Peter leaves

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"He doesn't want to do it Aslan." Susan sighed. "He can't do it." She added, shaking her head.
"It may be the only way." Aslan said sadly.
Susan sighed. "He says he's gonna find another way." She mumbled.
"Is there another way though?" Lucy all but whispered.
"He seems adamant that there is." Susan said.
Aslan nodded slowly. "Then we will find it." He said.
"He's still going to get the wand though." Susan told him.
Aslan stared at her for a moment before he simply nodded, smiling sadly.
Lucy bit her lip and wrapped her arms around Susan's waist.
"We will stop this Lu." Susan whispered. "Edmund's gonna be fine."

- The next morning -

"Pete?" Edmund choked from where he lay on his bed, Peter getting ready to leave and go and get the wand.
"Yeah?" Peter asked, grabbing his sword and attaching it to his belt.
"Please let me come." Edmund mumbled, staring up at Peter.
Peter sighed as he sat down on the edge of the bed beside his brother. "Ed, you're in too much pain." He said, gently stroking the hair out of Edmund's eyes.
Edmund moved his head towards Peter's touch, slowly closing his eyes. "I just want it to stop." He whispered, eyes opening again as he stared up at Peter.
"Ed, Susan and Lucy are in the library as we speak." Peter reassured him. "We will find another way to stop this."
Edmund swallowed hard, gripping his stomach as tightly as he could, trying to ignore the pain. "But what if we can't find another way?" He choked, tears in his eyes.
Peter took a deep breath, still stroking Edmund's hair gently. "We will." He said as firmly as he could. "We will find it."
Edmund sighed, Peter could be as stubborn as he sometimes. "Alright." He whispered, nodding, but even that caused him to wince.
"I'll be back tonight." Peter told him. "But not til late, so I expect you'll be asleep."
"Doubt it." Edmund choked, wincing once again.
Peter sighed sadly. "You'll be fine." He whispered. "Susan and Lucy will take care of you, and so will Aslan."
Edmund hesitated. "But they're not you." He mumbled.
"Oh Eddy." Peter choked, climbing into the bed beside Edmund and pulling him into a tight hug. Edmund gladly returned it, burying his face against Peter's chest. "I'll be back before you know it." Peter told him.
Edmund nodded slowly, breathing out shakily as he tried to keep back the tears. "Okay." He managed to force past his lips, tightening his grip around Peter, even though it caused him to groan in pain.
"Ed." Peter said quickly, pulling away. "Don't cause yourself more pain."
Edmund sighed but nodded as Peter sat up. "You're to take it easy whilst I'm gone alright?" He said.
Edmund nodded. "I will." He said quietly.
"In other words." Peter said. "You're not to get out of bed!"
Edmund sighed. "Peter!" He groaned.
"No arguing with me on this Ed." Peter said, holding up a finger. "I don't want you in any more pain than you already are." 
"You know it's getting worse me just laying in bed anyway?" Edmund said, staring at him.
Peter nodded slowly. "I know, but still..." He mumbled, trailing off.
Edmund sighed. "Supose I'll see you tonight then?" He mumbled.
Peter wrapped his arms around Edmund's shoulders. "See you tonight." He whispered into his ear.
"Why don't you take Philip?" Edmund said suddenly.
Peter frowned as he pulled away. "What?" He asked.
"The horse I rode at Aslan's camp." Edmund told him. "We've become quite - close over the past year. And I'm sure he won't mind."
Peter though for a moment. "Why not." He said with a small smile.
Edmund nodded as Peter stood from the bed. "See ya." He choked.
"Bye Ed." Peter said, giving Edmund one last quick hug before disappearing out of the room.


"Ed." Susan said as she knocked on the door to her brothers room about half an hour later, a bowl of porridge in her hand.
"Yeah?" Edmund choked from inside the room.
Susan sighed sadly as she slowly opened the door, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed beside her brother. "I brought you some breakfast." She said softly.
Edmund stared at her. "I'm not hungry." He mumbled.
Susan sighed. "Ed." She mumbled. "Atleast eat some of it."
Edmund shook his head. "I'm not hungry." He repeated, before his eyes squeezed shut and he curled into a ball, wrapping his arms around his stomach.
Susan quickly placed the bowl on the bedside table and placed a hand gently on Edmund's shoulder. "It's okay" she whispered.
Edmund gasped slightly, his eyes squeezing even tighter shut. "It's not." He choked, slowly uncurling himself and glancing up at his sister. "How long's it been since Peter left?" He asked.
Susan sighed. "Only half an hour." She said sadly.
"Really?" Edmund said, getting a nod from Susan which caused him to sigh. "It feels like forever." He mumbled.
"He'll be back tonight Ed." Susan told him.
"I know." Edmund nodded before: "It's gonna be a long day."


"I'm sure he'll be fine your majesty." Philip said as he trotted through the woods, Peter on his back.
Peter sighed. "I know." He mumbled. "But I still can't help worrying. I mean, what if we can't find another way to stop this curse? I - I can't stab my own brother."
"I'm sure there is another way." Philip said confidently.
Peter bit his lip. "He can't handle the pain for too much longer." He said. "The longer we take to find another way to stop this the worse the pain will get, and he can't do it." Tears appeared in his eyes as he spoke, but he quickly blinked them back.
"Edmund's strong." Philip said. "That I know."
Peter thought for a moment. Philip was right. Edmund was the strongest, bravest person he knew. Of course he could get through this. He knew Edmund would he strong, just until they found a way to stop this all.


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