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Edmund held his breath as he very slowly walked through the castle, griping his stomach as tightly as he could and biting down hard on his tongue to stop himself from screaming.
He was pretty sure he was going the right way, he knew where the wand was being kept anyway, so that was a start.
After a few moments of walking he began to wonder why Peter hadn't been with him when he woke up. That had him confused.
But he soon came to a room and saw Aslan, Susan, Lucy and Peter all talking together.
He didn't stop to listen to what they were saying because he didn't want to get caught. So as quickly as he could he ran away from the room and down the corridor, the running causing him to groan in pain.
After maybe fifteen minutes he managed to reach the room the wand was, and swore under his breath when he saw it was being guarded by a centaur.
"You're majesty?!" It said in shock as Edmund staggered up to him.
"I need the wand." He said as clearly as he could.
The centaur hesitated. "I have orders from king Peter not to let anyone even touch the wand." He said uncertainty.
Edmund scowled. "As your king I order you to give me the wand." He said.
The centaur stared at him for a moment before nodding slowly. He opened the door, walked into the room and soon returned with the wand, holding it out towards Edmund.
Edmund stared at it for a long while before he hesitantly took it, his hands shaking. But as soon as he touched the wand a jolt of pain ran through his stomach, causing him to groan.
"Are you alright your majesty?" The centaur asked.
Edmund swallowed hard and nodded. "Absolutely fine." He answered before limping away.
Now he just had to get down to the stables without getting caught by his siblings or Aslan. Or anyone really.
He was glad when he managed to slip into the gardens unnoticed. Now he had to get to the stables.
So, wand in hand he staggered as quickly as he could down to the stables, and by the time he reached them he had tears rolling down his cheeks.
He furiously wiped them away before looking for Philip.
"Philip!" He said when he found him.
The horse looked up as his eyes went wide. "Edmund!" He exclaimed. "What an earth are you doing."
"We are going to the stone table." Edmund told him.
"Why?" Philip asked, standing.
"You - You don't need to know just yet." Edmund mumbled in reply.
Philip frowned a little. "And does your brother know where you're going?" He asked.
"Yes." Edmund quickly lied, looking down.
Philip looked unsure but still nodded at Edmund, allowing him to climb onto his back.
Edmund made it eventually, before resting his head against the back of Philip's neck.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Philip asked worrdily.
"I'm fine." Edmund choked, forcing back the tears. "Now come on, we don't have forever."
Philip nodded and started off at a small trot, out of the stables and into the woods.
Edmund didn't even have the strength to sit up at this point, he kept his head resting on Philip's neck, the wand still held tightly in his hand. "Any chance you could pick up the pace?" He asked after a while, his voice cracking.
"Yes." Philip said simply, doing as he said.
Edmund sighed as Philip set off, thinking that if he were right they should reach the stone table by nightfall.


- 1 hour later, back at Cair -

"I'm going back up to Edmund." Peter said quickly, placing his spoon back in his bowl.
After talking with Aslan, Susan had somehow managed to persuade him to go and eat some breakfast. He had agreed but now he was starting to get worried.
"Alright." Susan nodded. "Will you tell him?" She asked.
Peter slowly nodded. "Yeah." He breathed. "I'll tell him."
"You know once you tell him you can't really change your mind?" Lucy mumbled.
Peter took a deep breath. "I know." He said, but his voice was shaking.
"See you in a minute?" Susan sighed.
"See you later." Peter mumbled before he turned and left the dining room, heading upstairs to his and his brothers room.
He soon reached it and decided to knock first. When there was no answer he presumed Edmund was still asleep, so he quietly opened the door.
Closing it behind him he began walking over to Edmund's bed, only to freeze half way there.
Edmund was gone.
"Ed?" Peter asked, his voice shaking.
He quickly walked over to the balcony but Edmund wasn't there, and then he checked the bathroom, but he wasn't there either. "Ed?" He asked again, even though if was obvious he wasn't in the room.
Swallowing hard he dashed out of the room and back down to the dining room, where Susan and Lucy were just finishing their breakfast.
"He's gone." Peter said quickly.
"What?" Lucy said, frowning.
"Edmund." Peter said. "He's not in our room."
Susan took a deep breath. "You go look for him, we'll tell Aslan." She said quickly. "He can't of gone far."
Peter nodded quickly and ran back out of the room. He checked every single corner of the castle until he came to the room where the wand was being kept.
"Your majesty." The centaur said, bowing slightly.
"You haven't seen king Edmund at all have you?" Peter panted.
The centaur sighed. "I have." He said. "He was down here just over an hour ago. He wanted the wand."
Peter frowned. "Why did he want the wand?" He asked.
"I don't know." The centaur replied. "But he ordered me to give it to him so I didn't really have a choice."
"So he has the wand?" Peter choked.
The centaur nodded.
Peter swallowed hard. No. He wouldn't. After a long while of silence he dashed away through the castle. He had a horrible feeling, and he was going to find out if he was right.
He ran all the way down to the stables and stopped dead when he didn't see philip.
Peter swallowed hard, swearing under his breath as he ran back up to the castle to find Aslan and his sisters.
By the fine he found them he was panting hard, but still managed to form a sentence. "Edmund gone - wand - gone - Philip gone." He gasped.
Susan's eyes went wide. "What?" She choked.
Peter held up his hand as he caught his breath before standing up straight. "Edmund's gone, he's taken the wand and Philip." He said.
"Gone where though?" Lucy asked.
Peter swallowed hard, tears in his eyes. "He's gone to the stone table."


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