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Peter took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair before he dashed out onto the balcony, maybe Edmund was there? But no, Edmund wasn't on the balcony, which made Peter worried. If Edmund wasn't on the balcony then it meant that he'd left the room.
He was about to leave the room when Susan and Lucy ran in, Lucy panting as she tried to catch her breath. "Where is he?!" Susan exclaimed after seeing the empty room.
Peter shook his head slightly. "You girls go check the lower floor of the castle." He said quickly. "And I'll check the rest."
"And if we don't find him?" Lucy mumbled.
Peter stared at her for a moment. "If we don't find him within half an hour, meet in the throne room."
Susan frowned for a moment, this had happened before. In all honesty she was pretty sure Peter had said those exact words before. "Peter wait." She said quickly just as he was about to leave the room.
Peter frowned at her. "What?" He asked.
"Peter this has happened before." Susan said.
Peter frowned even more. "Yeah I know, he's always running off like this." He said.
"No I mean, you've said those exact words before." Susan said.
Lucy frowned for a second. "She's right." She said. "When we told him that the witch was alive again. Do you remember?"
Peter nodded slowly. "And?" He said.
"And, he ran off and you found him in the woods." Susan finished.
"What makes you so sure he's outside?" Peted questioned. "He's hidden in the library before."
Susan nodded. "Okay, me and Lucy will check the library." She said quickly. "And you can check outside."
Peter nodded. "How an earth was he able to get outside in the first place." He muttered as the three made their way down the corridor.
"You know what Edmund's like." Susan sighed. "As soon as hs sets his mind to something, there's no stopping him."
They came to a staircase, where Peter quickly began running down the steps. "I'll let you know if I find him!" He called up to his sisters.
"We'll let you know if we find him too!" Lucy called back before the two sisters headed off for the library.
Peter ran as fast as he could down the steps, trying his hardest not to slip on the marble. As soon as he reached the bottom he dashed towards the nearest door and burst outside, slamming the door quite loudly behind him.
Susan had said the woods, hadn't she? With a nod he ran through the gardens and towards the gate that led to the woods, but half way there he stopped dead.
Looking to his left his heart stopped beating, Edmund was sat slumped against the huge oak tree, eyes closed, skin as white as paper. He had tears rolling steadily down his cheeks as he gripped his stomach, a look of pain etched onto his face. Was he unconscious? Peter asked himself warily. Well, there was only one way to find out.
As quickly as he could he ran over to his brother, falling to his knees beside him. "Edmund." He said, panicking as he shook his brother.
Edmund did move, his head just fell against his shoulder. He was out.
Peter swallowed hard, looking for any sort of injury, and he was rather relieved when he didn't find anything.
The next thing though was his scar, he didn't want to do this, but he had to know, and quickly.
So as fast as he could he lifted up Edmund's tunic and sure enough it was bleeding, and to Peter's worry quite a bit too.
Swallowing hard Peter pulled himself together, lifting Edmund into his arms and standing.
Edmund let out a whimper in his sleep, his head falling against Peter's chest as his arms wrapped around his stomach.
"It's okay." Peter whispered, even though he knew Edmund couldn't hear him. "I've got you."
And then he began making his way back to the castle.
He soon bumped into Orious, who looked rather confused when he saw him carrying Edmund.
"Orious." Peter said, walking up to him. "Can you please go and tell my sisters that I've found Edmund and are taking him up to our room?"
Orious nodded and bowed. "Of course your majesty." He said before trotting away.
Peter took a deep breath as he walked all the way up to his and Edmund's room, making sure he didn't drop his brother or something.
He soon made it and very carefully laid him down on the bed before running into the bathroom to grab a flannel and a bowl of water.
He quickly returned to his brother before lifting the tunic over his head and throwing it over on his bed, causing Edmund to groan in pain.
Peter hesitated slightly until Edmund lay still again, before wetting the flannel, wringing it, and pressing it to the bleeding wound.
After a few minutes he was worried to see that it was still bleeding, and he didn't know what to do. Removing the cloth and taking a closer look he saw how much the wound had actually reopened, and his eyes went wide.
Pressing the cloth back to the wound he glanced at the door. "Come on Lucy." He muttered, almost as soon as the door burst open.
"Where was he?" Susan asked quickly as her and Lucy ran across the room.
"Gardens." Peter said. "But never mind that. Lucy, your cordial."
Lucy's eyes went wide. "What?!" She exclaimed, but still reached for it.
"The wounds reopened way too much." Peter said, forcing his tears back. "He needs the cordial."
Lucy nodded and jumped onto the bed, sitting beside her brother.
Peter removed the cloth and placed it on the bedside table before sitting on the other side, gently tilting Edmund's head back so that he opened his mouth.
Lucy quickly poured a drop of her cordial into his mouth before everyone fell silent.
Peter literally watched as the wound closed over, immediately stopping bleeding. Sighing in relief he leant against the headboard.
"What an earth happened?" Susan whispered, sitting beside Lucy.
Peter shook his head. "The real question is, how an earth did he manage to get outside." He said. "And - why?"


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