It's alright to be scared

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"Ed!" Peter exclaimed, literally leaping from his seat and running over to his brother. As quickly as he could he knelt beside him, rolling him onto his back. "Ed." He said as Susan and Lucy knelt by Edmund's head. "Ed wake up." Peter said, shaking his brother's shoulders.
"Edmund." Lucy said, her voice shaking.
"By Aslan Ed wake up." Peter begged, gripping his brother's shoulders maybe a little too tightly. "Ed please."
He breathed a sigh of relief when Edmund let out a sigh, followed by a groan as his eyes flickered open.
"Ed?" Peter asked.
Edmund moved his stare to Peter, a frown making it's way onto his face. "What?" He asked, looking extremely confused.
"You passed out." Susan said, removing her hand from where she had it buried in Edmund's hair.
Edmund frowned even more. "Why?" He asked as Peter helped him to sit up.
"I don't know." Peter muttered. "You were sat there one minute and the next you were on the floor.
Edmund swallowed hard, resting his head on Peter's shoulder as he took a deep breath.
"Do you feel alright?" Susan asked.
Edmund nodded. "I feel fine." He said.
"You don't feel sick, or dizzy or out of breath or anything?" Peter asked.
Edmund shook his head. "No, I'm absolutely fine." He said, a small frown on his face.
Peter frowned too, looking a little shocked.
"Then why in the worlds did you faint?!" Lucy exclaimed worridley.
Edmund shrugged. "I was absolutely fine at breakfast too." He mumbled. "I've been feeling fine all morning -" There was a slight pause before: "Except my - my scar."
Everyone fell silent, all eyes on Edmund and Edmund stared at Peter, the fear slowly making it's way onto his face.
Peter swallowed hard, shaking his head. "It's not because of the scar." He said, maybe a little too wearily.
"But - What else would it be to do with?" Edmund asked, his voice tight.
Peter hesitated. "I - I don't know." He sighed eventually.
Edmund bit his lip gently. "I'm scared." He mumbled in barely a whisper.
Peter sighed sadly, pulling Edmund into his arms. "There's no need to be scared Ed because there's nothing wrong."
"Nothing wrong?" Edmund said, pulling away with wide eyes. "My scar hurts and I just fainted!"
Peter stared at him. "I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation." He said.
Edmund rolled his eyes. "Now you sound like Susan." He said.
"Hey!" Susan said, folding her arms.
"Sorry." Edmund muttered. "But he does!"
"Look, maybe you're just coming down with something?" Peter said.
"I said I feel absolutely fine." Edmund said, shaking his head. "And if I was that doesn't explain why my scar was sore."
Peter thought for a moment. "Maybe you like, walked into something and hit it maybe?"
Edmund raised an eyebrow. "I think I'd remember walking into something and hitting my scar Pete." He said.
Peter sighed, shaking his head.
"What?" Lucy asked.
"I refuse to believe that this has anything to do with the witch." Peter said.
"None of us has said-" Susan went to say but was cut off by Peter.
"Edmund did." He said. "This morning."
Edmund sighed and looked at the floor. "But - What if it is to do with her?" He whispered.
Peter shook his head again. "I won't, I refuse to believe it." He said quickly.
"Peter-" Susan sighed.
"No." Peter cut her off again. "It's been a year. Don't you think if she wanted revenge she would've gotten it already?!"
Susan sighed. "Well, the whole jadis thing is a start." She mumbled.
"No!" Peter almost shouted, making Edmund jump. "It's not her! I can't be her! She's dead! And she's already tortured Edmund enough!" And with that he ran from the room, slamming the door behind him.
Edmund sighed. "He's scared." He mumbled.
Susan nodded. "Yeah." She breathed. "Worried and scared."
"He's going to keep denying it until something really bad happens isn't he?" Lucy sighed.
"That's if something does happen." Susan said quickly at seeing the worry flash briefly in Edmund's eyes. "But yeah, if this is to do with Jadis, I have a feeling that's exactly what he's going to do."
Edmund swallowed hard. "I suppose I should go and talk to him." He mumbled.
"You sure?" Susan said as she helped Edmund to his feet.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said, giving Lucy's shoulder a reassuring pat before leaving the room.
He walked the corridors for a while, peering into every room in a hope that he'd find his brother. He soon came to the throne room and peered inside, relieved to see Peter sat on his throne, face buried into his hands, elbows resting on his knees.
Edmund sighed as he walked over and stood in front of him. "Pete?" He asked quietly.
Peter sighed and looked up. "Yeah?" He asked, tears in his eyes.
"Are you alright?" Edmund asked, kneeling in front of his brother.
Peter nodded. "I'm fine because absolutely none of this has anything to do with Jadis." He said harshly. "It's just -" He paused. "You're scar won't hurt again and you probably fainted because you've been doing too much work - and don't say that you haven't." He said quickly. "You're in that library and sat at that desk for more hours a day than you sleep."
Edmund sighed. "Alright, I won't deny the over working bit." He mumbled. "But Peter, you just have to except that this could very well be the witch."
Peter stared at him. "And you've excepted it?" He said.
Edmund sighed and nodded. "I don't want to." He choked, swallowing hard. "But it's a big possibility."
Peter sighed. "Sorry for running off." He said.
Edmund nodded. "It's alright, you're scared, I understand." He said. "I've done it plenty of times."
Peter bit his lip, nodding slowly. "Right, I've got a meeting to go to in half an hour." He said, standing and re-adjusting his crown slightly. "I'll see you afterwards?" He asked.
Edmund forced a smile, standing too. "You know it." He said.
Peter nodded before pulling Edmund into his arms.
"You know it's alright to be scared?" Edmund mumbled as he wrapped his arms around Peter's waist. "Someone very, hmm, magnificent taught me that."
Peter chuckled a little. "And who may this, very magnificent person be?" He said.
Edmund smiled. "You." He said simply. "If your scared it's alright, I'm scared too."
Peter nodded a little. "Well." He said, pulling away from his brother and taking a deep breath. "There's no need to be scared, because everything's gonna be absolutely fine." And with that he walked across the room and left, leaving Edmund staring after him.


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