The curse

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Peter froze, his eyes going wide as he stared at Edmund.
"Pete?" Edmund asked slowly, taking a deep breath which caused him to wince. "Peter?" He tried when Peter didn't answer.
Peter stared at his brother, slowly shaking his head, but he said nothing.
Edmund sighed. "Pete please say something." He mumbled.
Peter swallowed hard. "M - Me?" He choked out, realising he was worrying Edmund.
Edmund nodded slowly. "We have to travel to the stone table, and you have to stab me on it." He explained. "With Jadis' wand."
Peter's eyes went even wider. "With her wand?!" He forced out.
Edmund sighed. "I must admit, I'm not exactly looking forward to that part." He mumbled. "Anything but the wand." He added under his breath.
Peter took a deep breath. "There - There has to be another way." He said quickly.
Edmund shook his head. "But there isn't." He muttered.
Peter shook his head. "I can't." He whispered. "I can't... I won't!" He said.
Edmund sighed. "I was afraid you'd say that." He said quietly.
"Why me?" Peter said, tears in his eyes.
Edmund sighed. "Just one of Jadis' little games." He mumbled.
"What?" Peter whispered.
"This is a curse." Edmund explained. "She placed it on me before I killed her. But don't ask me how." He added, for he had no idea himself.
Peter swallowed hard. "Me?" He choked. "I have to - have to stab you?"
Edmund nodded. "But it's okay, Lucy will heal me." He said.
Peter's eyes went wide. "Okay!?" He exclaimed. "Edmund for this to stop I have to stab my baby brother!!!!"
Edmund sighed a little, letting the whole, baby brother thing slip.
"You've told me how much pain being stabbed puts you in!" Peter carried on. "And I have to do that to you. I have to put you in the most pain ever! I can't do that to you Eddy. I can't stab you."
Edmund nodded slowly, wincing. "I understand." He choked.
Peter shook his head, tears appearing in his eyes again. "I - I can't." He whispered before standing and running out of the room.
"Peter!" Edmund called after him, but when he tried to get up pain shot through his side and he fell onto the hard floor, groaning. "Peter!" He tried again, his voice cracking. But Peter didn't come back.
He waited for maybe five minutes before Susan came running into the room. She frowned though when she saw Edmund on the floor and Peter no where to he seen. "Ed what happened?" She asked as she ran over to him.
Edmund whimpered as she helped him to sit up, leaning against the bed. "Peter left." He said after he'd recovered.
Susan frowned. "Why did he leave?" She asked.
Edmund sighed. "Aslan told me how to stop all this." He said.
"And?" Susan said quickly, her eyes going slightly wider.
Edmund hesitated. "Peter has to stab me on the stone table." He said quickly.
Susan's eyes went wide in horror. "Peter does?!" She exclaimed.
Edmund nodded. "He said he can't do it." He mumbled. "And then he ran off."
"Breath Edmund." Susan said quickly at hearing Edmund's deep, uneven breaths. "If Peter stabs you though Lucy will heal you." She added.
Edmund nodded, taking a deep breath. "I know that." He said with a sigh that caused him to gasp and grip his stomach.
Susan sighed as she watched Edmund's breathing get heavier. "Come on." She said, standing. "You need some fresh air."
Edmund stared up at her a nodded, grabbing her hand as she pulled him to his feet. Edmund let out a strangled gasp and leant against his sister, gripping his stomach as tightly as he could.
"Sorry." Susan whispered before she helped him out onto the balcony. "Better?" She asked as she wrapped an arm around Edmund's shoulders.
Edmund nodded. "Thanks." He breathed.
"So." Susan mumbled. "He totally refused to do it?"
Edmund nodded. "At first he said he can't - and then he said he won't." He paused. "And I totally understand."
Susan stared at him, hesitating. "You do know Ed." She said slowly. "That if he doesn't do this you will - will die."
Edmund remained silent before nodding. "But I can't expect him to do this." He mumbled, resting his head on Susan's shoulder. "And I'm not exactly looking forward to getting stabbed again." He added quietly.
Susan pulled him into a tight hug, kissing the top of his head. "It's either that or die." She whispered sadly.
Edmund nodded. "I know." He sighed. "But why did Jadis make it so Peter has to stab me?!"
"Jadis?" Susan questioned.
"This is a curse." Edmund sighed. "Placed on me by Jadis just before I killed her."
Susan nodded slowly. "It sounds like a very Jadis thing to do." She sighed.
Edmund nodded a little. "I can't ask him to do this." He mumbled after a long while. "I can't get him to stab me."
"Edmund he needs to." Susan sighed. "If he stabs you, then Lucy will heal you and you'll be absolutely fine." She paused for a moment. "But if he doesn't stab you then the pain's gonna get so bad that you won't be able to handle it any longer."
"The pain's already bad enough now." Edmund muttered.
"Why don't I go and find him and bring him back here and you two can talk?" Susan suggested.
Edmund hesitated but nodded in the end. "Thanks." He whispered.
Susan slowly pulled away from her brother. "Can you make it back to the bed?" She asked.
"I'll stay here." Edmund told her.
"Alright." Susan smiled gently before leaving the balcony and soon the room.
Edmund sighed and glanced out over the beach and over to the woods, and what he saw made his mouth drop open.
Peter had just gone into the woods.
He was pretty sure it had been Peter.
Edmund hesitated but in the end found his way off the balcony. Grabbing a cloak cause it was rather chilly outside, he threw it over his shoulders and left the room.
He staggered through the castle, biting down hard on his lip to stop himself from crying in pain. He managed to make it outside without screaming, but as he tripped over a tree root he groaned slightly, but luckily didn't fall over.
After taking a deep breath he staggered towards the gate before hesitantly entering the woods.


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