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"It really hurts." Edmund mumbled after Peter had asked him how he felt at lunch.
Peter sighed, glancing worridley at Susan and Lucy, who were sat opposite the two boys at the table.
Edmund swallowed hard before curling in on himself, pushing his chair back from the table slightly.
Peter quickly stood and knelt beside his brother. "Let's get you upstairs." He said, and he wasn't going to take no for an answer. He gently lifted Edmund to his feet and led him out of the room, without saying a word to his sisters.
Edmund stumbled along beside him, taking deep breaths as he tried his hardest to ignore the pain, but now that was impossible. He let out a rather loud groan, unwrapping his arm from Peter's waist and falling to his knees on the floor.
"Ed?" Peter asked woriddly, kneeling in front of him and placing his hands on his shoulders. "Ed are you okay?"
Edmund shook his head, tears in his eyes. "I can't - I can't handle it anymore." He choked, the tears after a while making their way down his cheeks.
Peter swallowed hard. "Come on." He said. "You need to lay down." And with that he lifted Edmund off the floor and into his arms.
Edmund let out a choked gasp, followed by a small whimper as he buried his face against Peter's shoulder, squeezing his eyes shut tightly.
"Oh Eddy." Peter mumbled, placing a kiss to his little brothers forehead before he began walking to their room. Every step he took caused Edmund to let out a quiet groan and grip his stomach even tighter, the tears still rolling down his cheeks.
Reaching their room Peter quietly kicked open the doors and walked across the room, laying Edmund down in the bed and pulling the covers quickly over him.
Edmund immediately curled himself into a ball, glancing up at Peter with half open eyes. "Please." He whispered. "Make it stop."
Peter's heart shattered into a thousand tiny pieces as he stared at his brother's face, eyes full to the brim with tears. "We - We're still trying to figure out what's going on Ed." He said gently, but his voice was shaking.
The worry was clear in Edmund's eyes as he stared at Peter, wincing suddenly as he gripped his stomach even tighter.
"But I promise we won't stop looking until we do." Peter said quickly and firmly, his hand making it's way towards Edmund's shoulder and squeezing hard.
Just then the doors burst open, causing Edmund to jump out of his skin, before groaning in pain.
"Susan?" Peter asked as he stared at his sister, who was stood in the doorway with a look of relief on her face.
Susan almost laughed in relief before stepping into the room, and Peter had never been so relieved in his entire life when Aslan walked in behind her, followed closely by Lucy.
"Aslan." Peter breathed.
Edmund looked up and his eyes went wide. "Aslan." He choked, and despite the pain he found the strength to sit up, leaning against the headboard.
Aslan slowly walked over to the edge of the bed. "How are you Edmund?" He asked gently.
"In alot of pain." Edmund said, wincing as he spoke.
Aslan gave him a sad look before turning to the other three Pevensies. "May I have a word alone with your brother Please?" He asked.
Peter hesitated but eventually nodded, turning and leaving the room, his sisters following slowly behind.
Aslan stared at the door for a moment before turning back to Edmund, who had a look of absolute pain on his face. "Please - Please tell me there's a way to - to stop this." He choked in a whisper.
"There is." Aslan said, nodding his head slowly. "But you aren't going to like it."


"Oh Pete." Edmund choked after listening to how to stop what was going on.
"I warned you." Aslan said sadly.
Edmund swallowed hard. "He won't do it." He said, shaking his head.
"Well, you can only talk to him." Aslan said, before turning and heading out of the room.
Edmund shook his head. "He won't." He mumbled, looking down at his lap even as he wrapped his arms around his stomach.
A few minutes later Peter entered the room, walking slowly over to Edmund and sitting on the edge of the bed. "Ed?" He asked.
Edmund looked up at him, giving him a questioning look through the look of agony.
"Aslan said you have something to tell me?" Peter said, frowning a little.
Edmund took a deep breath, flinching slightly before opening his mouth. "He said that there's a way to stop this." He said quietly and slowly.
Peter's heart skipped a beat. "Really?" He said quickly, unable to hide the hope in his voice.
Edmund nodded. "But you're not gonna like it." He whispered.
Peter's face fell. "What do you mean?" He asked. "How do we stop this?"
Edmund hesitated, swallowing hard.
"Edmund." Peter said, his voice shaking.
Edmund took a deep breath. "My - My blood has to be spilt on the stone table." He choked.
Peter's mouth dropped open. "What?" He whispered in shock.
Edmund nodded a little, tears in his eyes as he looked down at his lap again, fiddling with the blankets, thinking he may as well try and distract himself from the agonising pain running through his stomach.
"Hang on." Peter whispered suddenly. "You don't mean-" He trailed off.
Edmund sighed before nodding. "I have to be stabbed on the stone table." He said, his voice cracking. "In the same place as the witch did at Beruna."
Peter slowly shook his head. "No." He choked.
Edmund hesitated. "That's not even the worst part." He mumbled.
"What is?" Peter asked slowly, wondering how it could get any worse.
Edmund swallowed hard. "Peter." He said, staring up at his older brother. "You have to stab me."


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