Pouring Out Feelings

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Leo gradually becomes more aggressive, hostile, violent, and angry. He began to devote himself in more intense training and started to treat Donnie, Raph, and Mikey like they were in a boot camp. Raph, Donnie and Mikey were panting and sweating heavily as Summer, Jade, Emery and Kylie stayed on the side line and couldn't help but feel sorry for their boyfriends.


Leo order.

"Come on Leo, not again"

Raph said on his knees.

"Just a ten minute break"

Donnie said leaning against his Bo staff.

"I can't feel my aching body, even my shell hurts"

Mikey complain laying flat on the mat. Emery quickly got to her boyfriend's side and sat his head up on her lap as she grabbed the rag, wiping off his sweat.

"Thanks babe"

Mikey said gratefully. Summer and Kylie looked to each and quickly got to their boyfriend's side as well. Jade sadly walked up to Leo and gently placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Sweetie maybe you should take it easy with your brothers, you guys been training since 5 in the morning"

Leo brushed her hand off his shoulder.

"Stand aside"

He said brushing her off. Jade slightly glare at him.

"Again, stand up. If this is the way you think you can protect this family, then we will all be dead!"

He shouted. Raph glared at Leo and gently kissed Summer's hand before she moved to stand beside Jade. Kylie and Emery quickly got to the other's side before they got yelled at. Every since they return from the farm, Leo had gotten more aggressive and colder towards Jade and quite frankly Jade wasn't exactly sure how much of this she can take.

"If you make one small mistake or one wrong move, then we are all dead! Is that what you want?!"

Leonardo shouted as they continue to go over their drills.


Raph said angrily as he got up to Leo's face.

"One more yelling that we are all dead, I'll make sure you go first"

Raph said. Summer and Donnie quickly block Raph's path trying to calm him down. Kylie quickly went to Donnie's side. Emery gently nudge Jade.

"Aren't you going to talk to your grouchy ninja boyfriend that he is starting to act a lot like Raph"

Jade kept her eyes on Leo the whole time and crossed both her arms over her chest.

"I think it's over"

She said to herself. Emery frown in confusion.


Before Emery can get an answer, Jade walked up towards Leonardo who had his shell towards her.

"If you think you're that much of a failure then maybe you're not good enough for me"

Jade said causing the others to gasp in surprise. They look to Leonardo but he made no acknowledgement to his girlfriend that was speaking to him. Summer walked up to Jade placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Jade you don't mean that"

Jade shrug Summer's hand off her shoulder and turn around so her back face towards Leo.

"Don't tell me what I mean or don't mean. If Leo thinks that lowly, then he failed since day one"

Leo closed his eyes as he shook his head and walked past Jade hitting her shoulder and stopped.

"Perhaps you caused me to fail. You caused me to get weak. Maybe what I needed is someone stronger to stand by my side"

Jade looked to Leo with a glare.

"I didn't make you go weak at all. If you're saying love is for the weak then you couldn't be more wrong, you love this family so that made you weak before you even met me"

Leo glared back at his girlfriend.

"Besides, I'm guessing the person you are talking about is someone like Karai, who stabbed you and saved your life from the Shredder. I'll be sure to give her a call on your speed dial and tell her you want to hook up"

Leo scoffs as he walked out of the dojo angrily. Jade sadly let out a sigh as Leonardo left the dojo. She looked to everyone sadly.

"I'm sorry guys"

"Don't be, for once you made Leo quiet"

Donnie said with a slight smile. Kylie was helping him stand as she lead him out of the dojo so he could relax.

"Who wants to watch a movie?"

Mikey asked trying to lighten the mood but quickly regretted as he felt pain shot through his legs.

"On second thought, I think I might need a massage. Baby help me!"

He yelled as Emery quickly got his side and help him towards the living room.

"Just give Leo some time, I'm sure he will snap back to his old self"

Summer said giving Jade a reassuring smile.

"At the end of the day, you told him what needed to be said, if he doesn't like it then he needs to tough it up"

Raph said wrapping his arms around Summer waist.

"I could really go for a hot shower"

He said as Summer help him out of the dojo. Jade was the only one left inside the dojo. She walked towards a lot up candle and blew it out before heading towards the living room. Mikey was happily groaning as Emery was giving him a foot rub and Donnie was happily moaning as Kylie gave him a massage on his shoulders and Jade could hear the water running, so who knows how long those two will be up there. Jade sat herself on the couch and she thought to herself.

'What if its really over between me and Leo? Why can't he see that I am trying to help him but all he does is just pushing me away. Why should I still be with him if he doesn't even love me, am I really wasting my time here, all I am doing is hurting myself, or should I continue to wait until he is back to his normal self? What should I do?'

Jade thought sadly.

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