.
Peter laughed. "You bet." He murmered.


Peter frowned as his eyes flickered open partly. The first thing he became aware of was the light, followed by the feeling of someone's arm tightening around his waist. He sighed as his eyes slipped shut again, only to immediately hear voices.
"What's Peter doing in Edmund's bed?"
"I'm not sure."
"Su, you don't think that Edmund had a nightmare last night do you?"
"That's only ever the reason why Peter would climb into Edmund's bed."
Peter sighed and opened his eyes, to see Susan and Lucy stood at the end his bed - no, not his bed, Edmund's bed.
Looking down he saw Edmund cuddled up beside him, sleeping with his head resting against his shoulder.
Sighing he looked back up to his sisters, who were now smiling at him. "Morning." Peter mumbled.
Susan smiled slightly and sat on the edge of the bed. "Is everything alright?" She asked hesitantly.
Peter shook his head. "He had a dream." He said. "Because if you think about it, he would be with the witch right now."
Susan nodded slowly, Lucy sitting beside her and resting her head on her shoudler.
"Did he dream about the first night he spent in her dungeons?" Susan asked.
Peter nodded. "Yeah." He breathed.
Lucy sighed. "Well." She said. "Let's not sit here all day. Mrs. Macready wants us downstairs for breakfast in ten."
Peter groaned. "Tell you what, I did not miss her and her stupid rules and all that business." He said, unable to hide a smirk.
Lucy giggled. "Or her temper." She said. "Quickly get ready, before she loses it."
"Will you lot be quite!"
Peter raised an eyebrow and looked down at his brother, who still had his eyes closed but, from what he had just said, was very much awake.
"Get up." Peter said quickly, smiling. "Otherwise Mrs. Macready will lose it."
Edmund opened one eye. "What time is it?" He asked.
"Eight o'clock." Susan replied.
Edmund sighed but in the end sat up, rubbing his eyes as he yawned.
He then looked over at Peter, the events of that night coming back to him. He swallowed hard, taking a deep breath before climbing out of bed and heading for the bathroom.
Peter sighed sadly, staring at the door.
"He'll be fine Pete." Susan reassured him.
Peter nodded. "Course he will." He said as firmly as he could. "He's Edmund."
"Exactly." Susan smiled, and with a laugh added: "Now hurry up and get changed before we're all for it."


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