What A Surprise

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I decided to make this chapter about when the turtles are in the future without the girls (TMNT fast forward season) it has nothing to do with any of the episodes but just read in for a surprise. Enjoy!

Cody and the turtles had just finished coming out of the movie theater.

"That movie wasn't half bad"

Mikey commented.

"It could have been worse"

Donnie said with a grin. As they were walking down the sidewalk. The group came to a stop as they saw a crowd of people in the street as it was blocked off. They were happily cheering for a man on stage.

"What's going on here?"

Leo asked. Cody went to a flier and was surprise as to who it was.

"It's my uncle"

Cody said as he tried to look up over the crowd.

"What?! Your uncle Darius Dun, is here?"

Mikey shouted. Cody laughs.

"No, actually its my other family that I was never allowed to see. Come on, I'll introduce you to him"

Cody and the turtles made their way to the side of the stage as the man was giving a speech. The turtles tilt their heads as the guy looked way too familiar to them.

"I hope I'm not the only one seeing this"

Donnie said.

"Your telling me, he looks just like...."


Mikey finished for Raph. The three looked to Leonardo's reaction but he was speechless. As the man walked off the stage, Cody waved his hand to him.

"Hey Leo, over here!"

He yelled. The man in the blue suit looked to Cody with a smile, but his smile drop as he saw the four turtles by his side.

"Hi uncle Leo"

"Cody, it's been too long"

He said as his voice sound very similar to Leo.

"Allow me to introduce to you to my friends"

The man raised his hand with a smile.

"No need, I know who they are but I just don't know how they got here"

"Wait, just how do you know us?"

Donatello asked. The man chuckled.

"Follow me for answers"

So then Cody and the turtles follow him back to his home which was huge and inside was more japanese tradition.

"Okay we are here now we want answers"

Raph said. The man nodded as he snap his finger, three other men enter the room and they looked just like Raph, Donnie and Mikey but in human forms.

"We are your great grand sons"

The man in blue answered.

"Is this some kind of joke?"

Leonardo asked with a glare to the man. The man walked towards a book shelf and remove a photo album and opened the book to reveal pictures of the mutant turtles with family and friends, laughing and pranking each other.

"No way"

Mikey said amazed


Donnie said stunned


Raph said quietly

"Don't tell me, you guys know about ninjitsu?"

The man in the blue suite nodded.

"I work on the katana"


The man in the red suite replied.

"Bo staff"

The man in the purple suit answered.


The man in the orange suit responded.

"Awesome. You wouldn't happen to want to go one on one""

Mikey said to the man in the orange suite who grinned at him.

"With pleasure"

Inside the home, there was a also a big dojo room for training. The guys all sat down on their knees on the side as Mikey and the man who was now dressed in a orange ninja outfit took the first round. They bowed to each other before taking out their weapons. Ad the fight continued the two Michaelangelo's were evenly matched. Next it was Donatello's turn, then Raphael's and finally Leonardo's.

"Not bad at all guys"

Leonardo said to their human look alike.

"Wait a second, you still haven't explain to us how you got here?"

The man in purple asked.

"Cody here, actually tried to create a time window to enable him to see us but accidentally brought us and Master Splinter to 2105"

Donnie explain.

"Why don't you guys ever hang out with your nephew Cody here?"

Raph asked.

"Our morals and loyalty is what stopped us"

The man in blue said.

"What? Why?"

"Darius Dun, threaten us to stay away from Cody as well as his home and building. We weren't exactly sure as to why and what was his reasoning but we didn't want to bring a burden to Cody and his house hold, so we agreed to stay away"

"But that's just not fair"

Mikey said sadly.

"But it's an oath that we took that day. It has truly been an honor meeting all of you, grandfather"

He said taking a bow to the turtle. Leonardo smiled slightly as he bow in return.

"No it's actually an honor for us, seeing how our generation was passed down"

"How rude of us?"

The human Michaelangelo said hitting himself on the head.

"Would you care for a drink or a bite to eat?"

"Not unless pizza is involved"

Mikey said excitedly. Raph glared at his younger brother and smack him on the back of his head.


He hissed.

"Of course, who doesn't love pizza?"

The man in orange said as he lead them to the large kitchen that already have a stack of pizza boxes set on the table waiting for it to be devour.

"This is nice"

Raphael commented.

"Let's dig in"

The man in blue said with a smile. The turtles and the guys happily took a seat and each got a box and began to eat. Cody decided to sit by his older uncle and continued to ask him questions.

"What else have you been up to lately?"

Cody asked.

"We recently opened up a new dojo studio which of course was the reason we had the grand opening when you guys all bump into me"

"Wow that's really neat"

Donatello said in surprise. The man in blue nodded.

"Each of us, own our own dojo but we all help each other out when the time is needed"

"This actually turn out to be the best day ever"

Mikey said with a smile taking a bite of his pizza.

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