Everything's gonna be fine

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Peter sighed quietly as he caught sight of his brother, curled into a ball under the blankets, face buried into the pillows and arms wrapped tightly around his stomach.
Aslan was sat on the rug next to the bed, watching Edmund. But when he saw Peter enter the room he smiled and walked over to him.
Without a word he gave Peter a small nod before leaving the room.
Peter nodded back and glanced back to Edmund. At first thought he was asleep, but after he'd closed the door he heard him say: "Susan, if you've come to tell me to eat I've already told you that I don't want anything. And you can't persuade me."
Peter gave his brother a sad look before walking across the room and sitting on the edge of the bed. "Well, what if I could persuade you?" He asked softly.
Edmund's eyes snapped open and he turned around in bed, wincing as he did. But the second he saw Peter he flew into his arms, almost knocking the bowl of soup out of his hand.
Peter looked a little surprised at first. He placed the bowl on the bedside table before wrapping his arms around Edmund, being as gently as he possibly could.
"You're back." Edmund choked, burying his face against Peter's neck.
"I told you I'd be back around this time." Peter whispered into his ear.
"I missed you." Edmund mumbled.
"I've only been gone a day." Peter chuckled kindly.
"It felt like alot longer." Edmund said. "Trust me."
Peter sighed a little as he slowly pulled away, Edmund doing the same. "How you feeling?" He asked, gently stroking the hair from Edmund's eyes.
Edmund shrugged. "It really hurts." He admitted. "Like, really, really hurts. And I fell really sicky."
Peter raised an eyebrow. "And that's because you haven't eaten since I left isn't it?" He said.
Edmund looked guiltily at him, shrugging a little. "Sorry." He mumbled.
Peter sighed. "It's alright." He said quietly. "You're gonna eat now though." He added, grabbing the bowl again.
Edmund stared at the soup, not looking at all pleased. "Not hungry." Was all he mumbled as he flinched.
"I refuse to believe that you aren't hungry Ed." Peter said. "And anyway, even if you weren't hungry you still need to eat."
Edmund bit his lip before shaking his head.
Peter sighed, but then had an idea.
Under Edmund's watchful eye he scooped some soup onto the spoon before bringing if up to Edmund's lips. Edmund quickly moved his head to the side, but not before some of the soup managed to touch his bottom lip.
Peter smiled a little as Edmund licked it off quickly, not looking at Peter, who still held the spoon.
Edmund, after a long while, slowly opened his mouth, allowing Peter to quickly give him the soup, which Edmund swallowed.
"Fine." Edmund mumbled, taking the bowl and spoon from Peter and demolishing the soup in five minutes.
"Better?" Peter asked, eyebrow raised slightly.
"Yeah." Edmund mumbled, placing the bowl on the bedside table.
Peter smiled a little. "Why haven't you eaten today, at all?" He asked.
Edmund shrugged. "Don't know." Was all he said in reply, staring down at his lap. "Did you get the wand?" He asked hastily, trying to change the subject.
"Yes I got the wand." Peter sighed. "Orious took it somewhere safe."
Edmund nodded slowly. "Philip alright?" He said.
"Philip's fine." Peter told him.
Edmund nodded again. "Also, I should probably tell you, my scar started bleeding again." He said.
Peter took a deep breath. "Was it bleeding for long?" He asked.
Edmund shook his head. "Not long, no." He replied quietly.
Peter nodded slowly. "Well, keep an eye on it and if it starts bleeding again, you tell me straight away." He said firmly.
Edmund nodded. "I will." He said, before groaning slightly.
Peter sighed sadly, climbing into the bed beside his brother and pulling him close, throwing the blanket over them both.
Edmund took a deep, shaky breath as hs rested his head on Peter's chest, moving closer to him even though it caused him agony.
"Everything's gonna be fine okay?" Peter whispered. "We're gonna find another way to stop this."
Edmund groaned. "Maybe at the moment we could find a way to dull the pain." He said through gritted teeth as he gripped his stomach, tears in his eyes.
Peter thought for a moment. "Cold flannel? Ice? I dunno." He muttered almost to himself.
"Ice numbs pain." Edmund said, nodding a little.
"You want me to go find some?" Peter asked gently.
Edmund nodded. "Don't be long though." He said quickly as Peter climbed out of the bed.
"I won't be." Peter reassured him before slipping out of the room.
Edmund waited for maybe ten minutes before the door opened and Peter returned, holding what he presumed was ice wrapped in a cloth.
He made his way over to the bed and say beside his brother. "Let's see if this works." He muttered.
Edmund nodded and slowly lifted up his night shirt, revealing the red, slightly swollen scar on his stomach.
Peter hesitated before pressing the cloth on the scar, causing Edmund's eyes to go wide and for him to slap a hand over his mouth so that he didn't scream.
Peter went to take the ice away but stopped when Edmund shook his head. "Just, keep it there and see if it works." He choked, tears now rolling down his cheeks.
After maybe five minutes of sitting there Edmund slowly began to relax, even though the tears were still rolling down his cheeks, which made Peter frown. "Pain still there?" He asked.
Edmund nodded. "But the ice has helped a little." He mumbled.
"A little?" Peter said, raising an eyebrow.
"Fine, it hasn't helped at all." Edmund grumbled, flinching.
"Maybe Jadis made it so nothing would numb the pain?" Peter suggested, removing the ice.
Edmund shrugged. "Maybe." He choked.
Peter sighed and pulled Edmund into his lap, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and kissing the top of his head. "Everything's gonna be fine Ed." He whispered. "I promise."


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