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Peter swallowed hard and went to move, but found himself unable to, his feet were glued to the floor.
Edmund stared at him for a moment before sighing and turning to Aslan. He whispered something in his ear quickly, flinching.
Aslan nodded and smiled a little.
Edmund nodded back slowly before walking over to Lucy, kneeling down in front of her, even though it caused him to gasp slightly. "Lu." He said once he'd recovered. "I want you to go outside with Aslan alright?"
Lucy eyes went slightly wider before she shook her head.
"Lucy please." Edmund choked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I don't want you to watch this."
Lucy sighed quietly and looked down at the floor, tears in her eyes. "What about you?" She asked, glancing back up at Edmund.
"I'll be fine Lu." Edmund said, forcing a smile for his sister. "Just go with Aslan?"
Lucy stared at him for a minute before nodding, and then she wrapped her arms carefully around Edmund's neck.
Edmund bit back a groan and hugged her back, placing a kiss gently to her cheek.
After a few moments the two pulled away. "See you in a minute?" Edmund said, smiling despite the tears that were threatening to fall.
Lucy hesitantly nodded. "See you in a minute." She mumbled.
"Lu?" Susan said. "Cordial."
Lucy nodded and quickly handed it to Susan.
"Off you go." Edmund mumbled, giving her one last quick hug before she left the room.
"Aslan?" Peter asked quickly just as he was about to leave.
"Yes Peter?" Aslan said, turning to face him.
Peter swallowed hard. "How - How many times do I have to do it?" He asked, his voice tight.
Aslan gave him a sad look. "Half the amount of times Jadis did last time." He replied.
"Ten." Edmund mumbled. "Ten times."
Peter took a deep breath as Aslan left the room, his heart pounding in his chest.
Sighing loudly, Edmund turned to Susan. "I-"
"I'm staying Ed." Susan cut him off quickly.
Edmund sighed but nodded before turning to Peter. "Pete?" He asked hesitantly.
Peter stared at him. "Yeah?" He choked.
"Are we gonna do this?" Edmund said slowly.
Peter slowly nodded, but still didn't move.
Edmund took a deep breath and walked over to stand in the middle of the room, where he slipped off his tunic before raising his arms above his head, glancing at Susan.
Susan took a deep breath and, placing Lucy's cordial in her bag walked over to her brother. With great difficulty she managed to lock the chains around Edmund's wrists, before taking a deep breath and placing a hand on his shoulder. "Alright?" She mumbled.
Edmund swallowed hard and nodded just to reassure her, but in truth the chains were already digging into his wrists and causing quite a bit of pain.
He looked up at Peter when he heard him walking over.
Peter ignored Edmund completely and walked behind him, grabbing a whip that lay in the corner of the room on the floor.
Edmund managed to turn around just enough to see him hold the handle tightly in his hand and look up at him
"Just do it Peter." Edmund said, his voice cracking.
Peter swallowed hard and then slowly nodded, taking a few steps towards Edmund.
Edmund took a deep breath and turned back around, only for Susan to place both hands on the back of his head, allowing Edmund to bury his face against her shoulder.
Edmund couldn't help the small sob that escape him as he started to tremble, causing Susan to sigh and start whispering comfortingly in his ear.
Peter stared at them for a moment. Ten times. Ten times. Ten times. He kept repeating this over and over again in his head as he raised the whip above his head. He stared at Susan for a moment, who stared back and slowly nodded her head.
Peter then, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, brought down the whip.
The second it hit Edmund's back, Edmund let out a choked gasp and buried his face further against Susan's shoulder.
"Shh." Susan soothed, stroking his hair as he let out a heart breaking sob. "It's okay."
Peter took a deep breath as he raised the whip again, a tear slowly rolling down his cheek as he stared at the now bleeding lash on Edmund's back. After a couple seconds of hesitation he brought it down again.
He cringed when he heard the crack and when Edmund let out another half strangled gasp.
Edmund swallowed hard, his eyes squeezed shut and face still buried against Susan's shoulder. He wouldn't scream. He wouldn't. But as the pain in his back gradually started to get worse, he didn't know how long he could - not scream for.
Peter took another deep breath, raising the whip above his head again. Two down, eight to go. He brought the whip down quickly, hearing it crack on Edmund's back, followed by the gasp his brother let out.
He did this three more times, but on the third one Edmund let out a scream, slightly muffled against Susan's shoulder.
Peter lowered the whip and stared at his brothers back, tears rolling non stop down his cheeks.
Edmund clamped his mouth shut and let out a rather loud whimper, causing Susan to start whispering again. "Just four more." She choked, stroking his hair gently.
Edmund shook his head, practically dangling from the chains at this point. "No." He managed to force past his lips. "Please."
Susan glanced up at Peter to see his face fall completely, more tears falling down his cheeks.
"Ed come on." Susan mumbled. "You can do it."
Edmund let out a quiet sob but nodded his head anyway.
Peter swallowed hard and with a sob raised the whip again. Only after a reassuring nod from Susan did he finaly bring it down, causing Edmund's eyes to snap open and for him to let out a heartbreaking scream.
"Shh." Susan whispered as Edmund started to cry, his breathing getting heavier with every passing minute.
"I can't do this." Peter suddenly choked.
Susan sighed. "Peter three more." She said slowly.
Peter shook his head. "Look at him!" He exclaimed, raising both his hands in the air.
Susan sighed and glanced down over Edmund's shoulder, her eyes going wide as she saw the lashes on Edmund's back. "Peter." She said slowly, her voice shaking. "You either do it three more times, or he's gonna die."
Peter cringed at the noise Edmund made after this sentence from Susan, and immediately raised the whip.
Susan nodded at him before going back to whispering comfortingly in Edmund's ear.
The crack of the whip was followed by a scream from Edmund as he slumped against Susan, now actually dangling from the chains. Susan tried her best to hold him up so he didn't hurt himself even more, but found it practically impossible.
She glanced up when Peter raised the whip again, bringing it down after atleast thirty seconds hesitation.
Edmund screamed so loudly that Susan flinched slightly, closing her eyes for a moment.
"No more." Edmund cried as he buried his face back against Susan's shoulder.
"One more." Susan whispered, two tears now making their way down her cheeks. "It's one more Edmund."
"Please don't." Edmund bearly whispered.
Susan took a deep breath and nodded at Peter, who - after taking a deep breath and wiping the tears from his cheeks - raised the whip and brought it down on Edmund's back.
The scream that followed made Peter drop the whip and run over to his brother. It was over. He'd done it. For now, it was all over.


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