Bad dream

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"How bad is it?" Peter asked as he and Edmund got ready for bed that night.
Edmund sighed. "Bad enough." He mumbled, before forcing a smile. "But hey, I've had worse."
Peter bit his lip as he sat down on the edge of his bed. "We haven't found anything." He mumbled.
Edmund sighed, turning his back to Peter as he pulled on his night shirt, knowing that if Peter saw the scar he'd freak, before sitting beside his brother. "I know." He mumbled, trying his very hardest to ignore the pain shooting through his stomach. "But it's alright."
"No it's not Ed." Peter sighed. "I want to know what's going on!"
"Me too Peter." Edmund mumbled. "But like you said, you can't find anything."
Peter took a deep breath. "We will keep searching until we find out what's going on." He said firmly.
"I know Pete." Edmund replied. "How many times have you told me that?"
Peter managed a small smile. "Alright." He said. "Bed."
Edmund nodded slightly and made his way over to his bed, only to feel a hand grab his shoulder when he was half way there. Turning around to face Peter he frowned. "What?" He asked.
Peter didn't say anything but led Edmund back to his own bed and practically pushed him under the covers. Edmund sighed but didn't protest as Peter climbed in beside him, pulling the blanket tightly over them both.
Edmund let out a shaky breath, curling himself into a ball in an attempt to dull the pain, hand clamping onto his stomach.
Peter noticed this and wrapped an arm around Edmund's shoulders, pulling him close.
Edmund nodded thankfully and put one arm around Peter, burying his face into his side as he closed his eyes.
"Night Ed." Peter whispered, blowing out the candle.
"Night." Came Edmund's reply, and within half an hour, both boys were fast asleep.


"Is our little prince very comfortable? Does he want his pillow fluffed? Special treatment for the special boy, isnt that what you wanted?"
Edmund swallowed hard as the dwarf stepped away, only to then pull out his knife. Edmund's heart started to pound as he slowly shook his head. The dwarf laughed evily but stopped when the white witch herself walked over to them.
"Guarding the prisoner well I hope Ginnabrik?" She said, glaring down at the dwarf.
The dwarf gave a quick bow. "As you wished your majesty." It stuttered. After the whole, taking his coat off thing he wasn't exactly in Jadis' good books at the moment.
The witch gave him one last glare before turning to Edmund, who stared up at her, nothing but fear in his eyes.
Jadis' glare turned into a smirk as she knelt down infront of him, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look up at her. "I hope you know Edmund." She said calmly. "That now I know where your family are, I will kill them."
Edmund swallowed hard, and would've screamed at her if it wasn't for the gag.
"Along with all the Narnians." Jadis laughed. "And I'll make you watch, because after all, it was entirely your fault."
Edmund didn't even realise the small tear that escaped and rolled down his cheek, stinging the scratches on his face.
The witch laughed. "You're a traitor Edmund." She said. She said the word traitor so harshly that Edmund couldn't help but flinch. "And all traitors deserve death."
Edmund took a deep, shuddering breath as he stared at the witch, straining his chin against the gag, but only managed to split his lip again.
Jadis smirked and let go of Edmund's chin, before slapping him straight across the face.
Edmund's eyes squeezed shut as he let out a small sob.
"Keep an eye on him." The witch said, standing and looking down at Ginnabrik. "Make sure he cant go anywhere." Ginnabrik stared at her and nodded. "A start would be tightening those ropes!" Jadis all but screeched before she turned and strode away.
Ginnabrik stared after he for a moment before turning back to Edmund, who now had tears rolling down his cheeks as he tried to ignore the dwarf.
Ginnabrik smirked at him before walking around the tree and pulling the ropes even tighter than they already were, causing Edmund to let out a choked gasp. The gag was tightened next followed by the ropes around his wrists, before the dwarf pulled out his knife. "You heard what the Queen said." He dward laughed. "All traitors deserve death."
Edmund's eyes slowly closed, he knew what was coming, he only wished that he'd of been able to tell his siblings, especially Peter, how sorry he was.
Opening his eyes he saw the dwarf now stood beside him, and then began the very, very, very long wait.
Ginnabrik, in Edmund's words, was carrying this out for way longer than he had to, keeping the knife pressed against his neck for even fifteen minutes at a time.


Other times he'd press the tip to the side of his neck and push down a little, causing Edmund to let out a gasp and for blood to start trickling slowly down his neck.


And then the ground beneath them seemed to shake, causing Edmund's eyes to go wide. Before he knew what was happening, the knife was taken away from his neck, the dwarf was forced roughly away from him and he was being untied, the ropes binding him to the tree first, then the ones around his wrist, and lastly the gag disappeared.
Edmund took a deep breath, he didn't know what happened after that, because no sooner had he been lifted off the floor into a pair of strong arms, did darkness consume him.

Edmund's eyes shot open as he gasped, at once feeling the pain in his stomach, quite a bit worse than it had been last night.
The next thing he noticed was Peter, sat beside him with a look of complete worry on his face. "Ed?" He asked, his voice quiet.
Edmund swallowed hard before sighing, sitting up a little even though it caused him to wince in pain. "I'm alright." He mumbled.
Peter seemed to sigh in relief. "You had a bad dream." He mumbled.
Edmund nodded slowly, griping his stomach. "Yeah." He breathed.
"You haven't had a bad dream for months." Peter said.
Edmund sighed. "I know." He choked.
Peter swallowed hard and pulled Edmund into a tight hug, but of course he was gentle. But Edmund still had to hide a gasp as he buried his face against Peter's chest.
"You sure you're alright?" Peted asked.
Edmund hesitated but nodded his head anyway. "Yeah." He replied, swallowing hard. "For now..."


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