Things get worse

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Peter swallowed hard before taking a deep breath, placing one arm around Edmund's back and lifting him into a sitting position.
Edmund let out a quiet gasp as he squeezed his eyes shut, leaning against Peter as he shuffled over to sit beside him.
Peter sighed sadly, keeping the cloth pressed against his brother's stomach as he lifted Edmund's shirt up a little. "Okay." He whispered, tightening his grip around Edmund's waist. "It's okay."
Edmund took a deep breath, his eyes opening as he looked up at Peter. "Now do you believe that there's something going on?" He said, smirking despite the pain and how scared he was.
Peter shook his head with a small smile. "Yeah." He breathed.
Edmund nodded slowly, glancing down at the cloth that Peter had pressed against his stomach. "The pain's not as bad as it was." He mumbled after a while.
Peter took a deep breath as he removed the cloth, sighing in relief when he saw that the wound had stopped bleeding. He quickly wiped away the rest of the blood, causing Edmund to flinch slightly, before placing the cloth on the bedside table and turning back to his brother. "You alright?" He asked.
Edmund hesitated. "I'm scared, I'll admit it." He sighed. "Really scared."
Peter sighed sadly. "Yeah." He breathed. "Me too."
"To be honest it makes more more scared knowing that something is going on bit not being exactly sure what that something is." Edmund said slowly.
Peter nodded slowly. "I think you're probably right." He sighed.
Edmund sighed. "It still hurts." He mumbled after a moment, arm wrapping itself around his stomach.
"Worse than yesterday?" Peter asked hesitantly.
Edmund nodded. "I could ignore it yesterday." He said. "But now... not so much."
"Is it constant?" Peter said.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He said simply, taking a deep breath.
Peter bit his lip, thinking. "Do you reckon it will maybe-" He stopped, swallowing hard.
Edmund frowned. "Maybe what?" He asked wearily.
Peter hesitated. "It's obviously re-opened a bit." He started slowly. "Otherwise it wouldn't of been bleeding." Edmund nodded slowly, listening. "So maybe -  it will open - all the way?"
Edmund stared at his brother, shaking his head. "No." He choked. "No way." He added quickly.
Peter bit his lip. "We'll just have to wait and find out." He mumbled.
Edmund swallowed hard. "Unless we can find out what's going on and stop it before it becomes serious." He said.
"Ed it's already serious." Peter said, watching as Edmund let out a small wince. "You okay?" He asked quickly.
"Fine." Edmund choked, nodding slightly. "But - What happens if it gets worse?" He asked.
Peter took a deep breath. "Then I will do anything I can to stop it." He said. "I promise."
Edmund stared at him before slowly nodding. "Thanks." He whispered.
Peter nodded. "How about we go downstairs for some breakfast?" He suggested.
"Sounds good." Edmund replied, smiling a little as he slowly climbed out of bed, flinching as he stood.
"I'm fine Peter." Edmund cut him off with a small smirk. "I'm fine."
Peter nodded slowly before walking over to the wardrobe to get changed.


- The next day -

"I cant find anything." Susan complained as she tossed another book to the floor, sighing in frustration.
"Neither can I." Lucy mumbled from where she lay on her stomach on the floor, flicking through a small book.
Peter sighed. "No luck for me either." He muttered, glancing over at Edmund, who was sat in the nearest chair, knees drawn up tightly to his chest as he chewed absent-mindedly on his knuckle. Peter sighed, he knew that the pain from Edmund's scar was getting worse with every passing hour, and he and his sisters were doing everything they could to find out what was going on. "But - Just keep looking."
Susan sighed. "Peter." She said. "We've spent basically all of yesterday and this morning in the library! Don't you think that between us we've read all the books!"
"There has to be something here!" Peter cried in frustration, throwing the now finished book he had in his hand to the floor. He was distracted though from going through books when Edmund let out a groan, biting down even harder on his knuckle.
Peter sighed and got up, walking over to him and sitting on a chair beside him. "You okay?" He asked.
Edmund shook his head, his eyes filling with tears.
"You wanna go upstairs?" Peter asked. "Lie down for a bit?"
Edmund nodded but didn't say anything.
Peter sighed, reaching out his hand and pulling Edmund to his feet, causing his brother to let out a choked gasp. "I've got you." Peter whispered, wrapping an arm around Edmund's shoulders as he began to lead him out of the library. "You two keep looking." He told Susan and Lucy, who nodded and watched him leave the room.
Peter helped Edmund up to their room and to his bed, where Edmund carefully lay down, taking a deep breath.
Peter sat on the bed beside him. "We will find out what's going on Ed." He said. "I promise."
Edmund nodded, forcing a smile. "I know you will." He said, sitting up slightly and leaning against the headboard. "But seriously, you don't have to sit in the library for the whole day." He added.
Peter sighed. "How else are we supposed to find out what's going on?" He asked.
"Ask someone?" Edmund suggested.
"I already have." Peter sighed. "They said they have no idea, and that we should check the library for a spell that seems even remotely similar to what's happening to you."
Edmund frowned. "You think it's a spell?" He said.
Peter shrugged. "Spell, curse. Dunno." He sighed.
Edmund nodded slowly.
"Anyway." Peter muttered. "Lunch is in an hour, so why don't you get some sleep." He hesitated for a moment. "I know you were up quite a bit last night."
Edmund sighed. "I don't think I can sleep." He muttered.
"Well you can try." Peter said firmly.
Edmund sighed but nodded anyway, laying down as Peter threw the blanket over him. Edmund gave him an unimpressed look as he moved it from over his face, getting a smirk from Peter.
"I'll wake you in a hour." He said.
"If I actually manage to sleep." Edmund muttered but closed his eyes and curled himself into a ball under the blanket anyway.
Peter sighed, placing a hand gently on Edmund's shoulder as tears appeared in his eyes. They really needed to find out what was going on, and more importantly... how to stop it.


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