Love At First Sight

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Donnie let out a sigh in frustration as he couldn't find what he was looking for. He smiled as he heard voices that he recognized as his homeless comrades and a unfamiliar voice. He decided to get a closer look in case they were in trouble.

"Thank you sweetheart"

"No problem sir, I'm just glad I can help since it's starting to get a bit colder tonight"

Said a female voice. Donnie peek over the trash and gasp as he saw a girl with purple hair and purple eyes helping out the homeless, handing out blankets. Donnie felt his heart skip a beat as she looked his way but he quickly ducked down. The girl saw the movement and asked.

"Who's there?"

She asked. Donnie kept quiet but she didn't budge.

"I know I saw you there just a second ago. You don't have to be afraid, I won't hurt you"

One of the homeless man, remember that Donnie was their with them. He quickly made his way to the girl.

"Oh don't worry, that's just our friend Donatello. He helps us as well"

The man said. The girl looked to the man in surprise and smiled.

"Well then, thank you Donatello, we need more guys like you"

'You are right about that'

He thought as remained hidden in the shadow.

"He is a very nice young fellow. Donatello come on out and meet Kylie, she is very smart perhaps just like you. Maybe she can help you find what you are looking for"

The homeless man said. Donnie was debating whether to show himself or not, but decided to take his chances of the girl screaming and running away. He slowly made his way into the light with his eyes close, he heard the girl gasp and feet's running. Donnie let out a sigh as he knew she ran off but was surprise as he felt a blanket wrapped around him. He opened his eyes in surprise and saw the girl was still there.

"Aren't you cold?"

She asked in concern. Donnie was about to comment but his eyes were stuck to her face as well as hers. The homeless man chuckled loudly causing Donnie and the girl to look away from each other with a blush.

"Love at first sight"

The man said with a smile, walking away.

"So um, w-what's your name?"

The girl asked shyly. Donnie smiled at her.

"Donatello, but I'm guessing you already knew that"

He said with a chuckle. The girl smiled as she face palm.

"Right. Oh my gosh sorry, I just had a dumb moment"

"It's alright and I heard your name is Kylie"

"Yeah it is"

She said as she looked to see she was still holding the blanket around Donnie and immediately blushed as she felt his muscles and slowly moved her hands away.

"Sorry about throwing the blanket on you, but aren't you cold?"

She asked. Donnie smiled as he pulled the blanket away.

"Not really but thank you for your kind thought. Clothes aren't really that comfortable on my skin"


Kylie said in surprise and grinned at him.

"Why were you trying to hide from me?"

"I mostly stay in the shadow because well not everyone likes seeing a tall green walking turtle"

"You thought I was going to run away screaming?"

"That's always the reaction that I get since they all see me as a monster but you surprised me"

Kylie smiled at Donnie.

"I don't see a monster here"

She said causing Donnie to smile.

"You really think so?"

"I know so, besides you honestly look kind of cute for a turtle. What's with the mask?"

She asked. Donnie blushed at her compliment and gently remove his mask.

"See, it's a ninja mask"

"You're a ninja?"

She asked in amazement.

"Definitely, even my brothers"

"There's more?"

"Yeah, we were trained by our Father who is by the way a giant rat"

"Hahaha well aren't you a big surprise"

Donnie chuckled as he scratched the back of his head.

"So what were you doing back there?"

"Oh, I was just scavenging for old electronic part for I can fix up and use"

"Why don't you just get new ones? Oh right, duh. Sorry"

"It's alright"

He said with a chuckle. Kylie thought for a moment until a idea pop into her head.

"Hey, I got it. I have some old equipments that I used to tinker with, if you want you can have them"


"Yeah, don't you want to come with me?"

"If it's not a problem with you or..."

He said trailing off. Kylie smiled at his meaning.

"I live alone, so you won't be seen"

Donnie agreed. Together they said their goodbyes to the homeless folks and headed to Kylie's car. As Kylie was walking a group of guys were standing by her car. Kylie scoffs as she tried to walk past them.

"Where are you off to?"

One of the man asked with a purple dragon on his face. Kylie ignored him as she tried to take her keys out of her purse but one guy snatched her purse and the other pushed her back until she was laying back on the hood of the car. Kylie was about to scream until she heard walking, kicking and punching. She opened her eyes and saw Donnie fighting with the group of purple dragons. Kylie couldn't help but blush at the thought someone rescuing her. After the purple dragons were knocked down Donnie smiled at her in concern and grabbed her hand with his and gave it a kiss.

"Are you okay?"

Kylie blushed at the gesture and nodded.

"I'm fine. Thank you"

Kylie was able to calm her beating heart. Together they continued on their way to Kylie's apartment and continued to talk.

"You really are a great company"

Donnie said with a smile.

"I really enjoyed your company, your not like any other guy that I met before"

"You really mean that?"

"Of course I do and don't ever consider yourself a monster, there are worse people out there that are monsters and your not one of them"

She said with a smile.

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